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Death penalty


The death penalty, is the execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for a crime. Those that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes.A capital crime was originally punished by the severing of the head.

what do you think about capital punishment?

is it fair on just inhuman and cruel?

create your own opinion

death penalty mistake!

Sadam Hussein's execution

Is something like this democratic? And does the USA as the 'world super power' and the 'idol' for many other coutries behaive axamplaryly conserning the human rights?

Will Obama the Superman accept such a brutality?

some entertainment

4all Hip-Hop lovers


==== homework oct. 13 ====

The committee said it awarded the prize to Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," but made the clear the prize was intended to encourage Obama to greatness rather than celebrate any achievement.

german translation:

Das Kommittee sagte, es verliehe Obama den Preis für seine "ausserordentlichen Bemühungen zu starker internationaler Diplomatie und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Völkern", aber versicherte ,dass die Auszeichnung Obama eher Bedeutsamkeit zuzusprechen beabsichtigte als irgendwelche Erfolge zu feiern.

European expectations from Obama

main points:

Europe ...

  • ... fears there would be some disagreements between the EU and USA concerning foreign policy with Afghanistan, Iran and Russia
  • ... does not want Obama to send more troops to Afganistan
  • ... wants Obama to close Guantanamo
  • ... wants to work together with the United States concerning the climate change und set an example for the rest of the world


Introduction for Social Exclusion

What do you think is the worst thing that could happen to you? Many poeple whould say that are metereal affaires. But is this really the worst? No it is not. Just imagine you do not take part in society, feel isolated and excluded. I personnaly think that that would make a person no longer feel like a human any more but like a worthless thing. That's why following situations situatians should be avoided...

Homework nov. 18th ~> ESSAY

Today's technology improves our lives. It facilitates comunications and replaces face-to-face meetings that's why many people prefer working at home in front of the computer screen. Does this technological advance has only advantages for our society or are there also some hidden dangers?

First of all I want to say that you can't neglect many positive and beneficial develepments that computer technologies involve like the possibility for fast communication with other people. For example if you want to tell something to your friend you don't have to write a letter you can easiely write him an e-mail or a short message with a messanger like msn or icq. A further advantage of the computers is the huge amount of information offered in the world wide web which can be used for many aims such as receiving latest news or looking up homework matereal for students. Moreover the possibility of working with the computer at home brings also some pros that are parents working exemplary as a website designer who can spend more time with their children than a parent working in a factory. As a result of this they don't have to pay a person to look after their kids because they can do it themselves.

However there are also dangers that should not be forgotten. Especially young people are in danger of not realizing the negative effects on their lives using computers for example their bad hand writing which is disregarded because they type too much on the keybords. This can be seen at schools were teachers demands pupils to write their homework with the pc and put them into wiki instead of writing classicly with a pen on a paper sheet. Furthermore not only children but also adults can become addicted on using computers. This happens if they spend too much time with it instead of doing other activities such as sports. Many youngsters are depending on chat sites like "schülervz" or online games like "wow". Consequently they lose the sight of real life, neglect social affaires, neglect their health so they just lose their friends and get ill. There are also people trying to escape from the real life into a virtual world. They do this in order to forget their problems those are people having stressful jobs or just jobs they don't like as somebody working in a fast-food restaurant. In special cases that leads to social exclusion and isolation.

As a conclusion I would say that computers are great inventions bringing many andvantages and possibilies in communication and also education. It is also an essential entertaining and informating media which nevertheless should be used carefully especially by children because it contains hidden dangers like addiction.

Estuary English


Standard English spoken with the accent of the southeast of England.

The name comes from the area around the Thames Estuary. Especially young people speak it. Many people consider it as the working class accent.

particularities of this accent:

  • Non-rhotic speaker does not pronounce /r/ in hard, /r/ is only pronounced if it is followed by a vowel sound: the R in here would not be pronounced in here they are (because it is followed by a consonant), but it would be pronounced in here I am!
  • A broad A: laugh, grass, bath
  • T-glottalization e.g. water (pronounced /wɔːʔə/)
  • Yod-coalescence: words like dune and Tuesdaysound like June and choose day
  • Th-fronting: /th/ is pronounced as /f/


Thesis: To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act.

