Thelenberg 2013 14

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Basic Skills & Information

The Hobbit

The scrap book is part of the coursework (marked!

These are the questions that you need to have readable and reasonable NOTES on:

Chapter I and II:

  • Characterize Bilbo and one other character (round or flat, relation to each other?)!
  • What kind of story and hero do you expect at the end of chapter one?
  • Compare your impressions of Bilbo and the dwarves at the end of chapter II with those at the end of chapter I.

Chapters 4 + 5:

  • p. 65-70: What rhetorical devices (e.g. symbols, style) and narrative tricks are used to create the special mood, tension and expectations?
  • Collect all important information about goblins/orks in a "what travellers ought to know about goblins" profile!
  • What are the similarities and differences between Bilbo and Gollum? (NOTES)

Chapter 7 + 8:

  • Characterize Beorn!
  • How does the mood / atmosphere develop from page 158 – 162 … How is this effect achieved?

  • Show and explain, that this chapter reveals Bilbo's heroic qualities (give lines)!
  • Compare the different dwarves' (Bombur - Thorin - Kili&Fili) and Bilbo's roles/function in the story in chapter 8! Who are the flat and who the round characters?

Chapter 9 + 10: Compare the endings of chapters 8, 9 and ten.

Chapter 11 + 12:

  • Characterize Smaug (NOTES!)

Chapter 14 + 15:

  • Characterize Bard
  • How can Thorin's reaction to Bard's requests be explained?

Chapters 16 + 17:

  • Bilbo fully turns into a modern, everyman anti-hero - very different from an epic hero like Thorin.
  • Compare the two types of heroes!
  • How do they feel abot the treasure / fighting?
  • What does "honour" mean for them?

Chapters 18 + 19:

  • Sum up what Bilbo has lost and gained in the end!
  • What do you think of Bilbo's development throughout the book and what does it tell the reader?