Thelenberg 2017 18
Prepare one of the three cartoons!
Recent Homework
Prepare a three minute statement (oral), in which you explain:
- What character from "The incident" do you like most/find most interesting!
- Why do you think so?
- What passage/lines this character speaks do you think to be most interesting/importnat + why?
- What instructions for playing this character would you give an actor? (What trait of character is dominant, what must the voice express, how should he/she come across)
- Read the play "Incident" from p. 38 - p. 50
- Please take written notes on the following questions:
- How does Shirley's behaviour change on p. 42 - 43?
- What do Shirley and Mrs Blake think of all Smiths? What are their reasons?
- What type of people (in history or today) does Mrs Blake stand for?
- Read the handout of the play from p. 38 to p. 48.
- Collect (written, short notes!) information that helps to characterize Miss Jones and Miss Smith!
- Watch "1. Poem" and then "2. Poem with chorus". (Use a browser that can play flash ... e.g Firefox or Edge)
- What changes from 1 to 2?
- What effect can this have on an audience?
- Think about the line "Let him have it, Sam"
- Find at least two different ways of saying this loud, that convey a different meaning!
- Use your voice! Use you face and eyes, too, to express your version ...
- If your name starts with the letters A to N, please prepare to describe and analyze cartoon 1 in class.
- If your name starts with the letters O to Z, please prepare to describe and analyze cartoon 2 in class.
Prepare a short talk about 3 DOs and 3 DON'Ts of acting envirionmentally friendly and tell people about your favourite!
- Answer this short test on "How green are you" to get an idea of where you stand in terms of thinking and acting ecologically.
- Prepare a 3 min talk (notes!) in which you explain
- in what ways/areas you are already "green"
- in what ways/areas you would like to do better and what keeps you from doing so.
Depending on what minority you chose in class:
- think of stereotypes about that ethnic group you have heard of and know and note them down ...
- Watch the videos (about the group you chose) and note down ...
- What stereotypes about the three ethnic groups are there?
- What are the effects on members of these ethnic groups?
- Create a structured list (sex, positive/negative, effects ...)
Cf. Videos further down on "Stereotypes"
- Bring your personal headphones for the class on Friday 13th April!
- Watch these three clips and prepare (notes!) answers to the questions:
What are stereotypes, how do they work and what are their effects?
What are the differences and links between prejudice, stereotype and discrimination?
- Watch this clip from 0:00 to 3:55
Watch the two videos and write out important facts answering the questions
Immigration in America Isn’t what the Politicians Tell You
- What are the general views of immigration, what the real facts?
The Economics of Immigration: Crash Course Econ #33
- What groups of immigrants and types of immigration?
- Reasons for / factors that encouraged immigration?
- What do some regulations try to stop/prevent?
- Economic disadvantages /advantages of immigration
- Other reasons/arguments for against immigration
Write the introduction and the first two paragraphs ( each including a thesis/introduction - supporting point - example - conclusion) of a comment on this statement:
- Obesity is much more than a problem of people being overweight! It is a self-inflicted national crisis the United States must solve!
Look at both cartoons and prepare to describe and explain them.
- Look at the collection of reasons and solutions concerning obesity on this page.
- Then prepare a convincing two-minute speech to support the start of an anti-obesity programme at our school!
Dialogue - Plastic surgery
Candidate A
- A girl you know (17 years) has had some plastic surgery done - and she looks and seems to feel better now. Her boyfriend, who encouraged her, likes the result, too. But talking to a friend you still think she shouldn't have done this!
- Explain your position and try to convince your counterpart.
Dialogue - Plastic surgery
Candidate B
- A girl you know (17 years) has had some plastic surgery done - and she really looks and feels better now. Her boyfriend, who encouraged her, likes the result, too.
- You think she has done the right thing and has shown courage when she didn't do it secretly.
- Try to convince your counterpart of your opinion.
- Collect reasons for/aspects of plastic surgery among men and women from the two worksheets you recieved in in class on Friday!
- Listen to this video!
