S. Müller 2007 09 u. 2008 10: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(School System)
(67 dazwischenliegende Versionen von einem Benutzer werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
== Klausur ==
June 18, 2009
Write a composition on one of the topics which you will find in the PowerPoint Presentation
Shakespeare ''A Midsummernight's Dream''
== Theater ==
== Theater ==
Shakespeare's ''Romeo and Juliet''
Montag, 13.07.2009 im Hofgarten der Residenz Würzburg
Eintritt: ca. 11€ (Schüler)
== Abitur ==
== Abitur ==
K 13
K 13
Hier ist ein Link zu einer Abituraufgabe.  
Hier ist ein Link zu einer Abituraufgabe.  
Bitte macht die Aufgabe zu "Tortilla Curtain" (literarische Aufgabe)
Schöne Ferien!
[http://www.schulportal.de/index.php?cmd=detail&mat=6335&naoh=0.32426674412911577#b Abituraufgabe]
[http://www.schulportal.de/index.php?cmd=detail&mat=6335&naoh=0.32426674412911577#b Abituraufgabe]
Zeile 27: Zeile 15:
== NEWS Presentations ==
K 12
Homework March 17, 2010
09.03.09 Nold Eugen
[http://politicalcartoons.com/cartoon/23a37cfa-573d-4c77-a8e5-d1dd9ef13364.html Cartoon: Gay Marriage]
16.03.09 Böttcher Martin
23.03.09 Seufert, Julius
== NEWS Presentations ==
30.03.09 Rebozo Aileen
20.04.09 Engelhardt Sebastian
27.04.09 Brunnquell Konstantin
04.05.09 Fritscher Markus
11.05.09 Köberlein Marius
18.05.09 Hömer Andreas
25.05.09 Nehr Johanna
15.06.09 Lutsch  Johannes
22.06.09 Schwarz Franziska
29.06.09 Hansen Janis
06.07.09 Zösch Felix
13.07.09 Berninger, Jonas
K 13
K 13
09.03.09 Hein Jonas
== Facharbeit ==
16.03.09 Ankenbrand Eva
23.03.09 Treutlein Andreas
30.03.09 Mahr Anna- Lena
20.04.09 Keller, Bianca
27.04.09 Hümpfner Steffi
04.05.09 Kaufmann, Sebastian
== Presentations==
April 30, 2009: The Elizabethan Era (Felix Zösch)
May 4, 2009: Religion in the UK (Johannes Lutsch)
May 7, 2009: William Shakespeare (Johanna Nehr)
K 13 (April 24, 2009)
1. Gather information on your topic.
2. Present your topic using a picture, painting, graph, table, poem, song, movie sequence, text
passage(ppt, worksheet or send attached to e-mail).
3. Be able to talk about the topic for at least 3 minutes.
4. Be ready to answer questions on the topic that go beyond the actual aspect.
=== Übungsmaterial ===
== Facharbeit ==
Übungstext [[Media:Übungstext.doc]]
Übungstext [[Media:facharbeit.doc]]
Tipps zum Formatieren der Facharbeit [[Media:Formatieren.doc]]
Tipps zum Formatieren der Facharbeit [[Media:Formatieren.doc]]
Zeile 98: Zeile 47:
=== Themen für Leistungskurs 12 E 2 (2008-2010) ===
=== Themen für Leistungskurs 12 E 2 (2008-2010) ===
Consequences of 9/11 on the United States’ internal and foreign policy
The role of women in 19th century England as shown in one of Jane Austen’s novels (Rebozo)
The role of women in 19th century England as shown in one of Jane Austen’s novels (Rebozo)
The life and problems of teenagers in Joyce Carol Oates’ Young Adult Literature (focus on ONE novel)
Scotland and its struggle for independence- From William Wallace to the Devolution in 1997 (Berninger)
Scotland and its struggle for independence- From William Wallace to the Devolution in 1997 (Berninger)
Football’s coming home- but hooligans spoil the fun.
