5d 2008 09: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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K (Grace Darling GreenLine 1 pp.80-81)
K (Extra information from the Grace-Darling-Museum)
Zeile 115: Zeile 115:
===Extra information from the Grace-Darling-Museum===
===Extra information from the Grace-Darling-Museum===
If you have finished exercise one, look at [http://www.rnli.org.uk/who_we_are/the_heritage_trust/grace-darling-museum this link]!
If you have finished exercise one, look at [http://www.rnli.org.uk/who_we_are/the_heritage_trust/grace-darling-museum this link]! Write the answers into your team page!
'''Answer the questions'''<br>
'''Answer the questions'''<br>
* When does the museum open in the morning?
* When does the museum open in the morning?

Version vom 12. Mai 2009, 21:54 Uhr



Klasse 5d - Englisch


  • Lernen und Üben


At the Souvenir Shop

1. What shop assistants say or ask

  • Good morning.
  • Hello, can I help you?
  • What would you like to buy?
  • How much do you want to spend?
  • The sweets are on these/the first shelves.
  • Just a minute, please.
  • The ... are (over) there.
  • Sorry, we don't have this / .... in your size.
  • Yes, you can try them/it on.
  • The price is 2.99 pound.
  • It's a special offer. The price/ it is only xy pounds.
  • What size do you need?
  • You can try it/them on over there.
  • Here you are!
  • Good bye.

2. What customers say or ask

2a) ... when they come into/leave the shop

  • Hello, I would like to buy / have .....
  • I need a ....
  • Do you have ....? / Have you got ....?
  • Hello, where are the sweets?
  • Thanks, Good bye

2b) ... about the souvenirs / prices / to the shop assistant

  • Hello.
  • How much is the / How much are the ...?
  • How much is that?
  • Oh, that is too much! Have you got other ...?
  • I need size L. / Have you got this in size S?
  • These are / You have got very nice ...
  • No, I don't want that. It ' s not so nice. I want a ....
  • Can I please have a bag?
  • Good bye.

Grace Darling GreenLine 1 pp.80-81

Page 82, Exercise 1

  • Finish the sentences of this exercise and write them down on your team page!
  • You write:
#... because the storm is starting / is so loud.
  • You can read:
  1. ... because the storm is starting / is so loud.

team 01 team 02 team 03 team 04 team 05 team 06 team 07 team 08
team 09 team 10 team 11 team 12 team 13 team 14 team 15 team 16

Extra information from the Grace-Darling-Museum

If you have finished exercise one, look at this link! Write the answers into your team page! Answer the questions

  • When does the museum open in the morning?
  • When a school goes there, what is the price for a pupil or a teacher?
  • How old is Grace Darling inthe story when she helps to save the people in 1938?

Cloze Tests

Some or any, much or many

Exercises: some or any

Exercises: much or many

"a lot of" kann man mit zählbaren und nicht zählbaren Nomen verwenden! "A lot of" steht in Aussagesätzen, "much" und "many" in Fragen und verneinten Sätzen.

nicht zählbar: much zählbar: many
  • There isn't much coffee.
  • Do you need much water?
  • Are there many tourists?
  • I don't see many souvenirs.
  • There are a lot of interesting places in Cornwall.
  • I'm having a lot of fun!

Modal auxiliaries (Modale Hilfsverben)

Questions and negative sentences

Questions with or without "do" or "does"

Negative sentences with or without "do" or "does"

Present Progressive and Simple Present

present progressive

simple present

simple present - present progressive

When to use what???


A) Für Dinge, die oft, immer, manchmal, regelmäßig, wiederholt, nie, gewohnheitsmäßig, passieren:

  • I always get up at seven,

Signalwörter: usually, never, sometimes, often, always, every ..., on Sundays/weekends/ ...,

B) Bei kurzen, aufeienanderfolgenden Handlungen:

  • He gets up, washes his face, eats breakfast and goes to school.

C) Bei Dingen, die immer so sind:

  • She has blonde hair.
  • School starts at 8 o' clock here!


Für Dinge, die gerade eben passieren, und noch nicht vorbei sind (z.B. Bildbeschreibung!)

  • What are they doing? They are eating ice-cream.

Signalwörter: at the moment, now


Simple present auch bei Aussagen, die immer gelten ( She has blonde hair)


Forms of to be


The Genitive


Say these things in English: - Write them into your exercise-book for school!

  1. Ein Mann fragt, wessen Süßigkeiten das sind? "'Whose ... sweets are these' "?
  2. Sage, dass das die Süßigkeiten deiner Schwestern sind! "These are my sisters' sweets."
  3. Jemand fragt, ob das dein Auto oder das Auto deines Bruders ist. "Is that your car or your brother's car?"
  4. Du antwortest, dass das das Auto deiner Eltern ist. "This is my parents' car.
  5. Du willst wissen, warum der Hund von Herrn Süss so schnell ist. "Why is Mr Süss's dog so fast?"
  6. Frau M. antwortet, dass Brunos Beine sehr lang sind! Bruno's legs are very long."

NEW - Translate (Übersetze!)
  1. Die Augen meiner Brüder sind grün und braun. My brothers' (erst Plural brothers gebildet , dann ' ) eyes are green and brown.
  2. Die Tante deiner Cousine ist deine Mutter! Your cousin's aunt is your mother.
  3. Die Namen meiner Eltern sind Leo und Jamila! My parents' (erst Plural parents gebildet , dann ') names are Leo and Jamila.
  4. James' Hund ist sehr groß! James's (Wort endet schon im Singular auf s, deswegen normal 's) dog is very big!
  5. Wo ist Tabby, die Katze der Dixons? Where is Tabby, the Dixons' (erst Plural Dixons gebildet , dann ' ) cat?
  6. Sie ist nicht in Sarahs Zimmer! She (Haustier mit Namen) is not in Sarah's room.


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of-genitive or s-genitive

Exercises: s-genitive or of-genitive

have got / has got

Halloween - Songs and Poems

To practise ...