Benutzer:Rambacher Tobias

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English - LK 09/11

US politics


Terms/phrases about "US politics"

  1. president = Präsident
  2. running mate = Vizekandidat
  3. constitution = Verfassung
  4. law = Gesetz
  5. presidency = Präsidentschaft
  6. poverty = Macht
  7. party = Partei
  8. oath = Eid,Schwur
  9. "bully pulpit" = "Tyrannenkanzel"
  10. political acumen = politischer Scharfsinn
  11. social legislation = soziale Gesetzgebung
  12. economy = Wirtschaft
  13. charisma = Ausstrahlung
  14. equal rights = Gleichberechtigung
  15. human dignity = Menschenwürde


  1. List of challenges Great expectations: Obama will have to deliver.
  2. Expectations for Obama Discussion about the excpectations on Obama.

Expectations of African American

Wiki-Entry about African Americans

  • Fairness,clarity,truthfulness
  • Fight hard for civil rights
  • Education
  • Jobs
  • Changes


German politics

  • The "Wahl-o-mat" proposed that I should elect the SPD or the FDP.
  • I expect the CDU/CSU to be the party which will have the most voters.

Queen's English

Definition: Queen's English means the standard form of either written or spoken British English regarded as correct.

  • Can be traced to the 16th century
  • Monarchs usage of language as model in speech and writing
  • First only impüortant for aristocraty
  • In newer times the gap between the royals etc. and the people is getting smaller.


  • house = hice
  • off = orf
  • tower = tar
  • refined = refained

Estuary English

"Thus a 'thief' is a 'tief' and a 'youth' is a 'yout'." (l.40)

  • The author wants to point out that it is silly to leave out the "h" in some words.

"At best, it could mean a quite different society in which a voice carries authority by its words, not its vowels." (l.64-65)

  • The author criticizes that people get judged about the way they speak, instead of the content they talk about.

1. What influences on and changes to English spoken in Britain are mentioned in the text ?

The language in Britain is influenced by several factors. Firstly children are adopting other pronounciations to increase their coolness. A second strong influence is the American language from which many words are assimilated into British English. For example American words like "barf" or "vomit" are fully integrated into British English. Furthermore words, which are slang are mentioned in the dictionary. For instance while words like "bobbitt" are not mentioned anymore, new words like "dweeb" appear. Also the media is effecting the British language. The employment of newsreaders that don't speak Received Pronounciation like Anna Ford is an example for this statement. In conclusion you can say if even the upper-class children have given up their Received Pronounciation it is a strong signal for the fast change in speaking culture.