Benutzer:Weidinger Julian

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English - LK 09/11

US politics

Terms/phrases about "US politics"

  1. president = Präsident
  2. constitution = Verfassung
  3. law = Gesetz
  4. presidency = Präsidentschaft
  5. party = Partei
  6. "bully pulpit" = "Tyrannenkanzel"
  7. political acumen = politischer Scharfsinn
  8. economy = Wirtschaft
  9. equal rights = Gleichberechtigung


  1. Great expectations for Obama abroad
  2. A top 10 of the mot important expectations

German politics

  • the "black-yellow coalition" is i think the best one we could get
  • hopefully they will really be able to lower the taxes and reboost the economy
  • according to the videos about Mr. Westerwelle which can be seen online, i don´t think he is the right one to become foreign minister