Global Warming- Approaches to solve the problems and boost the economy (Böttcher)
Global Warming- Approaches to solve the problems and boost the economy (Böttcher)
Canada, the Land of the Free- The Underground Railroad
Religion in Stargate and Star Trek (Engelhardt)
Religion in Stargate and Star Trek (Engelhardt)
Oscar Wilde- Social criticism in his Works
The American in Dream in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman
''South Park''and its criticism of the United States (K. Brunnquell)
''South Park''and its criticism of the United States (K. Brunnquell)
Zeile 123: Zeile 61:
NHL- a big business (Nold)
NHL- a big business (Nold)
== School System ==
[http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1205329,00.html TIME article about Eton College]
[http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.connectboston.com/Services%2520for%2520International%2520Students/Images%2520services/american-system.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.connectboston.com/Services%2520for%2520International%2520Students/American%2520Educational%2520System.htm&usg=__P92r_00hlSAmI9mbPSdod9yT9zw=&h=717&w=400&sz=13&hl=de&start=4&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=XlnLGQ-K-ZZiXM:&tbnh=140&tbnw=78&prev=/images%3Fq%3Denglish%2Bschool%2Bsystem%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dde%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1B3GGLL_deDE368DE368%26tbs%3Disch:1 USA school system]
[http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://nti.btk.pte.hu/dogitamas/BHF_FILES/html/49Pinter/UK/CULTURE/images/School%2520System%2520in%2520the%2520UK.jpg&imgrefurl=http://nti.btk.pte.hu/dogitamas/BHF_FILES/html/49Pinter/UK/CULTURE/images/&usg=__n1DhJ3-0Hl-yKJx2zY4_oyY1ZJo=&h=321&w=770&sz=88&hl=de&start=5&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=c18-hQKVEjtcdM:&tbnh=59&tbnw=142&prev=/images%3Fq%3DUK%2Bschool%2Bsystem%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dde%26sa%3DG%26rlz%3D1B3GGLL_deDE368DE368%26tbs%3Disch:1 UK school system]
== British Political System ==
== British Political System ==
Zeile 162: Zeile 108:
[http://www.lonang.com/exlibris/locke/loc-202.htm Chapter II ''Of the State of Nature'']
[http://www.lonang.com/exlibris/locke/loc-202.htm Chapter II ''Of the State of Nature'']
== American Dream ==
Questions on the text: "The American Century"
1. Outline the United States‘ role in the 20th century as presented by the author.
2. “We have lost some of our prestige“ (l. 41). Explain this statement from your VAST historical background knowledge.
3. Describe the author’s attitude towards the United States as an emerging influential political and military power. Use examples from the text to make your point.
== Landeskunde USA==
== Landeskunde USA==
Zeile 182: Zeile 139:
== Culture==
== Culture==
==== Health ====
Use these websites to create a presentation with a handout on the following topics. Interaction is, of course, essential.
* Anorexia Nervosa (causes, signs, definition)
* Bulimia (causes, signs, definition)
* Bullying (defintion, types of bullying, how to cope with bullying)
* Substance Abuse/ Alcoholism (reasons, consequences)
'''Eating Disorders'''
'''Eating Disorders'''
