Thelenberg 2018 19

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WRITE a short layout of a screenplay! ==> COLLECT

  • hero/heroine, antagonist/villain, lovers ...?
  • antagonist: rival, the enemies (war)
conflict/contrast between? (races, rich - poor, ...)
  • tragic ending?
die .... where/ together / how ...?
  • special elements that attract the audiences?
action, dream sequences, sex and crime, cool music, : model/beauty/fashion ...?


  • Cartoon
  • We will regret the day we started making robots that actually live with us and allow us to interact with them like we do with humans!
Comment on this statement!
  • You interview the speaker of a group of parents demonstrating for child education without PCs and smartphones and a focus on the dangers of the massive use of and focus on technology in our lives!

Link zum zumpad: ClickMe!.

Please finish your answers to these questions:

  • Can/ should robots love/have a meaningful relationship with people?
  • Can/ should people love/ have a relationship with robots?
  • What are the effects/new developments descibed here? What are the problems?

Write your ideas about the future use of robots into this etherpad:


Describe and analyse this Cartoon on Science and Humanities
Remember to write an introductory/a topic sentence!

Describe and analyse this Cartoon on Americanization
Remember to write an introductory/a topic sentence! (Alternative link to the cartoon: here

Describe and analyse this Cartoon on Free trade and Globalization.
Remember to write an introductory/a topic sentence!


Write out pros/cons concerning globalisation from 2 of the pages linked under "Globalisation" further down own this page.

Basic Skills & Information

The Hobbit


Each talk on a chapter includes:

  • A short summary of the chapter, and its relation to the chapter before
  • A short explanation/interpretation of the headline (relation to the chapter, effect on the reader in terms of creating expectation)
  • Presentation of one passage (about 20 lines) from the chapter, which is most exciting/characteristic/funny / brings most change for reader ==> Explain why you chose exactly this passage!

Reading Diary / Scrapbook

The basic idea is that of a "reading-diary". That means

  • keeping a simple log-/scrapbook while reading the novel
  • stopping from time (at least after each chapter) to time to think about what you have read!
  • thinking about questions like: "Is there anything that puzzles you?" and noting down questions or striking quotations!
  • asking yourself if you like or dislike a character + what makes you feel so?
  • making notes that you can add to (e.g. one page per character for characterization)!

The scrap book that you have to hand in is part of the coursework (marked!)

These are the minimum reqirements, that is the questions you need to have readable and reasonable NOTES on:

Chapters 1 and 2:

  • Characterize Bilbo and one other character (round or flat, relation to each other?)!
  • What kind of story and hero do you expect at the end of chapter one?
  • Compare your impressions of Bilbo and the dwarves at the end of chapter II with those at the end of chapter I.

Chapter 3

  1. Collect/write out - passages/quotes that create (page)tension /excitement/premonitions (NOTES!!)

Look at the language, narrator's comments/ descriptions or interesting quotes of characters!

  1. What image of the elves is created? How is this done? (NOTES)
    What role can the elves be expected to play? (NOTES)
  2. What must the travellers expect on their way ……? (NOTES)

Chapters 4 + 5:

  • p. 65-70: What rhetorical devices (e.g. symbols, style) and narrative tricks are used to create the special mood, tension and expectations? (NOTES)
  • Collect all important information about goblins/orks in a "what travellers ought to know about goblins" profile! (NOTES)
  • What are the similarities and differences between Bilbo and Gollum? Look at their appearance, behaviour, relation to other charcters ... (NOTES, ideally a simple table ….)
  • How has Bilbo developed in ch. 4+5

Chapter 7 for Wednesday 26th March 2018

  • characterize Beorn … (NOTES)
  • how does the mood / atmosphere develop from page 158 – 162 … How is this effect achieved? (NOTES)

Chapter 8 (READ 8 + 9 + 10 for Monday October 1st)

  • Show and explain, how this chapter reveals Bilbo's heroic qualities (NOTES+pages)
  • Compare the different dwarves' (Bombur - Thorin - Kili&Fili) and Bilbo's roles/function in the story in chapter 8! Are the different dwarves flat or round characters? (NOTES)

Chapters 8, 9, 10

  • Compare the endings of chapters 8, 9 and 10 (NOTES - perhaps a table)!
    Look at the mood/atmosphere (language, key words), and the expectations for the next chapter that are created? How effective are the three chapter endings?

Read Chapters 11, 12, 13 for Monday, 8th October!

  • Write a full text characterization of Smaug from ch. 11 and 12!
  • Look at pp. 271-272: What makes the text sound old-fashioned?

Read chapter 14 for Wednesday, 10th October!

