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Find the correct ENGLISH word for these explanations (You can find the correct answers on the bottom!):

a) Past form of "go"

b) Forest tree

c) What you can see/ an interesting thing to see

d) Another word for "story"

e) Most important policeman in the Middle Ages

f) Opposite of "child"

g) A group of people who make music together



Comparison of Adjectives 1

Comparison of Adjectives 2

Comparison of Adjectives 3

Simple Past

Present Progressive

Simple Present

Some vs Any

Much vs. Many

Lösungen a) Past form of "go" = went

b) Forest tree = oak

c) What you can see/ an interesting thing to see = sight

d) Another word for "story" = tale

e) Most important policeman in the Middle Ages = sheriff

f) Opposite of "child" = adult

g) A group of people who make music together = band


1. Schulaufgabe: 19. November 2013

2. Schulaufgabe: 10. Januar 2014


Grundwissen Brüche
Bruchteile bestimmen
Umwandeln von Brüchen und Dezimalzahlen
Vergleichen von Brüchen

1. Schulaufgabe Tipps zur Vorbereitung
Comic Kürzen.gif