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2. Schulaufgabe: 17. Januar 2014

Reading Comprehension; Grammar (Relative clauses, contact clauses, tenses, comparison of adjectives), text production/mediation

Link zu Jahrgangsstufentests aus den vergangenen Jahren mit Übungen ISB Bayern

Text Production


  • Verbinde die Sätze inhaltlich mit Connectives (and, but, or, because, then, after that, so etc.). Vermeide es, Sätze mit unterschiedlichen Inhalten einfach aufzulisten. Der rote Faden deines Textes soll erkennbar sein.
  • Achte auf die Groß- und Kleinschreibung: Eigennamen (z.B. Robin Hood), Nationalitäten (z.B. France, French), Schulfächer (z.B. History) und "I" (=ich) musst du groß schreiben.
  • Vergiss bei einem Dialog nicht, dass beide Gesprächspartner zu Wort kommen sollten.

Hier ist ein Musterdialog:

Dad: Hi son, how was your trip to Nottingham?

Bud: It was brilliant, Dad. I met some new friends and their names are David and Scott. Scott is American, too, so we could talk about a lot of things. That was great.

Dad: What did you do together?

Bud: On Wednesday we went to "The Tales of Robin Hood". Robin Hood is an English legend and he lived near Nottingham, so you can learn a lot about him there. Then we went to Sherwood Forest, too. Robin Hood lived there and sometimes he hid in a huge hollow oak.

Dad: Why did he hide?

Bud: The Sheriff of Nottingham, his enemy, chased him, so he had to hide. Dad, you should (=sollen) read a book about Robin. After that we can talk about Robin and his friends or maybe we can go to Nottingham together next year.


Find the correct ENGLISH word for these explanations (You can find the correct answers on the bottom!):

a) Past form of "go"

b) Forest tree

c) What you can see/ an interesting thing to see

d) Another word for "story"

e) Most important policeman in the Middle Ages

f) Opposite of "child"

g) A group of people who make music together



Question Tags

Comparison of Adjectives 1

Comparison of Adjectives 2

Comparison of Adjectives 3

Simple Past

Present Progressive

Simple Present

Some vs Any

Much vs. Many


a) Past form of "go" = went

b) Forest tree = oak

c) What you can see/ an interesting thing to see = sight

d) Another word for "story" = tale

e) Most important policeman in the Middle Ages = sheriff

f) Opposite of "child" = adult

g) A group of people who make music together = band


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1. Schulaufgabe Tipps zur Vorbereitung
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