Interviewee | Question |
man1 | How has the dream changed? |
woman 1 | What is it for her personally? |
man 2 | Why does he want to be rich? |
couple 1 | Why is their definition very family oriented? |
couple 2 | What are their views on debt? |
2 women | How do they see the role of the government? |
woman 2 | Why does she seem sceptical? |
man | No question! |
couple 3 | What do the man and his wife agree on? |
woman 3 | How has the American Dream changed? |
- Look at this cartoon. Describe and analyse it!
- Look at your worksheet on the American Dream (2 pages!) and answer question 2!
- Then look at Voices on the American Dream and add further aspects concerning criticism of the idea or the achieveability of this dream.
Write an interview (about 500 words) with an Amish (man or woman) about their life!
- Use the notes on the film and Wikipedia: Amish way of life
- Information on Writing an interview!
Look at this cartoon and describe + analyse it!
- Newt [Gingrich] in picture 2 of the cartoon is a Republican politician.
- Write out the topic sentence!
- The rest of the description and analysis can be done as notes!
- Work with the concept of Irony
Work through the worksheet on TV Evangelism and
- Cover these aspects:
- How do TV evangelists and the Christian Right influence US politics?
- Who are the Christian conservative voters according to these texts?
- How many people can TV evangelists and the Christian right mobilize?
- What aims do the Christian conservatives have? What do you think will happen in the USA and in US politics if they prevail?
Watch from 0:00 bis 10:10.
Watch twice! Take notes!
- What is criticized about the churches/televangelists/message they preach?
- What is the prosperity gospel?
- Describe and analyse this cartoon!
- Follow the instructions given here!
- These phrases may be useful
- Describe and analyse them using the phrases and the 3 steps decribed here!
Basic Skills & Information
- Information on homework and oral grades
- Reading and Marking technique - SQ3R Method A useful method to read, mark and annotate texts.
- Working with Cartoons
- Answering questions on the text
- Stylistic devices
- Starting a paragraph
- Starting an Essay/Comment
- Shaping/refuting an Argument/Comment
Muslims in Britain
Texts and Summaries
- A problem of perception: Muslims are well-integrated in Britain – but no one seems to believe it
- Problematic issues between British Muslims and the "Christian" majority:
fast-growing, disadvantaged part of population |
Statistics on muslims' education and emplyment!
- If you are not sure how to work with statistics, see here!
- What effects does this have on the muslims' situation, attitudes and integration?
Concepts of Intergration and Assimilation
Multiculturalism - positive ethnic diversity
- descriptive approach: assessment of fact of cultural diversity
- normative approach: ideologies or policies that embrace and promote this diversity - multiculturalism as a society “at ease with the rich tapestry of human life and the desire amongst people to express their own identity in the manner they see fit.”
- focus on interaction and communication between different cultures
- focus on diversity and cultural uniqueness
- common aspect : no specific ethnic, religious, or cultural community values presented as central.
Cultural assimilation
Process by which a person or a group's language or culture come to resemble those of another group.
- Full assimilation: new members of a society become indistinguishable from members of the other group.
- quick or gradual change?
- desirable for an immigrant group?
- Immigrant assimilation:
- complex process in which immigrants fully integrate themselves into a new country.
- four primary benchmarks for immigrant assimilation:
- socioeconomic status (education, occupation, income)
- geographic distribution
- second language attainment
- intermarriage
Why do young muslims turn extremists?
- Read from beginning to "And it's a very powerful grip on one's mind. And in my case it took years to shed that influence." (third box)
Reasons for Extremism:
- crucial event: death of thousands of European muslims in war in Bosnia in 90s! West just watches and doesn't help the muslims there. (Parallels to wars in Iraq .... muslims are being killed and no-one cares)
- Islam is cleverly presented as way of looking at history: like in Marxism it is always a struggle, them against us, bad against good, everybody against the muslims (idea of Western/Jewish conspiracy against Islam/muslims)
- at school/in university young muslims become part of an active, organized, outspoken movement ⇒ proud to be an active muslim, feeling of power, feeling of belonging to group and of changing the world.
