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Versteckte Lösung

Aufgabe: .... Wie heißt unsere Schule?

[Lösung anzeigen]

Multiple Choice


Was ergibt 1 + 1?



Finden Sie die unverdrehte Lösung zu den verdrehten Wörtern!

When I get up in the (rgoimnn) I love to drink (eoffec).

My dad makes (tosat) for me and then I go to (lcohos).

Kreuzworträtsel 1

  • When you click on the numbers in the crossword-puzzle, a pop-up window opens. Here you can enter the correct word.
  • When you have filled in all solutions, you can klick "Prüfen" to check if your answers are correct!
  • Answers which are not correct are deleted, and you can try again.

Benutzen Sie zur Eingabe die Tastatur. Eventuell müssen sie zuerst ein Eingabefeld durch Anklicken aktivieren.

My mother's son is my ...1
These animals have four legs, say "woof" and like bones! The don't like cats!4
opposite of "white"6
after "one" comes ...2
... is the opposite of summer3
You sit on a ... when you are in the classroom.5

Kreuzwort-Rätsel 2

  • When you click on the numbers in the crossword-puzzle, a pop-up window opens. Here you can enter the correct word.
  • When you have filled in all solutions, you can klick "Prüfen" to check if your answers are correct!
  • Answers which are not correct are deleted, and you can try again.
  6     2  1    
3    7         

Benutzen Sie zur Eingabe die Tastatur. Eventuell müssen sie zuerst ein Eingabefeld durch Anklicken aktivieren.

people who travel to another country in their holidays to see a lot are1
opposite of "friend"5
The ... conquered England in 1066.6
You need an ... arrow that you can shoot at the target with your bow.7
My mother's husband is my ...2
You get good food and to drink at a ...3
to laugh is the opposite of to ...4