It is often told we are living in a time of inactivity where humans are only existing in order to work. But not all people are living just from day to day. Some of us have also aims und wishes they'd like to fulfill. To achieve those dreams it is not enough just to dream about it, however that's the first step to reach it but the further and even more important step is to act and to work for your dream.


Interpret: Ne-yo

Title: So sick

the original music video


1) Summary: This poem is about a man being sick of love songs, because they remind him of his girlfriend who had left him for month but who he still loves.

2) Words / phrases that carry the main ideas: alone/ can’t get over us/ sick of love songs/ done with wishes you were still here/ sad/ there’s no more you/ no more anniversary/ thougts of you/ every song reminds me up what you used to be/ tired of tears/ don’t meke me think about her smile/ why can’t I turn of the radio. Most of those words can be found in the chorus.

3) Characterisation: The speaker is a man left by his girlfriend, however he still loves her and can’t get over her. This can be seen in the fact that all thing remind him of her, f.ex. the answering machine where he can still hear her voice on the tape and especially the sad and slow love songs played on the radio. This man is confused because he wants to forget her which he can’t. He says to himself that he ist stong enough to forget her but that’s a lie because there are several moths gone since she has left him but he hasn’t even changed the answering machine yet just to hear her voice. Moreover he can be caracterized either as a week person or just as a powerless person fallen completely in love with this girl because he can’t turn off the radio which plays the love songs reminding him of her.

4) Setting: We don’t know where the speaker is, although there are some hints like the answering machine or the radio which let us imagine that he is at home. But the answering machine could be from his mobile phone and the love songs on the radio can also be listened on a mobile phone, on the internet from a note book or on a car radio. So he could be everywhere and needn’t be at home.

5) Images: The only two images that can be found in this song are the metaphors “door” and the “calendar” that symbolize the definitive end of the man’s ralationship.

6) Stylistic devices:

Stylistic device Quotation Aim
Anaphora “so” tired… “so” done… emphazises how hurt the speaker is
Alliterarion “Said I’m so sick of love songs so sad and slow” makes the reader paying attention
Epiphora + pepetition “…there’s no more you” “…my thoughts of you” stresses her importance by mentioning her several times

7) Form:

• This poem consists of 9 stanzas, 5 of them is the repeated chorus and 61 lines. There is no clear rhyme scheme.

some couplets:

No more walking round a

With my head down a

I'm so over being blue b

Crying over you b

So tired of tears a

So done with wishing you were still here a

Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow b

So why can't I turn off the radio b

Don't make me think about her smile a

Or having my first child a

I'm letting go b

Turning off the radio b

• quatrain:

Because since there's no more you c

There's no more anniversary d

I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you c

And your memory d

• All these rhymes are end rhymes.

• In addition there is a run-on line:

Cause right now it says that we

Can't come to the phone


  • you're a rose (beautiful,best of all <~> painful if treated wrongly)
  • water in the desert (hard to find, rare, essential <~> without water~> dead)
  • jackpot (rare; if achieved, envied by the others <~> possible addiction (compulsive gambling))
  • you' re my air (vital <~> without air~> suffocation)
  • beat to the heart (vital, essential, excitement when the heart beats fast <~> cardiac arrest when the beat stops)
  • my sun (making happy, shining, enjoyable heat <~> burning if getting to close)
  • love is a Roller Coaster (pleasure <~> there are ups and downs)

Homework 15th March

The advertised products of this ad are used bmws. The main element of this picture is a woman's face and her upper body shown up her breasts' end. This woman is young, attractive and seems to be nacked. Furthermore she's got a curly and long blonde hair. Her eyes are looking directly at you and her mouth is lightly opened. Nearly on the picture's left bottom you can find the title "You know you're not the firt". On the right bottom the bmw emblem with the title "used cars" is printed. This advert is directed at men because the main element of this foto is a pretty woman and pretty women are what men in average like most. The ad's message is that although you're not the first person to own or to drive the used bmw and that it is still good and would satisfy you. The young woman is the symbol for a used bmw and the ride with used bmw is compared with having sex with a woman that is no more a virgin which needn't mean that the sex would be bad. The targed group is made to want this product by being convinced by the woman's beauty. This is the only trick to catch a man's eye because there aren't any other convincing elements and qualities mentioned. As a conclusion I think that this advert works only with visual tricks and aims at mens' helplessness concerning women's beauty.