Two Generations of British Muslims
Cartoon women's rights in Islamic countries
- two women who accidentally meet on the street
- both turn around, after the have have met and look at the other …
- contrast
left: | right: |
* clothes, shoes => show …
* garment
Who ==> modern, western woman: …. | ==> conservatively dressed muslima: …. |
Religion and Politics in the USA: The Christian Right, Megachurches and TV-Preachers
- Vocab Sheet zu Checks and balances
- Great basic information on presidential elections: Videos and infographics!
Religion and Politics in the US
Vocab on religion:
Facts on religion and politics
Special Religious Groups and Institutions
- (Evangelical) Mega-Churches
- church should not play the role of the state, but have clear positions
- against stem cell research
- against gay marriage
- against abortion
- some are liberal in enforcing their views
- some churches are big: up to 8,500 seats in church and about 11,000 congregants (Megachurches even bigger)
- 72% of the Americans want their president to be clearly religious
- half of the Americans think churches should express views on political matters
- 41% of the Americans want more religion in politics
- Americans vote for candidates who aren't afraid to express their religious views
- Americans are comfortable with showing their faith in public
- about 25% are white evangelical christians and vote republican
- majority says churches should not endorse candidates
- only about 30% of Americans refuse gay marriage in 2003 - as compared to 41% in 1996
- many Americans believe that religion should not have any direct influence on US politics but believe in religion being a privately exercised, individual matter
- many American Christians are not evangelicals and clearly want a more liberal, open-minded idea of Christianity and belief in God
Typical aspects/facts concerning religion in the USA
- US constitution strictly separates church and state
- US politicians - unlike their counterparts in Europe - often mention God in their speeches (God bless you, God bless America ...)
Download Summary of facts about Osteen's megachurch
Comedy can be so informative: Churches exploit peoples´ faith for money
Watch 0:00 to 10:10
- What is criticized about the churches/televangelists/message they preach?
- What is the prosperity gospel?
What TV Evangelist do:
- people send huge amounts of money
- vulnerable and sick people are the main target, esp. poor or severly ill, desperate persons (e.g. donate money instead of getting cancer treatment)
Churches/TV evangelists:
- claim they can heal in the name of Jesus ( even cancer )through prayer
- really use money for privat airplanes , big houses (instead of church-work)
- braggg with wealth
- preach prosperity gospel:
- wealth shows you that god likes you and that you believe enough
- donations help to get god's favour
- seed faith : donated money is a seed and it can be harvested, it multiplies through god's favour
- god even wipes out your credit card debts if you use the card to donate
All this is legal, as long as creed of the church is nothing illegal!
- churches don't pay taxes for donations and big houses,and for the TV channels, because they are exempted as churches
How do TV evangelists and the Christian Right influence US politics?
- have their own TV show
- social media to influence voters
- direct mailing lists
- massive book sales
- try to get the right president elected
- donate money to a presidential campain
Who are the Christian conservative voters according to these texts?
- female and over fifty
- people who want to believe something
- people are more religious
How many people can TV evangelists and the Christian right mobilize?
- 17 thousand members in one mega church
- audience of 20 million viewers/voters
- 20 to 25 percent of the electorate
What aims do the Christian conservatives have? What will happen in the USA and in US politics if they prevail?
- they save America
- influence in politics
- raise money and recruit new followers ==> want to form a disciplined army
- against gay marriage
- against abortion
- against divorce
- no sex before marriage
- against contraception
- against sex education in schools
- religious education into school
- they want creationism to be taught in schools (Cf. History of evolution vs. creationism/ID in the US)
Notes on this cartoon
- 4 frames, three show acts of violence/hatred committed in the name of Christianity/Western Civilization
- evangelical pastor [=church] burning Korans, evangelical/conservative politician [politics] against building mosque in USA, secret service agent [=government] torturing terrorist suspect)
- irony: they all want revenge/act as unchristian/intolerantly as those they accuse of doing this to them
- irony: preacher is completely stupid: of course "them folks don't act like Christians" - they simply aren't christians!
