Thelenberg 2017 18: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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K (Possible solution (full text):)
Zeile 423: Zeile 423:
In the last frame we can see a woman with three children sitting on the floor in front of her in a room with a big cross. She is trying to teach them the christian values, and begins a sentence: " And so, children we do unto others..."which a boy finishes with the words: " Any way we can get away with."<br>
In the last frame we can see a woman with three children sitting on the floor in front of her in a room with a big cross. She is trying to teach them the christian values, and begins a sentence: " And so, children we do unto others..."which a boy finishes with the words: " Any way we can get away with."<br>
The cartoon criticizes the self-righteousness and hypocrisy of fundamentalist evangelicals, conservative politicians and the government that shows in their attitude to Islam and Muslims.
The cartoon criticizes the self-righteousness and hypocrisy of fundamentalist evangelicals, conservative politicians and the government that shows in their attitude to Islam and Muslims.
The pastor reveals not only his own limitations bey accusing the Muslims of not acting like Christians (which isn't really surprising for a Muslim) but shows his own hypocrisy or rather gross misunderstanding of what Jesus - who he claims hates Mohammed - teaches in the bible: tolerance, forgiveness, love and respect for orthers - not hatred and ar against them. <br>
The pastor reveals not only his own limitations by accusing Muslims of not acting like Christians (which isn't really surprising for a Muslim) but shows his own hypocrisy or rather gross misunderstanding of what Jesus - who he claims hates Mohammed - teaches in the bible: tolerance, forgiveness, love and respect for orthers - not hatred and war against them. This is truly ironic for a Christian pastor.<br>
The politician seems only to have one motive - revenge for the way Saudi Arabia treats Cristianity, and he, too, reveals that he lacks  a truly Christian, loving and forgiving attititude as well as a sound political strategy, that really helps Christians in the Arab world: The would rather profit from serious talks with Saudi Arabia (which is an ally of the US) and something like a political deal, that balances the mosque in New York with some churches in Saudi Arabia.<br>
The politician seems to have one motive - revenge for the way Saudi Arabia treats Cristianity, and he, too, ironically reveals that he lacks  the tolerance he demands, as well as a truly Christian, loving and forgiving attititude, or a sound political strategy. Such a strategy  that really helps Christians in the Arab world: They would rather profit from serious talks with Saudi Arabia (which is an ally of the US) and from a political deal, that balances the mosque in New York with some churches in Saudi Arabia.<br>
The next bitter irony is that a government-agent accuses terrorist suspects of a lack of human decency while torturing a suspect (who should be seen as not guiltey until proven to be guilty). He clearly represents our or rather our governments' double standards while dealing with people we believe to be terrorists: We suddenly forget everything about human rights, the rights of suspects or basic human decency.<br>
The result of this behaviour is obvious in the last frame: Our children grow up in a climate that teaches a dangerous lesson: that you needn't live the Christian values you preach - at least not while dealing with muslims.

Version vom 28. November 2017, 20:44 Uhr



KLAUSUR am 12.1.18!


Look at this cartoon and describe + analyse it!

Newt [Gingrich] in picture 2 of the cartoon is a Republican politician.
  • Write out the topic sentence!
  • The rest of the description and analysis can be done as notes!
  • Work with the concept of Irony

Recent Homework

Work through the worksheet on TV Evangelism and

  • Cover these aspects:
  • How do TV evangelists and the Christian Right influence US politics?
  • Who are the Christian conservative voters according to these texts?
  • How many people can TV evangelists and the Christian right mobilize?
  • What aims do the Christian conservatives have? What do you think will happen in the USA and in US politics if they prevail?

Watch from 0:00 bis 10:10.
Watch twice! Take notes!

  • What is criticized about the churches/televangelists/message they preach?
  • What is the prosperity gospel?

Follow the instructions given here!
These phrases may be useful

Describe and analyse them using the phrases and the 3 steps decribed here!

Basic Skills & Information


Muslims in Britain

Texts and Summaries

fast-growing, disadvantaged part of population
Government and population
  • are quickly judged as spies, terrorists
  • are bullied at school
  • disproportionally often in jail and high unemployment rate
  •  want to be more accepted
  • oppressed by gov. and police (racial profiling)



  • do not like radical muslims
  • feel/think unlike those extremists
  • Britons, who happen to be Muslims
  • embarrassed about radical Islamists
  • came to Britain to find a better life


  • want an islamic rule and division of Muslims from Christians
  • don't want muslims to join the police and the army
  • want every muslim prisoner to be set free
  • rejection of the British democracy   




  • do not trust them
  • judge all Muslims as dangerous
  • scared of them, prejudice
  • fear of being outnumbered (immigration, high birthrate)
  • massive growth of Islam in Britian ==> afraid of loss of christian lifestyle



  • abuse their power to oppress muslims
  • often deny "ethnic profiling"
  • call for less immigration and more integration
  • fight against extremism spreading at schools, universities, mosques


  • 9/11, London bombing and other acts of terror
  • fundamentalist groups (Islam to rule Britain)
  • do not want islamic Britain
  • want to prevent radical Islamist views from being taught atschool/universities

Statistics on muslims' education and emplyment!

