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4. Schulaufgabe: 01. Juli 2014

Reading Comprehension; Grammar (tenses, modal verbs and substitutes, if- clauses); Vocabulary; Mediation

Link zu Jahrgangsstufentests aus den vergangenen Jahren mit Übungen ISB Bayern


Last week Donna wasn’t able to (not Fähigkeit) find José in the playground. Later on she tried to talk to him but she had lessons and she wasn’t allowed (Verbot) to leave the classroom. She wanted to tell him that Tina wasn’t able to (not Fähigkeit) take part in the play because she had to (Verpflichtung) visit her sick aunt in Florida.

Donna: “Next week she will be able to .(Fähigkeit) to come back, but it might be too late to rehearse for the play.”

José: “That’s too bad. I was looking forward to seeing her in the play. I am allowed to .(Erlaubnis) write the report about the play for the school magazine. I wanted to write a nice review about Tina’s performance. She’s always so good at acting.”

Donna: “Yesterday I tried to call Tina at her aunt’s but I haven’t been able (not Fähigkeit) to get her on the phone yet. Maybe we can ask her to come home earlier. I will have(Verpflichtung) to call her later tonight.”

On Make a Difference Day last Wednesday José played (play) the trumpet in his dad’s band to make some money. The people liked (like) the concert and gave a lot of money for toys for the children’s hospital.

José: “Look, Sally. We have made (make) $ 120. That is (be) a lot of money. We haven’t bought (not buy) any toys yet but Donna and I are going to go shopping (go shopping) next Saturday. We have already made(already make) plans and I think Donna’s parents will take (take) us to the shopping center.”

Sally: “That sounds (sound) great, José. If I am (be) home on Saturday, I will come (come) with you.“

José: “Thank you, Sally. I wanted (want) to ask you anyway. Let’s call Ben and ask him if he has planned (plan) anything for Saturday yet.”

Text Production


You can start your story with "once upon a time" (bei Märchen, Legenden)

In the beginning you should answer the questions: WHERE? WHEN? and WHO?

Once upon a time there was a girl named Marian and she lived in a castle in Nottingham during the Middle Ages

Then you tell the story.


  • Verbinde die Sätze inhaltlich mit Connectives (and, but, or, because, then, after that, so etc.). Vermeide es, Sätze mit unterschiedlichen Inhalten einfach aufzulisten. Der rote Faden deines Textes soll erkennbar sein.
  • Achte auf die Groß- und Kleinschreibung: Eigennamen (z.B. Robin Hood), Nationalitäten (z.B. France, French), Schulfächer (z.B. History) und "I" (=ich) musst du groß schreiben.
  • Durch die Verwendung von direkter Rede ("....")kann man den Text oft etwas auflockern
  • Wenn man das erste Mal etwas erwähnt, sollte man diese mit dessen Namen bzw. Bezeichnung tun. Danach kann man den Begriff durch ein Personalpronomen ersetzen. (z.B. Marian loved Robin Hood and she often went to Sherwood Forest to see him.)


Spelling of verbs

Words ending in -y


NEW (June,30 2014)

If-Clauses II

Questions Simple Past

Test Simple Present

Simple Past or Present Perfect

Simple Past or Present Perfect 2

Mixed Tenses

Mixed Tenses 2

If clauses

Present Perfect 1

Present Perfect 2

Present Perfect Questions

Simple Past or Present Perfect 1

Simple Past or Present Perfect 2

Irregular Verbs

Will- future

Going to- future

Will or Going to- Future?

Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns

Subject or object of the relative clause

Relative clauses

Contact Clauses

Question Tags

Comparison of Adjectives 1

Comparison of Adjectives 2

Comparison of Adjectives 3

Simple Past

Present Progressive

Simple Present

Some vs Any

Much vs. Many


a) It an orange vegetable in which people put candles on Halloween = pumpkin

b) Opposite of light= dark(ness)

c) A person which is dead but still "lives" = ghost

d) When you talk to God, you say a .....= prayer

e) It's sweet and children usually like it (American word). = candy

f) Singers use it so there voice is louder than normal. = microphone

g) It the language the Romans spoke. = Latin


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