US Politics

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Look at the following two articles! Show/explain the function of the supreme court and the power it has!

If you want to know a lot more ....

  • Supreme Court after a hearing decides if new laws (by states and districts)or federal governments are constitutional
  • The Supreme Court has to decide if the decisions of lower courts are correct
  • Former courts decided that the right to bear arms is not an individual right, but applies to citizens in a militia
  • The Supreme Court can decide what limitations of citizens' rights are constitutional, e.g. it may decide that although there exists a certain basic constitutional right, the gov. has the right to impose limitations, e.g. certain conditions or times that specify when/how this const. right may be exercised.
  • Decision to be made here: … is the District of Columbia's gun law unconstitutional? It bans private "ownership of handguns, but permits rifles and shotguns, if kept disassembled or under an easily removed trigger lock."