If you are not sure how to work with statistics, see here!
  • What effects does this have on the muslims' situation, attitudes and integration?

Concepts of Intergration and Assimilation

Multiculturalism - positive ethnic diversity

  • descriptive approach: assessment of fact of cultural diversity
  • normative approach: ideologies or policies that embrace and promote this diversity - multiculturalism as a society “at ease with the rich tapestry of human life and the desire amongst people to express their own identity in the manner they see fit.”
  • focus on interaction and communication between different cultures
  • focus on diversity and cultural uniqueness
  • common aspect : no specific ethnic, religious, or cultural community values presented as central.


Cultural assimilation

Process by which a person or a group's language or culture come to resemble those of another group.

  • Full assimilation: new members of a society become indistinguishable from members of the other group.
  • quick or gradual change?
  • desirable for an immigrant group?
  • Immigrant assimilation:
  • complex process in which immigrants fully integrate themselves into a new country.
  • four primary benchmarks for immigrant assimilation:
  • socioeconomic status (education, occupation, income)
  • geographic distribution
  • second language attainment
  • intermarriage

Why do young muslims turn extremists?

Read from beginning to "And it's a very powerful grip on one's mind. And in my case it took years to shed that influence." (third box)

Reasons for Extremism:

  • crucial event: death of thousands of European muslims in war in Bosnia in 90s! West just watches and doesn't help the muslims there. (Parallels to wars in Iraq .... muslims are being killed and no-one cares)
  • Islam is cleverly presented as way of looking at history: like in Marxism it is always a struggle, them against us, bad against good, everybody against the muslims (idea of Western/Jewish conspiracy against Islam/muslims)
  • at school/in university young muslims become part of an active, organized, outspoken movement ⇒ proud to be an active muslim, feeling of power, feeling of belonging to group and of changing the world.

Two Generations of British Muslims


Cartoon women's rights in Islamic countries


  • two women who accidentally meet on the street
  • both turn around, after the have have met and look at the other …

  • contrast
left: right:
* clothes, shoes => shows …
  • jewellery, sunglasses
  • expression
  • hair
  • pose/way of walking
  • attitude/to other woman)
  • thought bubble

* garment
  • no jewellery, glasses etc.
  • no hair , almost no face visible ==> doesn't show …
  • expression?
  • pose/way of walking
  • attitude to other woman
  • thought bubble

Who ==> modern, western woman: …. ==> conservatively dressed muslima: ….


Religion in the USA: The Christian Right, Megachurches and TV-Preachers




Facts on Religion and Politics in the US

Special Religious Groups and Institutions

  • (Evangelical) Mega-Churches
  • church should not play the role of the state, but have clear positions
  • against stem cell research
  • against gay marriage
  • against abortion
  • some are liberal in enforcing their views
  • some churches are big: up to 8,500 seats in church and about 11,000 congregants (Megachurches even bigger)


  • 72% of the Americans want their president to be clearly religious
  • half of the Americans think churches should express views on political matters
  • 41% of the Americans want more religion in politics
  • Americans vote for candidates who aren't afraid to express their religious views
  • Americans are comfortable with showing their faith in public
  • about 25% are white evangelical christians and vote republican


  • majority says churches should not endorse candidates
  • only about 30% of Americans refuse gay marriage in 2003 - as compared to 41% in 1996
  • many Americans believe that religion should not have any direct influence on US politics but believe in religion being a privately exercised, individual matter
  • many American Christians are not evangelicals and clearly want a more liberal, open-minded idea of Christianity and belief in God

Typical aspects/facts concerning religion in the USA

  • US constitution strictly separates church and state


  • US politicians - unlike their counterparts in Europe - often mention God in their speeches (God bless you, God bless America ...)


Download Summary of facts about Osteen's megachurch


Comedy can be so informative ...

Watch 0:00 to 10:10

  • What is criticized about the churches/televangelists/message they preach?
  • What is the prosperity gospel?

Churches exploit peoples´ faith for money

  • people send huge amounts of money
  • vulnerable and sick people are the main target, esp. poor or severly ill, desperate persons (e.g. donate money instead of getting cancer treatment)

Churches/TV evangelists:

  • claim they can heal in the name of Jesus ( even cancer )through prayer
  • really use money for privat airplanes , big houses (instead of church-work)
  • braggg with wealth
  • preach prosperity gospel:
  • wealth shows you that god likes you and that you believe enough
  • donations help to get god's favour
  • seed faith : donated money is a seed and it can be harvested, it multiplies through god's favour
  • god even wipes out your credit card debts if you use the card to donate

All this is legal, as long as creed of the church is nothing illegal!

