Thelenberg 2011 12

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Reading over the holidays - BRAVE NEW WORLD

Answer the questions in correct language and in a written form (except where only “notes” are asked) Keep a simple log-/scrapbook (WIKI?) while reading the novel ! Stop from time (at least after each chapter) to time to think about what you have read! Take simple but readable notes (in the WIKI?)

  • Is there anything that puzzles you? Note down your questions or striking quotations!
  • Do you find yourself liking or disliking a character? What is it about them that makes you feel so? * Make notes (incl. page, perhaps short quotations?) that you can add to (e.g. use one page per character)!

The scrap book is part of the coursework (==>marked!)

Read chapter I, II and III of the novel over the summer holidays! While you are doing so,

  • Characterize two characters – one male, one female (round or flat, relation to each other?) Notes!
  • Collect information on what life was like "before Ford" – that is before this "Brave New World" ==>Notes!
  • What are the principles/is the aim of new society/world?

Oral Exam 11/2

The topic "Religion in the USA" has been withdrawn! There remain 4 topics (see below)!


Tuesday, July 3 2012

Alle betroffenen Schüler schreiben den Geschichtstest mit, da sie jetzt am Freitag die Englisch-Prüfung haben!

Time Students
09.50 - 10.10 Hornung + Scholl
11.25 - 11.45 Albert + Kuhn
12.00 - 12.20 Wagenhäuser P. + Weinzierl
12.35 - 12.55 Baumer + Hückmann
13.10 - 13.30 Herold + Zdiebolo

Friday, July 6 2012

Alle betroffenen Schüler schreiben den Geschichtstest mit, da sie jetzt am Freitag die Englisch-Prüfung haben!

Time Students
08.00 - 08.20 Burger + Müller
08.35 - 08.55 Höchner + Wudy
09.10 - 09.30 Rossmanith A. + Schineller L.
09.50 - 10.10 Schmitt + Schineller D.
11.20 - 11.40 Hein + Seidl
11.55 - 12.15 Ott + Rossmanith J.
12.30 - 12.50 Heilmann + Morgan

Topics for the oral exam

  • Plastic Surgery - See further down this page, our vocab sheet and here, as well as here, here and here, too!

New Homework

Click HERE to listen to L3 on development and globalization! To download the mp3-file, right-click an choose "Ziel speichern unter"!

The questions are:

  1. How is "feeling happy" linked to developing countries in this passage?
  2. What was the second world?
  3. How did the World Bank and other organizations try to help the poor countries?
  4. Complete the sentences: During the same period the economies of the rich countries have been changing. A lot of industries have closed down or been ____________________________________________. There has been a big increase in the employment of people who provide services – complicated services like investments _________________________________________and simple ones like sandwiches. It’s clearly not true that that these countries have ____________________________, ________________ in fact they are changing faster and faster with every new technology and fashion.
  5. What countries can't be saved by free trade?
  6. How – according to the text – do the poor countries even help the rich ones to become richer?

Recent Homework

Questions for the interview on deforestation.pdf Questions for the interview on deforestation!

Write an interview on deforestation. At least 6 questions and a short introduction, in which the reporter introduces the interviewee!

  1. Take notes on this feature on plastic surgery performed on teens in the USA! (Motives, views and attitudes, effects and problems covered by this video clip ...!)
  2. Prepare a short talk based on these notes. As a conclusion, it should include your personal opinion.

  • Before you answer the questions:

Basic Skills & Information

Reasons for Plastic Surgery


  • want to have more success in jobs
  • want to attract younger women
  • want to have an image of vitality
  • makes them feel better
  • to look more attractive
  • to get attention from other people
  • to look young, fit, with good reactions and professional
  • to bring out their character
  • to prevent prejudice


  • to look like the women in the media
  • everybody does it
  • prices go down
  • feels good to get told that they look good
  • to improve their self-confidence
  • to remind themselves of the good times
  • people don´t like themselves because they are brainwashed by the media
  • to be more attractive to men
  • to get better job chances
  • youth shows fertility
  • to wear the newest dresses ( fashion ) ????????


  • Obesity: presentation of talk on slideshare

Talks on "The cults of youth and body in the USA"

  • The other side: Obesity in the USA (2 pupils)
  • statistical facts, dangers, problems
  • causes of obesity and possible solutions, programmes fighting obesity
Start here!

  • Body Cult: Going to the gym (1 pupil)
  • statistical facts causes and problems
Start here!

Religion in the US and the UK

TV Evangelism

Religion and Politics and the Christian Right

  • Who are the Christian conservative voters according to these tetxs?
  • How many people can TV evangelists and the Christian right mobilize?
  • How do TV evangelists an dthe Chritian Right influence US politics?
  • What aims do the Christian conservatives have? What do you think will happen in the USA and in US politics if they prevail?

The Amish in the USA

  • Look at text1 and text2.
  • Write an interview with an Amish, supposedly done when you visited the USA as a tourist!
  • It should cover the topics of electricity and cars, of the strange clothes they wear and of their attitude to being photographed!

Talks on Religion

  1. Creationism and intelligent design vs. science - Burger/Müller(2)
  2. Religious landscape in the US – Main Churches … Importance of religion in families, at work, in education - Kuhn/Albert (2)
  3. TV Evangelism in the USA (2)
  4. The Amish - L. Hein (1)
  5. Muslims in the UK today. Numbers, self-perception, difficulties for Muslims and Christians - A. Rossmanith/L. Schineller(2)
  6. Religion in Britain – Christian Denominations, Religious Values in Education/Society (2)