6f 2011 12\Schulaufgabe

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1. Texte zum Lesen und Lernen:

  • Schülerbuch S. 34/35, S. 38, S. 41/42 (Music and Going to a Concert)

2. Grammatik:

  • Buch S. 123 -126!
  • Übungen unter Grammar! Besonders Relative und Contact Clauses sowie Future ...!
  • Übungen im Buch: S. 44
  • (Lösungen im Hausheft, war HA)
  • S. 45, ex. 5 Lösungen: (1 - to?; 2 - are they from?; 3 - are you thinking of?; 4 - can we look at?; 5 - are we waiting for?; 6 - are they doing?)
  • Workbook (Lösungen hinten im Workbook): S. 24/23 und 26/3a+b und S. 26/4 sowie S. 35
  • unregelmäßige Verben (alle 3 Formen und Bedeutungen) Buch S. 198 (to be) bis S. 199 (to spell)

3. Texterstellung

  • Fragen zu einem vorliegenden Text beantworten.
  • Aufgabentypen:
  • True or false? (Vgl. S. 39/2 - Lösungen im Schulheft)
  • Fragen zu S. 41/42 (text A)
  1. Why is it going to be a great week for Robert?(2 reasons)It's going to be a great week for Robert because there is not going to be a French test, he is going to go skating and he is going to go to a match of his favourite team.
  2. Why did Robert suddenly want to go to the concert? He suddenly wanted to go to the concert because his mum couldn't get the tickets for the football match (, which was on the same evening).
  3. How did they get to the concert? They got to the concert in Lewis's car / by car.
  4. What happened to the singer? He staggerded about and then he fell over.
  5. Why did the people get angry and noisy? They got angry because they spent much money for the concert and now the singer is ill and now the concert stops/is over/is no good.
  6. Why does the manager say "Louie Super" - and not "Lewis Hooper"? He says "Louie Super" because he doesn't understand his name (correctly)(because the crowd is so loud/noisy).
  7. How does Robert fell when Lewis sings and dances so well? He feels very good and is amazed/surprised.