Euphoric State University
- colloquially known as Euphoric State
- replica of the leaning Tower of Pisa (white stones, twice the original size)
- very good paid professors
- small but populus state between North and South California
- mountains, lakes, rivers, redwood forests, blond beaches, incomparable bay
- one of America's major universities
- most distinguished scholars, laboratories, libraries, research grants, longlegged secretaries
- not too diffucult to obtain a bachelor's degree
- students have to work a lot on their own
- necessary credits are accumulated at free time
- it's easy to cheat at this school
- replica of the leaning Tower of Pisa (red bricks, to scale)
- bad paid professors
- large, graceless industrial city, in the English midlands, at intersection of 3 motorways, 26 railway lines, 6 stagnant canals
- the values changed from old to new => lost prestige
- disgruntled and discouraged mood
- middle size university