- preacher also doesn't seem to know his Bilble: "Jesus hates Mohammed" is absolutely like anthing Jesus preaches in the Bible: Jesus preaches love, peace and forgiveness - not hatred!
- picture four shows the result: children in USA have learned, that you needn't act as you wish others to act towards you (in civilized way, mercyfully, helpfully, tolerantly ...) but can do anything you want as long as nobody stops you.
- General criticism: christian/western preachers and politicians and governments do the same things they accuse terrorists and radical islamist of ⇒ they are no better than them
Possible solution (full text):
The cartoon shows the effects of double standards that religious leaders, politicians and the state have when the deal with muslims or islamic states. It is split up in four frames.
In the first frame you can see a crazy older man, wearing a suit and tie, who publicly says „I’m burnin Korans ‚cause them folks don’t act like Christians.“and a sign in the background says „ Jesus hates Mohammed“. He represents the right winged Christians in the USA who strongly oppose Islam.
The second frame shows a TV where you can see a fat old angry man who thinks „We shouldn’t allow the Mosque in New York because they won’t allow Churches in Saudi Arabia.“ He refers to the mosque near Ground Zero in New York, which many Americans saw as an insult.
The third frame shows a man wearing dark suit and sunglasses and he`s holding something censored in his hand. He is interogating a suspect and is saying: "Its`s okay to torture terror suspects.`Cause they are utterly devoid of human decency."
In the last frame we can see a woman with three children sitting on the floor in front of her in a room with a big cross. She is trying to teach them the christian values, and begins a sentence: " And so, children we do unto others..."which a boy finishes with the words: " Any way we can get away with."
The cartoon criticizes the self-righteousness and hypocrisy of fundamentalist evangelicals, conservative politicians and the government that shows in their attitude to Islam and Muslims.
The pastor reveals not only his own limitations by accusing Muslims of not acting like Christians (which isn't really surprising for a Muslim) but shows his own hypocrisy or rather gross misunderstanding of what Jesus - who he claims hates Mohammed - teaches in the bible: tolerance, forgiveness, love and respect for orthers - not hatred and war against them. This is truly ironic for a Christian pastor.
The politician seems to have one motive - revenge for the way Saudi Arabia treats Cristianity, and he, too, ironically reveals that he lacks the tolerance he demands, as well as a truly Christian, loving and forgiving attititude, or a sound political strategy. Such a strategy that really helps Christians in the Arab world: They would rather profit from serious talks with Saudi Arabia (which is an ally of the US) and from a political deal, that balances the mosque in New York with some churches in Saudi Arabia.
The next bitter irony is that a government-agent accuses terrorist suspects of a lack of human decency while torturing a suspect (who should be seen as not guiltey until proven to be guilty). He clearly represents our or rather our governments' double standards while dealing with people we believe to be terrorists: We suddenly forget everything about human rights, the rights of suspects or basic human decency.
The result of this behaviour is obvious in the last frame: Our children grow up in a climate that teaches a dangerous lesson: that you needn't live the Christian values you preach - at least not while dealing with muslims.
