5f 2012 13
Englisch Schulaufgabe Friday, January 25, 2013: LISTENING, GRAMMAR (have got/has got, present progressive, pronouns, genitive, plurals), TEXT PRODUCTION (writing a text) GRAMMARLet's Start
Unit 1Wenn Ihr möchtet, könnt Ihr im WORKBOOK die noch nicht gemachten Übungen von S.3- S.27 machen! NEW exercises Definite and indefinite article
Unit 2TEXT PRODUCTIONExample: It's Friday and the children are in their classroom. There are posters on the blue wall but the teacher isn't there. There are six children: three boys and three girls. One boy, Patrick, is looking at the window and he is seeing a funny snowman. Patrick: "Wow, there is a snowman. Let's go outside and play with him." Jenny: "We must do our Maths homework, Patrick because our teacher is here now." The kids are not happy but they can go and play with the snowman after (nach) school.