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"homework!" - to be published soon



Anti-Civilisation under consideration of the ideas of John Zerzan and Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber (Facharbeit)

Homwork for Monday, October 12th

[Refers to the article "The court considers gun control", New York Times, March 18th 2008]

[...]The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the law violates the Second Amendment, which states: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The decision broke with the great majority of federal courts that have examined the issue, including the Supreme Court in 1939. Those courts have held that the constitutional right to bear arms is tied to service in a militia, and is not an individual right.[...] (NYT)


Das U.S.amerikanische Bundesberufungsgericht des Bezirks Columbia beschloss, dass das Gesetz gegen den zweiten Zusatzartikel der (U.S.) Verfassung verstößt, in welchem es heißt: „ Das Recht auf eine wohl geregelte Bürgerwehr, derer es zur Sicherheit eines freien Staates bedarf, und/d.h. das Recht des Volkes, Waffen zu besitzen und zu führen, darf nicht eingeschränkt werden.“ Dieser Entschluss steht im völligen Widerspruch zu (den Entscheidungen)der großen Mehrzahl der U.S.amerikanischen Gerichtshöfe, die sich mit dieser Problematik auseinandergesetzt haben, wie unter anderem dem Obersten Gerichtshof von 1939. Diese Gerichte waren der Auffassung, dass das verfassungsmäßige Recht, welches erlaubt Waffen zu führen, (fest) an den Dienst in einer Bürgerwehr geknüpft ist, und dies kein Recht des Einzelnen sei.


Muslims hopes on Obama

First Text

  1. Less-militaristic policy in the Muslim world
  2. Open his administration to the ideas and talents of Muslim-Americans
  3. Against near-east wars
  4. Want Obama to seek counsel from U.S.Muslims
  5. More respect towards people of all faiths
  6. Muslims want to have a say in issues of domestic and foreign policies
  7. No prejudices against the Islam (terrorism)
  8. In Obama they see an opportunity to redefine themselves and make themselves heard
  9. More muslims in Obamas Administration
  10. Muslims want Obama to encourage American Muslims and say something positive about them

Note: 2. text [hier]

Second Text

  1. There's more Obama has to do than getting elected to win over the Muslim World
  2. Don't belief Obama would change the support of Israel, what overshadows any optimism about the new U.S.leader
  3. "This is such a historic moment for people around the world and especially for Muslims"
  4. Obama is also in favor of the Muslim World because he spend a long term of his childhood in an islamic country
  5. "People have high expectations."
  6. Al-Qaeda fears that Obama will take away a good deal of the eastern hatred against the West
  7. The Support of Israel, which is not going to be stopped, annoys the Muslims

Received Pronunciation, November 26th of 2009


Usage: Audio-Example:

Symbols in Love Poems


Snow is a symbol often used to express innocence and purity, which is referred to its bright white "colour". The purity of snow is also sometimes linked with virginity and its white shine was often connected to beauty in times when white skin was supposed to be attractive, which isn't really contemporary nowadays, but still comprehensible.


"Fever" is used to express the writers mood or state of health being fallen in love with the extolled person. Like suffering under fever he feels about the beloved: there maybe a painful distance, represented by sickness-like pain, maybe also confusion or feeling about to get crazy about the person...

Love song analysis


  • What the song is about

The song "your call" by Secondhand Serenade describes the feelings of a guy painfully missing - probably - his girlfriend.

  • How he is doing that

Therefore the singer is, in the first verse, directly begging her for a call, like praying to her, for he would not beg for a call if he was able to talk to her at that moment. This kind of "praying" gets the reader or listener a feeling of desperateness, like the struggle of feelings: being "sick" and "angry" and, more clearly, "desperate for your(her) voice". Then he goes on creating feelings of longing by describing memories almost everyone is able to identify with, or are at least most comprehensible, because they're supposed to be romantical and the like. He uses an association most of us use - a certain song which reminds him of the time spend with his girl. Then, in the chorus, he's using a most kitschy phrase, supposed to melt girls hearts (and make them by his stupid cd), "I was born to tell you I love you ...".