Zeile 189: Zeile 159:
University of Maryland: Causes of Eating Disorders [http://www.umm.edu/patiented/articles/what_causes_eating_disorders_000049_3.htm ]
University of Maryland: Causes of Eating Disorders [http://www.umm.edu/patiented/articles/what_causes_eating_disorders_000049_3.htm ]
Website on bullying [www.bullyonline.org/workbully/mobbing.htm]
Kids Health [http://kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/]
'''Substance abuse'''
Kids Health [http://kidshealth.org/teen/drug_alcohol/alcohol/alcohol.html]
''Freedom Writers Diary''
Work on diary 26 (obesity) and diary 23 (dyslexia)
Prepare a 30 minute lesson that is based on the diary entry (introduction to the topic, reading, TWO questions on content, "Hefteintrag")
== Immigration ==
Mind Maps [[Media:Mindmaps.doc]]
Vocabulary List [[Media:Vocab.doc]]
== Cultural Identity==
== Cultural Identity==
Zeile 258: Zeile 242:
== Shakespeare ==
== Shakespeare ==
=== Tudors ===
[http://www.britannia.com/history/monarchs/mon41.html Henry VIII]
[http://www.britannia.com/history/monarchs/mon41.html Henry VIII]
Mary, Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I [[Media:AB.doc]]
Mary, Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I [[Media:AB.doc]]
=== ''Midsummer Night's Dream'' ===
Information and Analysis ''The Midsummer Night's Dream''[http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/msnd Spark Notes]
=== Funny Shakespeare ===
Blackadder meets Shakespeare [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPwGHqDLUnc YouTube video]
=== Sonnets ===
Worksheet with sonnets #18, #130 and #147: general information on sonnets
=== Übungsmaterial für die Klausur ===
Klausur (Schuljahr 2007/08) [[Media:Klausur.doc]]
Übersetzung zu ''Macbeth'' [[Media:Macbeth.doc]]
=== Vorbereitung für Klausur (06.07.2009) ===
Stoff für die Unterrichtsstunde am Montag zur Vorbereitung der Klausur am 07.07.09
Zusammenfassung der Stunde: Arbeitsblatt [[Media:Monday.doc]]
BITTE vergesst Euer DICTIONARY nicht!
== Exercises==
== Exercises==
Zeile 298: Zeile 315:
the translation from English into German and fill in the gaps.
the translation from English into German and fill in the gaps.
Translation of text (March 27, 2009)
Translation June 29, 2009  
Die britische Öffentlichkeit macht sich sehr große Sorgen bezüglich der Trinkgewohnheiten/ des Alkoholkonsums von jungen Leuten/ Jugendlichen.  
Wenn Jugendliche ausgehen, verfallen viele dem „Komasaufen“.
Sie betrinken sich und geraten in Schwierigkeiten, weil sie zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem sie am angreifbarsten sind, entweder selbst Opfer von Gewalt werden oder Gewalttaten begehen, da sie ihr Verhalten nicht mehr unter Kontrolle haben.
Translation January 7, 2010
Komasaufen wird in letzter Zeit des häufigen für das Aufkommen von unangebrachtem Verhalten, Gewalttaten im Zusammenhang mit Stichwaffen und anderen Formen von gewalttätigen Angriffen verantwortlich gemacht.
Das britische Innenministerium  hat zusammen mit dem Gesundheitsministerium eine Kampagne gestartet, die „Alkohol- kenn deine Grenze“ lautet.
Translation January 14, 2010
Zeile 314: Zeile 335:
== Questions on the Text==
== Questions on the Text==

