Benutzer:Werb Phillip

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About me

  • born on the 7th August 1991
  • live in in the nice village westheim
  • like going to concerts and festivals
  • hate getting up early in the morning

Thoughts about the election in germany

  1. The party "SPD" is the biggest loser in this election because 23,4% is its lowest election result in history. I think a reason for this is that a lot of people who elected "SPD", decided to vote "Die Linke", which reached more than 10% the first time.
  2. The big winner of the rather small parties is "Die Piratenpartei". Especially young voters, decided to elect them. I think this is just because of their name! And a lot of people who don't care who to reign germany just read "Die Piratenpartei" and thought "Ahh. pretty cool name".
  3. Another big winner is the party "FDP", which reigns germany now with "CSU/CDU"
  4. The voter turnout this year was very low. I think especially young voters don't care about electing.

New president of the USA: Barack Obama

people expect from him

  1. What the world expects from Obama

hope for Obama

  1. Latin america: People see ray of hope in Obama


Constitution and rights
english deutsch
US Constitution Verfassung d. Vereinigten Staaten
amendment Zusatzartikel
citizen (Staats)bürger
bill Gesetzesentwurf
to overrule ablehnen
Unalienable/inalienable rights unveräußerliche Rechte
constitutional right verfassungsmäßiges Recht
to draft entwerfen
impeachment Amtsenthebungsverfahren
representative Abgeordneter/(allgem.)Vertreter
federal government Bundesregierung
checks and balances Gewaltenteilung
to appoint einsetzen
federalism Föderalismus
compete for the presidency um die Präsidentschaft kämpfen
inaugural address Antrittsrede

Democratic principles
english deutsch
ballot Stimmzettel
term of office Amtszeit
universal suffrage allgemeines Wahlrecht
voter registration Wählerregistrierung
majority Mehrheit
majority vote Mehrheitswahlrecht
minority Minderheit
to consent to zustimmen
to resign zurücktreten
delegate Delegierter
electorate Wahlberechtigte
eligible berechtigt
unalienable unabdingbar
embassy Botschaft
to ratify bestätigen
to overthrow stürzen
opinion poll Meinungsumfrage