  • Characterize Bard and and check his heroic qualities (cf. handout) NOTES!!

Read chapter 15 + 16 for Monday, 15th October and chapter 17 for Wednesday, 17th October!

  • Apply the concepts of the epic hero and anti-hero to Bilbo and Thorin.
Which of the two models/characters is presentetd as more successful and how is that shown? (Notes ... use a table with two columns)

Read chapter 18 + 19 for Monday, 22nd October!

  • Sum up what Bilbo has lost and gained in the end!
  • What do you think of Bilbo's development throughout the book and what does it tell the (young) reader?


Listening: Free trade

Listen to this mp3-file on free trade twice.
Answer the following questions:
1. How does Andrew walker define free trade? (two aspects)
2. The WTO is not about free trade but .................... (Complete!)
3. What can two countries in a trade dispute expect from the WTO?
4. Fill in the blanks!

So members can complain if other members break WTO rules. And those rules have been ................... over a series of WTO conferences, like the one in Cancun in September. But the Cancun talks ........................ because of disagreements over what are known as the Singapore ................- Andrew Walker explains why.

5. Name at least 4 problems that are part of the Singapore issues!
6. Fill in the blanks!

Male speaker: It actually costs only half as much to produce ................ here as in, say, America. But these African farmers simply can't match the ................ .......... Western prices and still turn a profit. So along with three neighbours, Mali ..... ................. to the World Trade Organisation.
Female speaker: BBC reporter Nick Ravenscroft reporting from Mali, which has brought a complaint before the WTO about US subsidies for cotton farmers. Economics and Business .............. Andrew Walker explains why subsidies and ..................... matter.

7. What is one of the negative consequences of EU subsidies according to the text?
8. Right or wrong? - The EU surplus policy is welcomed by many countries.
9. Right or wrong? - Nigerian farmers are badly affected by EU surplus sales.
10. Right or wrong? - There are complaints about the US as well as from the US.
11. What products are affected by the EU ban on US agricultural products and what reason does the EU give?
12. Why did the WTO order the EU to remove the ban?
13. Fill in the blanks!

And if the WTO decides that a trade ................. is against WTO rules - what happens next? Well the WTO allows members to ............... - to put up their own trade barriers. In the case we’ve just heard between the US and the EU - the US has retaliated with a series of import ................. on goods from Europe.

14. What goods did the US put very high tariffs on? (name two)

Links: General Pros and Cons

  1. Pro-Con:
  2. Pro-Con:
  3. Pro-Con:
  4. - Negative aspects
  5. In defense of globalization


Links: Globalisation and the Internet


Links: Globalization and culture


History / 3 Phases of Globalization

Globalzation 1.0 (first phase/era) - 1492 (Columbus) until around 1800

  • world got connected, shrank from size L to M
  • trade between Old World and New World
  • countries' power defined by use of horse power/wind power/steam power/ (horses, ships, engines)
  • aim: to fit into global competition
  • motivation often religion / imperialism

Globalization 2.0 (second era) - 1800 to 2000

  • interrupted by the Great Depression, World War I and II
  • world got more connected, shrank from size M to S
  • industrial revolution and multinational companies (e.g. East India Company) as most dynamic forces
  • global integration ⇐ breakthroughs in hardware development
1. falling transportation costs (steam engine, railroad, cars, airplanes)
2. falling telecommunication costs (telegraph, telephone, PC, satellites ...)
  • development of really global economy ⇒ massive movement of goods and information

Globalization 3.0 (third era) - from 2000 to …

  • world got even more connected, shrank from S to XXS and countries got even closer
  • newfound power for individuals to communicate, collaborate, compete globally
  • key developments:
- fiber-optic cable + Internet + work flow software + mobile computing
- final end of simple East/West division
⇒ very small, flattened world/playing field (many forces on same level, even individuals are very powerful)
- China has become more powerful
- now much more diverse, non-white, non-European influences ⇒ West no longer dominant in globalization

Source: Friedman, Thomas. The The World is Flat. <>, p. 8f, 13.11.2018

Robots, Science and Technology


Pro Con
  • can replace humans in many dangerous, boring, dirty situations/jobs
  • more effective than humans, have no human needs/weaknesses
  • higher endurance
  • developments in robotics can be used in medicine (artificial limbs or organs)

  • Replace humans in all situations, effect could be e.g. unemployment
  • Humans may get too lazy
  • Humans are/feel no longer needed
  • Robot could have a malfunction or be hacked
  • Robots could threaten, control or eliminate humans
  • unclear status of robot: Man or machine?