Aktuelle Version vom 17. März 2010, 21:47 Uhr



Write a composition on one of the topics which you will find in the PowerPoint Presentation




K 13 Hier ist ein Link zu einer Abituraufgabe.




Homework March 17, 2010

Cartoon: Gay Marriage

NEWS Presentations

K 13



Übungstext Media:Übungstext.doc

Tipps zum Formatieren der Facharbeit Media:Formatieren.doc


Strg+ C (=Kopieren)

Strg+ X (=Ausschneiden)

Strg+ V (= Einfügen)

Strg+ Alt+ F (=Fußnote setzen)

Strg + N (=Im Internet zweite Seite öffnen)

Themen für Leistungskurs 12 E 2 (2008-2010)

The role of women in 19th century England as shown in one of Jane Austen’s novels (Rebozo)

Scotland and its struggle for independence- From William Wallace to the Devolution in 1997 (Berninger)

Global Warming- Approaches to solve the problems and boost the economy (Böttcher)

Religion in Stargate and Star Trek (Engelhardt)

South Parkand its criticism of the United States (K. Brunnquell)

Obama and Lincoln (Nehr)

NHL- a big business (Nold)

School System

TIME article about Eton College

USA school system

UK school system

British Political System

Useful website:

BBC website on British Constitution

Short Guide to the British Political System

Detailed Information on Political System

Devolution/ Scotland

British Empire

Joseph Conrad "An Outpost of Progress" E-text

Geroge Orwell "Shooting an Elephant" E-text

American Political System

The US System of Government- easy to understand

Library of Congress: Important documents of US history

Presidential Election 2008

You will find information to complete your worksheet in CNN's Election Center:

- Eight steps to the White House

- Jargonbuster

CNN Election Center 2008

John Locke Two Treatises of Government

Chapter II Of the State of Nature

American Dream

Questions on the text: "The American Century"

1. Outline the United States‘ role in the 20th century as presented by the author.

2. “We have lost some of our prestige“ (l. 41). Explain this statement from your VAST historical background knowledge.

3. Describe the author’s attitude towards the United States as an emerging influential political and military power. Use examples from the text to make your point.

Landeskunde USA

USA Quiz


Bayeux Tapestry


Norman Conquest

Norman Conquest Website

More Norman Conquest



Use these websites to create a presentation with a handout on the following topics. Interaction is, of course, essential.

  • Anorexia Nervosa (causes, signs, definition)
  • Bulimia (causes, signs, definition)
  • Bullying (defintion, types of bullying, how to cope with bullying)
  • Substance Abuse/ Alcoholism (reasons, consequences)

Eating Disorders

NEDA National Eating Disorder Association NEDA Website

University of Maryland: Causes of Eating Disorders [1]


Website on bullying [www.bullyonline.org/workbully/mobbing.htm]

Kids Health [2]

Substance abuse

Kids Health [3]

Freedom Writers Diary

Work on diary 26 (obesity) and diary 23 (dyslexia)

Prepare a 30 minute lesson that is based on the diary entry (introduction to the topic, reading, TWO questions on content, "Hefteintrag")



Mind Maps Media:Mindmaps.doc

Vocabulary List Media:Vocab.doc

Cultural Identity


Definition of "Manifest Destiny"

Religion in the USA




Arthur Miller The Crucible

Salem Witch Trials




Experience the witch trials

Information on the witch trials in Salem

Read this text about the elements of a tragedy in Arthur Miller's "The Crucible".

You can also find the definition for the "tragic hero" on this worksheet.




The McCarthy Era

Describe the situation in the United States before World War II

Describe the way Russia tried to expand its influence. Name places/ countries where the Soviet Union succeeded.

Describe the hysteria that erupted in the USA as a consequence of the Anti- Communist propaganda.

Present information on Communist spies in the USA.

Describe the McCarthy hearings by focusing on the methods that were used.

The Importance of Being Earnest





Henry VIII

Mary, Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I Media:AB.doc

Midsummer Night's Dream

Information and Analysis The Midsummer Night's DreamSpark Notes


Funny Shakespeare

Blackadder meets Shakespeare YouTube video


Worksheet with sonnets #18, #130 and #147: general information on sonnets


Übungsmaterial für die Klausur

Klausur (Schuljahr 2007/08) Media:Klausur.doc

Übersetzung zu Macbeth Media:Macbeth.doc

Vorbereitung für Klausur (06.07.2009)

Stoff für die Unterrichtsstunde am Montag zur Vorbereitung der Klausur am 07.07.09

Zusammenfassung der Stunde: Arbeitsblatt Media:Monday.doc

BITTE vergesst Euer DICTIONARY nicht!


April 20, 2009


Grammar 2

Grammar 3

If- Clauses

Food Quiz

Synonyms and Opposites

False Friends

Big Challenge Quiz

Here are some websites that might help you to improve your language skills (vocabulary, idioms, grammar) ENJOY!

Crossword puzzles/ Vocabulary

Grammar and Writing

Website with information on grammar, vocabulary, writing and Landeskunde


Print the WORKSHEET on which you will find most of the common problems that are associated with

the translation from English into German and fill in the gaps.


Translation June 29, 2009


Translation January 7, 2010


Translation January 14, 2010



Here is a worksheet that focuses on how to write an essay/ comment (structure, writing plan, sentence cohesion, main grammatical and

vocabulary problems)



Questions on the Text