The American Dream
- Cf. worksheet: "The American Dream Today"
- The American Dream (Wikipedia)
- Library of Congress: American Dreams
Basic ideas:
- Declaration of Independence:
- All men are created equal => everybody has the chance
- Pursuit of happiness
- Attitude of hope and faith
- fulfills your desire for success, prosperity, happiness, liberty, religious freedom
Different groups and dreams:
- Puritan pilgrim fathers: escape from Britain and religious freedom
- Settlers/pioneers: land, natural resources, personal freedom, ability to surive on your own hands' work and build an existence from what God/the land offers you by working hard, wish to be independent
- Revolutionaries/founding fathers: USA as the result of a successful revolution and fightfor freedom against the English king. Democratic federal state! => No nobility and no monarchy, free and equal men, national and personal independence
- Immigrants: new and safe life, escape from poverty, from religious and political prosecution, from inequality ==> freedom, chance to create a better life
Different groups and dreams:
- Puritan pilgrim fathers: escape from Britain and freedom from religious persecution
- Huguenots: freedom from religious persecution
- Quakers: religious freedom and new life
- Settlers/pioneers: land, natural resources, personal freedom, ability to surive on your own hands' work and build an existence from what God/the land offers you by working hatd ==> personal independence
- Revolutionaries/founding fathers: USA as the result of a successful revolution and fightfor freedom against the English king. Democratic federal state! => No nobility and no monarchy, free and equal men
- Immigrants: new and safe life, escape from poverty, starvation from religious and political prosecution, from inequality
- Americans today: car, good job, nice house, teach your kids the dream, pay for college or university
The American Dream is:
- to make money/have a job and to have a house
- to raise a family and care for them
- to build a better and safe future for you and your children through education, love, and hard work
- the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of your skin color
- to be able to safely own the things you need or want
- Work hard!
- Do what you wanna do, be what you wanna be!
- Be patient!
- Just do it!
- Always do your best!
- Never give up!
- Nothing is impossible!
- Go hard or go home!
- Be independent!
- If the plan doesn’t work change the plan, not the goal!
- It doesn't matter where you came from, just work hand and you'll make it here!
- Believe in yourself!
- Trust in God!
- Follow your dream!
- Believe in God and America!
- If you want it, you can do it!
- You can be what you wanna be!
- Don´t dream it, do/be it!
- You get what you deserve!
- From rags to riches!
- Don’t have small dreams
- You gotta fight for your dreams
- Only the sky is the limit
- Every day is another chance to make your dreams come true
- Die with memories, not dreams!
- Don’t dream your life, live your dreams!
- Working hard and wealth is over-emphasized. No time to enjoy what you have.
- Over-emphasizing material aspect oft he dream – spiritual and idealistic aspect is lost.
- The dream is a farce, a slogan used by politicians
- It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it
- Many have no time for the American Dream, but are busy enough hanging on to what they have
- They work so much, they don’t have time to enjoy the things they have earned
- Dream gives a tough answer to those who don’t make it: „You didn’t try/work hard enough ==> it is their own fault, not our society's!==> you can’t expect any help
- Dream is unachievable for many people (poverty, inequality still exists) ==> doesn’t work for the working poor/discriminated groups/people with chronical diseases/ill people without insurrance
- The gap between the rich and the poor people gets bigger
- Immigrants are widely held responsible for the failure of the American Dream
BUT: Immigrants themselves are those who most ardently believe in the dream and see it fulfilled, as life is better than where they came from and will even be better for their children
Mindmap: The American Dream
Looks count
Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery for teenagers
Plastic surgery for men
Plastic surgery for men
- men want to remain competitive in the work force
- men want to regain their youthful look
- many men are divorced and want to meet young women
- they have no time for the gym
- become more selfconfident
- want to look more professional
- it helps business
- people around you feel safe when you look good
- it´s less pain to have plastic surgery than visit the gym every day
- good-looking men seem to be more successful
Plastic surgery for women
- want to feel more selfconfident and feel better in their body
- they want other people to talk good about them
- bosses want to employ good-looking women
- they want to have a prettier face that people enjoy and like looking at
- the media show us the ideal type of successful women`s beauty:
- young (-> fertile), rich, healthy, slim,
- symmetrical face
- in shape
- 90/60/90, should have an ideal body
- making theirself more attractive for men
- perfect summer body, to have the right body for certain kinds of fashion or clothes
- competition with other good-looking women
... in Britain
... in the USA
- Immigration in America Isn’t What the Politicians Tell You
- The Economics of Immigration: Crash Course Econ #33 (Ab 1:00)
Notes from videos
VID 1: Facts or perceptions?
- Majority are illegal criminals?
- 11 mio immigrants commit crime of illegally entering and staying => increased crime rate
- BUT overall crime rate has been going down, esp. violent crimes (down by 50%) while number of illegal immmigrants has tripled
- Take jobs?