Homework 21st March

advert against prostitution & human trading

The advert against prostitution & human trading
question answer
what product? women
aim and target group? men
elements (description, relation between them? Attractive, young and nude woman packed in a white meat package with a bar code on the right bottom. This woman is captured in this package and can't get out. She is compared to meat that everyone can buy. Furthermore the is a relation between people eating meat without thinking about that it was once an animal that had to die and people paying prostitutes without thinking about any negative aspects, f.ex that many women don't prostitute oneselves voluntarily. Moreover the white wraping's colour and the girl's face seem to stand for innocence which play the whole situation down.
how is "customers'" attention attracted? The customers' attention is attracted by the woman's beauty and the nonsense of a woman being packed in a meat wraping. In addition the customers are attracted by the eye-catching white box positioned in the centre of the image.
message (of text and image)? The text's message is that if someone is paying a prostitute, he's finacing the human trading at the same time. The image's message is that a woman captured in the prostitution system can't quit as long as there are still men paying for sex. The summarized message is to show responsibility and not to support human trading by paying prostitutes.
how does the advert work, how are people influenced/conviced?
  • advert appeals to people's humanity, sensibility, responsibility and rationality
  • message is supported by text and shocking as also provocative images; concrete: the thing that shocks is a human being treated like meat and the fact that a woman in reality would suffocate if she'd been packed into a film
  • advert uses customers' wishes of having such a beautiful woman like on the photo, fears that one loved person, in this case especially a female like your mother, sister or cousin, might have the same destiny as those prostitutes
  • to appeal directly to the customer
  • rhetorical and stylistic devices in language and imagery: direct appeal, information and nubers about human trading; euphemism: the picture doesn't really transmit the womens' misery being captured in prostitution
  • reader makes associations with/is reminded of movies about human trading/ Jesus's body position while hanging innocent and helpless on the cross?


The advert's product are momen and it's target group are men. This ad shows an attractive, young and nude woman packed in a white meat package with a bar code on the right bottom. This woman is captured in this package and can't get out. She is compared to meat that everyone can buy. Furthermore the is a relation between people eating meat without thinking about that it was once an animal that had to die and people paying prostitutes without thinking about any negative aspects, f.ex that many women don't prostitute oneselves voluntarily. Moreover the white wraping's colour and the girl's face seem to stand for innocence which play the whole situation down. The customers' attention is attracted by the woman's beauty and the nonsense of a woman being packed in a meat wraping. In addition the customers are attracted by the eye-catching white box positioned in the centre of the image.The text's message is that if someone is paying a prostitute, he's finacing the human trading at the same time. The image's message is that a woman captured in the prostitution system can't quit as long as there are still men paying for sex. The summarized message is to show responsibility and not to support human trading by paying prostitutes. This advertisement appeals to people's humanity, sensibility, responsibility and rationality. It's message is supported by text and shocking as also provocative images; concrete: the thing that shocks is a human being treated like meat and the fact that a woman in reality would suffocate if she'd been packed into a film. the advert uses customers' wishes of having such a beautiful woman like on the photo, fears that one loved person, in this case especially a female like your mother, sister or cousin, might have the same destiny as those prostitutes to appeal directly to the customer. there are also some rhetorical and stylistic devices in language and imagery: direct appeal, information and numbers about human trading; euphemism: the picture doesn't really transmit the womens' misery being captured in prostitution. In the end the reader is reminded of movies about human trading possibly also of Jesus's body position while hanging innocent and helpless on the cross.