Benutzer:Weidinger Julian

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English - LK 09/11

The advert "Buckle up ..."
question answer
what product? road safety measures
aim and target group? car drivers
elements (description, relation between them?) four photos with four people, three of these photos are marked with a black ribbon => the three people are dead, in the fourth picture the black ribbon works as a safety belt
how is "customers'" attention attracted? no text, one has to think about it to get its message
message (of text and image)? buckling up can save your life
how does the advert work, how are people influenced/convinced?
  • advert appeals to car drivers
  • message is supported by the four photos
  • advert uses customers' fear of death (in order to convince them to buckle up)
  • viewer is reminded of how fast car accidents can happen and how bad this can end

US politics

Terms/phrases about "US politics"

  1. president = Präsident
  2. constitution = Verfassung
  3. law = Gesetz
  4. presidency = Präsidentschaft
  5. party = Partei
  6. "bully pulpit" = "Tyrannenkanzel"
  7. political acumen = politischer Scharfsinn
  8. economy = Wirtschaft
  9. equal rights = Gleichberechtigung

Expectations in Obama

  1. Great expectations for Obama abroad
  2. A top 10 of the most important expectations

German politics

  • the "black-yellow coalition" is i think the best one we could get
  • hopefully they will really be able to lower the taxes and reboost the economy
  • according to the videos about Mr. Westerwelle which can be seen online, i don´t think he is the right one to become foreign minister