Numbers and uses of robots are increasing in the military sector and in households

Advantages of using robots:

Military robots:

  • advantage in war
  • unlimited supply of robots
  • fewer in human lives lost
  • more effective use of weapons than human soldiers
  • arms race in robotics has begun → US a must keep advantage in this field
  • Machines: no negative or strong emotions
  • better at quick, rational decision-making
  • more rational/calm and ethical decisions (no anger, revenge) is

Household robots

  • save time/work/do boring and dirty jobs ⇒ useful helpers
  • can be used to control home/house remotely

Problems/dangers of using robots:

Military robots

  • Sufficient ability to identify proper targets/combatants?
  • right to decide about acceptable human collateral damage?
  • inability to show mercy/give pardon
  • who is responsible if robot kills wrongly
  • technical ability to kill and destroy is more easily developed than more role/ethical control-mechanisms
  • dangerous, 100% obedient tool in the hands of dictators etc.

Household robots if hacked, they could be illegally used to

  • control our homes
  • spy on us
  • attack us

Science vs. Humanities

Sccience vs humanities.jpg

Science vs. Humanities - Text-Summary

Summary for Text "Science vs. Humanities"

  • only scientists make real contributions to humanity!
  • division into sciences and humanities makes solving world's problems difficult
  • many educated people have no understanding of basic concepts and the projects in modern physics
  • contrasting positions:
humanities give us understanding of history → learn from history → culture VS.
poetry doesn't save lives etc. like e.g. medicine
→ true that humanities can't solve e.g. medical or technical problems, but they provide what science can't do: answers to moral/ethical questions (not necessarily in shape of organized religion!)
  • philiosophy in the original sense included looking for answers to all questions (incl. natural. philosophy)
  • science and humanities give different answers to different questions, but both help us master our lives

Can "green" technology save us?

Yes, it can:

  • better technologies produce less pollution/use fewer resources, are accepted as they reduce costs

But it doesn't

  • as technilogies reduce costs, the saved money will be spent
=> higher consumption, more travelling/transport => more CO2 emissions, more fuel used, more roads, more air-traffic …
  • growth = higher production/more traffic etc ==> leads to higher pollution/use of resources, although production processes are less harmful and more effective.
  • green technologies are there, but people get tired of topic of environmental protection, climate change ...
  • people believe effects of climate change can be countered with more technology (e.g. air filters, air conditioning, , flood barriers, pumps, ...) rather than avoid or reduce higher consumption and warming
  • Problem: Growth!
massive increase in world population leads to higher demand =higher production and consumption

Can Internet and computer technology save us?


  • web-servers/data centers need a lot of energy + generate a lot of warmth that is bad for the climate change
  • numbers of servers and data grow expontetially
  • energy efficiency will slow the emissions, but it´s still expanding too much (more data, users ...)
  • data without use are spread/multiply => waste of energy
  • useless/growing amounts of data are never deleted ==> more and more servers needed


  • improvements in energy efficiency
  • economic growth (in quality, not only quantity/consumption
  • easier exchange of information

Can IT and computers save us?


  • data transfer replaces physical transport
  • less travelling => teleworking and -conferences
  • more easily accessable knowledge
  • more/easier communication
  • motre collaboration and exchange of data/results in science


  • growing energy consumption (running servers, switches, cooling systems)
  • waste of storage capacities
  • isuse of the Internet (cat videos, pornography, story huge amount of useless/forgotten data)
  • data safety
  • usage hard to learn for older/uneducated people
  • usage difficult/impossible in regions without basic technical supplies or stable supply of electricity or internet connections

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeare's Theatre and Plays

  • Watch these two films about Elisabethan plays and playhouses!
  • Take notes that will help you to answer all the Wh-questions one can answer about plays, theatres, actors and theatre productions!


  • Where? (<= why?)
  • When? (built, idea of playhouse? plays performed?)
  • What? (shape? size?) - (plays? themes?)
  • Who? (players/audience/producers?)
  • Why so attractive?
  • How? ( performance? advertising? stage? costumes? effects? music?)
  • How much ( money? length of play? payment?)
  • What happended (during the play?)
  • What effects on way of playing/performance?

For a better understanding of the layout/structure of the playhouse ...:


The Prologue

Version from a 1996 movie:

Prologue to the most lamentable story of Romeo and Juliet

Two households both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life;
Whose misadventur’d piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark’d love
And the continuance of their parents’ rage,
Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage;
The which, if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

  1. What is the function of this prologue at the beginning of the play? What should it do - considering the opportunities and devices a play at Shekespeare's time is limited to!
  2. What can you say about the language and structure of these lines? (Look at rhyme, rythm, metre and choice of words!)
  3. Learn lines 1 - 8 by heart + practice reciting them .....!