Benutzer:Weidinger Julian

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English - LK 09/11


Two main Characters: Personality, Family, Career

Morris Zapp

  • 40 years old
  • smoker
  • he never left america so far
  • long gorilla-like arms
  • professor of English
  • cannot swim
  • light-headed
  • veteran of long distance flying
  • he exaggerates
  • he's got a wife

Philipp Swallow

  • afraid of flying
  • 40 years old
  • unaccustomed to traveling
  • unconfident
  • infinitely suggestable
  • observes other people
  • conservative/traditional
  • married too
  • good imagination
  • professor of English
  • excited about flying/travelling

University Life and Academical System

Euphoric State University

  • colloquially known as Euphoric State
  • replica of the leaning Tower of Pisa (white stones, twice the original size)
  • very good paid professors
  • small but populus state between North and South California
  • mountains, lakes, rivers, redwood forests, blond beaches, incomparable bay
  • one of America's major universities
  • most distinguished scholars, laboratories, libraries, research grants, longlegged secretaries
  • not too diffucult to obtain a bachelor's degree
  • students have to work a lot on their own
  • necessary credits are accumulated at free time
  • it's easy to cheat at this school


  • replica of the leaning Tower of Pisa (red bricks, to scale)
  • bad paid professors
  • large, graceless industrial city, in the English midlands, at intersection of 3 motorways, 26 railway lines, 6 stagnant canals
  • the values changed from old to new => lost prestige
  • disgruntled and discouraged mood
  • middle size university

Life in the USA vs. Life in Britain


  • violent country
  • revolts on the universitie
  • campuses in revolt
  • growing cities and devastated countryside
  • it isn't legal to abort
  • melodramatic and violent country
  • politicians get killed sometimes


  • school system is not easy
  • bad weather
  • high-level language
  • Rummidge is one of many industrial cities in the Midlands
  • tea time
  • it is legal to abort

summary 1984

It is 1984 and Winston Smith lives in London which is a city of the country Oceania. The whole world is divided into three countries: Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. All of them are totalitarian societies, which are led by Big Brother, which censors everyone’s behavior, as well as their thoughts. Winston hates his oppressed life and secretly wants to join the fabled Brotherhood, a supposed group of underground rebels who want to overthrow the government. Winston meets Julia and they secretly fall in love and have an affair, something which is considered a crime. One day, while walking home, Winston encounters O’Brian, an inner party member, who gives Winston his address. Winston had exchanged glances with O’Brian before and had dreams about him giving him the impression that O’Brian was a member of the Brotherhood. Since Julia hated the party as much as Winston did, they went to O’Brian’s house together where they were introduced into the Brotherhood. O’Brian is actually a faithful member of the Inner-Party and this is actually a trap for Winston, a trap that O’Brian has been cleverly setting for seven years. Winston and Julia are sent to the Ministry of Love which is a sort of rehabilitation center for criminals accused of thoughtcrime. There, Winston was separated from Julia, and tortured until his beliefs coincided with those of the Party. Winston denounces everything he believed him, even his love for Julia, and was released back into the public where he wastes his days at the Chestnut Tree drinking gin.

from :! This souce was not given ...!

Unfortunately, this text is full of the wrong use of the simple past and some inaccuracies ....

In 1984, Winston Smith lives in London which is part of the country Oceania. The world is divided into three countries that include the entire globe: Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. Oceania, and both of the others, is a totalitarian society led by Big Brother, which censors everyone’s behavior, even their thoughts. Winston is disgusted with his oppressed life and secretly longs to join the fabled Brotherhood, a supposed group of underground rebels intent on overthrowing the government. Winston meets Julia and they secretly fall in love and have an affair, something which is considered a crime. One day, while walking home, Winston encounters O’Brian, an inner party member, who gives Winston his address. Winston had exchanged glances with O’Brian before and had dreams about him giving him the impression that O’Brian was a member of the Brotherhood. Since Julia hated the party as much as Winston did, they went to O’Brian’s house together where they were introduced into the Brotherhood. O’Brian is actually a faithful member of the Inner-Party and this is actually a trap for Winston, a trap that O’Brian has been cleverly setting for seven years. Winston and Julia are sent to the Ministry of Love which is a sort of rehabilitation center for criminals accused of thoughtcrime. There, Winston was separated from Julia, and tortured until his beliefs coincided with those of the Party. Winston denounces everything he believed him, even his love for Julia, and was released back into the public where he wastes his days at the Chestnut Tree drinking gin.