Answering a question

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< LK Englisch‎ | Thelenberg 2009 11
Version vom 2. Dezember 2009, 22:45 Uhr von Theli34 (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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The phrases in bold letters can serve as a checklist:

  • What is asked? (==> Mark keywords)
  • Mark / collect material from the text that will help you to answer your question
  • Structure your material (related ideas/arguments, order of importance ...)
  • Tense used in the question ==> Correct Tense of your answer?
  • Good Introduction?
  • Paragraphs with: thesis/topic sentence ==> supporting points ==> example ==> conclusion?
  • Are the paragraphs linked well ==> is the line of argument o.k.?
  • Does the answer really answer the question? Are the promises from the introduction kept?