Aus RMG-Wiki
Book, p. 86 / 87 + qu 5 + 6
- Muslims in 60s came for economic reasons originally, hope to go back ⇒ keep original culture, language ....
- their children grow up in two worlds ⇒ undefined position between cultures, open question of Britishness
- grew up in monocultural ghettos, with no contact between native white English and immigrant communities
Islam of first generation:
- folklorish, traditional, orthodox;
- presented in a second language (parents' lang.) ⇒ foreign/strange for children
New Islam:
- presented by young Imams, radical, political, often Islamist version of Islam (spread e.g. by wahabitic Imams trained in Saudi Arabia etc.)
- preached in English, a language young British muslims identify with
- mixed with idea of pride in being a muslim