5d 2008 09

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To be continued ...

Klasse 5d - Englisch


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To practise .... (2 mp3-files with the poems - Download: Jack o' Lantern - Download: Five Little Pumpkins)

Jack o’ Lantern

I'm a pumpkin, big and round. (Show size with arms)

Once upon a time, I grew on the ground. (Point to ground)

Now I have a mouth, two eyes, and a nose. (Point to each)

What are they for, do you suppose? (Point to forehead and "think")

With a candle inside, burning bright, (spread your arms out)

I'll be a jack-o'-lantern on Halloween night. (point at yourself)

Five Little Pumpkins

Five little pumpkins sitting on the fence

The first one said “I'm so immense”

The second one said “There are witches in the air”

The third one said “I don't care”

The fourth one said “Let’s run and run”

The fifth one said “Let’s have some fun”

On went the wind and out went the light

And the five little pumpkins ran out of sight.

Trick or treat

Trick or treat. Trick or treat.

I want something good to eat.

Trick or treat. Trick or treat.

Gimme something nice 'n' sweet!

Gimme candy and an apple, too,

and I won't play a trick on you!