  • churches don't pay taxes for donations and big houses,and for the TV channels, because they are exempted as churches



How do TV evangelists and the Christian Right influence US politics?

  • have their own TV show
  • social media to influence voters
  • direct mailing lists
  • massive book sells
  • try to get the right president elected
  • donate money to a presidential campain

Who are the Christian conservative voters according to these texts?

  • female and over fifty
  • people who want to believe something
  • people are more religious

How many people can TV evangelists and the Christian right mobilize?

  • 17 thousand members in one mega church
  • audience of 20 million viewers/voters
  • 20 to 25 percent of the electorate

What aims do the Christian conservatives have? What will happen in the USA and in US politics if they prevail?

  • they save America
  • influence in politics
  • raise money and recruit new followers ==> want to form a disciplined army
  • against gay marriage
  • against abortion
  • against divorce
  • no sex before marriage
  • against contraception
  • against sex education in schools
  • religious education into school
  • they want creationism to be taught in schools



Notes on this cartoon

  • 4 frames, three show acts of violence/hatred committed in the name of Christianity/Western Civilization
  • evangelical pastor [=church] burning Korans, evangelical/conservative politician [politics] against building mosque in USA, secret service agent [=government] torturing terrorist suspect)
  • irony: they all want revenge/act as unchristian/intolerantly as those they accuse of doing this to them
  • irony: preacher is completely stupid: of course "them folks don't act like Christians" - they simply aren't christians!
  • preacher also doesn't seem to know his Bilble: "Jesus hates Mohammed" is absolutely like anthing Jesus preaches in the Bible: Jesus preaches love, peace and forgiveness - not hatred!
  • picture four shows the result: children in USA have learned, that you needn't act as you wish others to act towards you (in civilized way, mercyfully, helpfully, tolerantly ...) but can do anything you want as long as nobody stops you.
  • General criticism: christian/western preachers and politicians and governments do the same things they accuse terrorists and radical islamist of ⇒ they are no better than them

Possible solution (full text):

The cartoon shows the effects of criticism of Islam and the islamic actions by religious leaders, politicions and the state. It is split up in four frames.
In the first frame you can see a crazy older man, wearing a suit and tie, who publicly says „I’m burnin Korans ‚cause them folks don’t act like Christians.“and a sign in the background says „ Jesus hates Mohammed“. He represents the right winged Christians in the USA who strongly oppose Islam.
The second frame shows a TV where you can see a fat old angry man who thinks „We shouldn’t allow the Mosque in New York because they won’t allow Churches in Saudi Arabia.“ He refers to the mosque near Ground Zero in New York, which many Americans saw as an insult.
The third frame shows a man wearing dark suit and sunglasses and he`s holding something censored in his hand. He is interogating a suspect and is saying: "Its`s okay to torture terror suspects.`Cause they are utterly devoid of human decency."
In the last frame we can see a woman with three children sitting on the floor in front of her in a room with a big cross. She is trying to teach them the christian values, and begins a sentence: " And so, children we do unto others..."which a boy finishes with the words: " Any way we can get away with."
The cartoon criticizes the self-righteousness and hypocrisy of fundamentalist evangelicals, conservative politicians and the government that shows in their attitude to Islam and Muslims. The pastor reveals not only his own limitations by accusing Muslims of not acting like Christians (which isn't really surprising for a Muslim) but shows his own hypocrisy or rather gross misunderstanding of what Jesus - who he claims hates Mohammed - teaches in the bible: tolerance, forgiveness, love and respect for orthers - not hatred and war against them. This is truly ironic for a Christian pastor.
The politician seems to have one motive - revenge for the way Saudi Arabia treats Cristianity, and he, too, ironically reveals that he lacks the tolerance he demands, as well as a truly Christian, loving and forgiving attititude, or a sound political strategy. Such a strategy that really helps Christians in the Arab world: They would rather profit from serious talks with Saudi Arabia (which is an ally of the US) and from a political deal, that balances the mosque in New York with some churches in Saudi Arabia.
The next bitter irony is that a government-agent accuses terrorist suspects of a lack of human decency while torturing a suspect (who should be seen as not guiltey until proven to be guilty). He clearly represents our or rather our governments' double standards while dealing with people we believe to be terrorists: We suddenly forget everything about human rights, the rights of suspects or basic human decency.
The result of this behaviour is obvious in the last frame: Our children grow up in a climate that teaches a dangerous lesson: that you needn't live the Christian values you preach - at least not while dealing with muslims.