- illegal immigrants willing to work for lower wages
- make about 5% of US laborforce
- mainly in farming, cleaning maintenance, construction
- take comparatively low-skill jobs (no highschool or fluency at English needed)
- Pay no taxes?
- pay more than 11 billion dollars/year in income, sales, property taxes
- legalizing all hitherto undocumented workers would add about 2 billion dollars to taxes
Video 3:
immigration? => international, voluntary migration of people seeking econ opportunity
- Ravenstein in 1889: Laws, taxtaion, climate, social surrounding and compulsion lead to migration, but most important factor is desire to better one's material position
- e.g. 1880 - 1910 over 17 mio Europeans to US. e.g. Asian immigrants esp. to Westcoast, (mining, railroad)
- made possible by technology (steamships across Atlantic) and need for workers in growing US industries
- finally resistance to immigration: late 19th and early 20th cent European imm. limited, Asian imm. stopped
- Today … economic pros and cons of immigration
advatages of immigration | costs of immigration |
About 41 mio documented (30) and undocumented (11) immigrants live in US - 13% of population
- immigration linked to economy and security
- border security:
- let in the right immigrants only
- security gaps
- costs of 18 bill $/year
- search for most effective enforcement measures
- many undocumented immigrants: illegal entry or overstaying
- => economic and legal complications: gaps in tax collection + use of public services
- idea of legalizing status
- refugees
- majority of immigrants are refugees from violence an oppression rather than job seekers
- how to handle the massive inflow of refugees from Central America and Middle East
- legal immigration
- legal to hire highly qualified workers even if immigrants, if they make a valuable contribution to US economy
- Do they replace American workers?
- Immigration reform to solve these problems is needed
- Laws need to be made by Congress
- President can use executive powers to veto bills + influence strict law enforcement
- highly skilled immigrants lead to a bigger immigration surplus, are often important innovators (patents …), companies employing them make more profit/pay more taxes
- with majority of unskilled immigrants surplus grows less + more slowly, but usually still grows
Legal vs. illegal immigration
- What to do with 11 mio undocumented immigrants? In 2014 almost 370000 are deported
- if all were deported => slight net decrease in GDP
- if all are legalized => slight net increase in GDP
- legalization with more border protection … almost no increase in GDP
Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and conservatives agree:
Legalizing undocumented immigrants would ...
- increase imm. surplus
- gain immigrant labour protection
- lead to higher wages, more purchases
- fuel demad, which would lead to more hiring /jobs + higher wages
- allow state to collect more taxes (giving the state 2x as much as they cost it)
Other arguments:
- esp. illegal immigration is a security risk (drugs, terrorism)
- illegal immigration = breaking the law should not be rewarded with citizenship
- BUT USA has 41 mio immigrants, is technically a nation of immigrants
- polls show changing attitude:
- - 50 %: immigrants strengthen economy (40 say they are a burden)
- - young people see immigrants + contribution more positively
Stereotypes based on ethnicity
- Basic information: Wikipedia on stereotypes
Stereotypes of Asians
Stereotypes of Hispanics
Stereotypes of African Americans
Definition: Stereotypes
- ... are fixed, simple ideas or images that many people have of a particular type of person or thing
- ... often use simple criteria and give a simplified version of reality (they can be true, though)
- ... help us to categorize/distinguish between dangerous and harmless, attractive and unattractive, reliable - treacherous ...
- ... help us to understand and explain the world in a quick and simple way
- ... can be positive (men are strong) and negative (men don't have true feelings)
- ... are often very hard to change, even if experience suggests that the stereotype may be wrong/too simple to explain complex realities or individual behaviour
Stereotype threat:
- awareness of belongig to group that is stereotyped creates lower performance/different behaviour due to fear of fulfilling the stereotype.
- Example: black students did worse at test if told it was to determine their intellectual abilities
Self-fulfilling Prophecy
- inaccurate expectations about someone's behavior ==> I treat stereotyped people in certain way (e.g. as if they were less intelligent …) ==> person acts in stereotype-consistent ways ==> confirms my erroneous expectations ==> validating the stereotype.
