Class and Responsibility
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< LK Englisch | Thelenberg 2009 11
Version vom 25. November 2009, 23:00 Uhr von Theli34 (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Inhaltsverzeichnis |
Class in Britain
Class: Two Language Samples
Being Middle Class isn't funny ...
When you are Middle Class
Musts | Problems/Fears |
Social Exclusion - if you can't be middle-class
See David Batty. Social exclusion: the issue explained
Signs of/factors leading to social exclusion:
- unemployment, poor skills ==> low incomes
- poor housing
- high crime
- bad health, drug addiction
- lack of medical care in deprived areas
- family breakdown
- high teenage pregnancy rate
- homelessness
- high number of young people not in education/training or employment and truancy/school exclusion
Government tries to establish institutions that
- analyse the causes and publish the results in reports.
- critically evaluate local governments' work to improve efforts to help socially excluded groups
- help to improve cooperation of departments / institutions to solve the multi-faceted problem
- initiate programmes to improve health of children, reduce teenage pregnancy and school exclusion and to counsel young people about education and employment
- coordinate efforts to encourage private investment in deprived communities.
Essay - Every child growing up in poverty is a ticking social timebomb
Collection of ideas
These children will often ...
Thesis Statement | Supporting Points (more general/abstract) | Examples (specific, images) |
don't have money to buy special things -> steal | girls steal e.g. a Prada handbag |
can't express themselves, envy, surroundings are bad -> learn solving conflicts by violence, aggression as a way of getting money | throwing stones at expensive cars/ scratching with keys |
unemployed parents -> missing successful role models/ belief in working your way up | girl sees her mother prostituting herself -> role model for her later life |
children think they don't have a chance to get out of poverty/bad money situation | parents don't give their children any hopes (no disappointing later)
parents can't afford university -> tell them that from the start |
can't afford, what makes your dreams come true; work hard -> nearly no result; often have been rejected | s.o. wants to found a company but he doesn't even get the money from the bank |
no money/supporting background | |
believing in wrong promises, no achievement of big parties for poor people | total equality (left party), electing the right party against foreigners taking their jobs |
-> see violence | |
only way of getting money very fast, no need of qualification | |
girls want something that loves them, role models -> seeing it as normal |
Writing an introduction
Check if the introduction ...
- introduces the topic (+)
- gives readers an idea of what dirction the essay will take (+)
- provides an overview of the structure/line of argument (+)
- implies/poses a question and creates an expactation/interetst in the readers (+)
- states general truths/defines what needs no definition (-)
- asks questions/announces answers but does not give them (-)
Possible Introductions
- Question:
- Basic thesis/contrast ==> Definition:
- Surprising fact / statistic:
- Quotation: