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3. Schulaufgabe Englisch am 31.05.2011

Listening Comprehension, Grammar, Mediation




Schulaufgabenvorbereitung E3

Crossword Puzzle

Klicke auf die Zahlen im Rätsel, um die Hinweise zu bekommen.

Butch Name of the private investigator Nelson asked for help
ransom Money you pay to free a kidnapped person
convince Butch couldn't .....Nelson with his best arguments
model Gloria's job
trick Gloria and her "former" boyfriend played a ... on Nelson
forged "Faked" money
suspicious Butch was....., so he got the "faked" money
airport Gloria and her friend were arrested there.

Adverbs of Comment

Adverb quiz


If- clauses

Test If- clauses

Passive and mixed tenses

Irregular verbs

Mixed Tenses

Formal letter writing

To research the information for your presentations you might find these websites useful

People Magazine

Entertainment Online

HELLO Magazine

Movie Data Base (presents short biography and filmography)

Many of the artist you are going to present have their own website, so just google their name and look for "Official Homepage"

Schulaufgaben- Vorbereitung E 2

Gerund or Infinitive? 1

Gerund or Infinitve? 2

Gerund or Infinitive 3

Gerund German- English

Gerund and Prepositions

Gerund/ Infinitive Test

Definite Article

Indefinite Article


Personal Passive- Indirect object of active sentence becomes subject of passive sentence


Passive- difficult!


If- Clauses

Passive with more than one object

Passive- Different tenses


Tenses 2

Irregular verbs

Irregular Verbs- Crossword Puzzle


  • Les actualités: musique, ciné,livres, mode ... [1] monde, France, culture ...[2] journaux: Le Monde [3] Le nouvel obs [4]Le Figaro [5] Le Parisien [6]TV5 Monde[7]

  • Hörverstehen ist ganz einfach, hör dir das an und beantworte die Fragen [8]
  • Hier könnt ihr alle Verben in allen Zeiten üben: Français interactif [9]
  • Einsetzübung kombiniert mit MP3 für subjonctif: [10]
  • Pratiquez un peu le subjonctif: [11][12] expressions avec le subjonctif[13][14][15]
  • Die Zahlen sind einfach! Hier könnt ihr die Aussprache üben

a) 1 - 10 [16] b) 11- 20 [17] c) 21-30 [18] d) 31-40 [19] e) 41-50 [20] f) 1-100[21] g) 15 - 90 [22] h) 20 -99 lustig! [23]

  • Écoutez et retrouvez la réponse correcte:
Le cœur a ses raisons[24]Nouvelle catastrophe en Haiti[25]
  • Des magazines pour vous: GEO Ado [26] Ècoute [27] OKAPI [28]
NOUVEAU Idoles Mag: La musique et les artistes que vous aimez[29]