- Example: men talking to women on the phone. If they believed women to be attractive, they talked to them in a more positive way, which in return produced more positive and likeable answers, which finally confirmed their assumed attractiness, as they appeared more likeabele etc. to the men.
- Stereotypes simplify and justify social reality ==> effect on what people expects/assume and how they perceive and treat one another.
- Example: discrimination in labor markets and other domains (obese people …, women ….)
- all live in ghettos
- are less intelligent than Caucasians
- have jail experience
- are violent / gangsters / drug dealers and users
- treat their children badly, leave their families alone
- unreliable workers
- no higher education
- complain about everyone and everything, esp. about injustice and discrimination
- love all white women
- the „sex“-addicted woman (whites thought so, as native Africans didn‘t wear much clothes)
- helpful, nice, obedient, fat householding type (black momma)
- loud aggressive „righteous“ women complaining about everything at anytime and always having a good answer = angry black women/feisty
- very (sexually) attractive because of their body (bbc, big booty), way they move …
- are athletic, fantastic at sports (dancing, basketball, running)
- all men are tall
- call each other “bro” and “sis”
- very religious
- good rappers, great musicians and singers, all love HipHop, Jazz
- all love watermelons, fried chicken
- they are good at cooking (BBQ, chicken, rice)
- smart
- good grades
- clever
- hard-working
- study a lot
- understand and love technology
- play classical instruments an d love classical music
- short
- small, slanted eyes
- have a yellow skin
- strict parents
- are racists concerning other races, e.g. if their children date a non-Asian partner
- bad drivers
- get bullied
- are no good leaders
- eat dogs
- too feminine, not real men
- nerdy (very, almost too clever)
- not athletic
- not attractive
- exotic
- caregiving
- know and expect oriental sex secrets
- shy
- demure
- submissive
- tricky / too clever (for many men)
1. El Bandito
- Then: unintelligent, dirty, lazy, criminal - introduced as the standard villain in early western films
- Now: cholo, drug dealer, savage, violent
2. The Dark Lady
- Then: tragic, doomed, mysterious, hot-tempered -> has irresistible erotic appeal to white lead
- Now: inscrutable, man-eater, aloof
3. The Harlot
- Then: slave to her passions, lusty and irresistible - used to punish latina sexuality
- Now: sexualized and objectified, curvy
4. The Latin Lover
- Then: irresponsible, charming, suave - made famous by Rudolph Valentino (Italian!)
- Now: passionate, sexy and sexually aggressive
5. The Female Clown
- Then: cartoon-like, flamboyant, exotic, comic relief - made famous by Carmen Miranda
- Now: heavy accent and over the top ditzy
- are all illegal immigrants (wetbacks)
- all have huge families
- speak Spanish only
- Dark skinned
- Can’t drive
- very catholic, drugs, can’t speak English, own all Chihuahuas, talk much, speak very fast
- All named Maria, José, Juan, Carlos
- wear Sombreros and strange beards
- all own Chihuahuas
- good food … + Tequila
- Can dance well
- Young Latinas are hot; curvy
- Can cook (tacos and enchiladas)
- Passionate
- Have a lot of kids
- Full of spirit
- Good at running
- Charming
- Lazy
- Irresponsible
- uneducated
- all are named Maria or Carmen
- have kids very young
- old Latinas are fat
- passionate
- charming
- dirty
- lazy
- criminal
- violent
- irresponsible
- savage
- drug dealers
- are too hairy
- are all named José or Juan
- only want sex
- uneducated
- work any job (gardening, pool boys, farm labor) for little money = steal “real Americans’” jobs
Sources for finding relevant vocabulary
- Mark relevant/necessary phrases!
- Create table from LEO (German → English)
Ergebnisse hier speichern:
What is our part in all this
Analyze the following text sources!
Order your findings according to these questions:
- What problems are mentioned? Who/what is affected?
- Who is responsible? (directly and indirectly?)
- What solutions are there?