Benutzer:Nüßlein Rene
- Hobbit
- loves to eat
- likes to relaxe
- friendly, nice
- loves his life without any troubles
- smokes tobacco
- likes it comfortable
- is a proper person
- wizard
- likes adventures
- mighty, powerful
- magic skills
- smokes tobacco
- clver, smart
- skillful
In the beginning of the story Bilbo didn´t know Gandalf, only from storys. That is is a great wizard and adventurer, who his very powerful und have magic skills and can make greats fireworks. Gandalf doenn´t know Bilbo too, only his grandfather. And for undefinable reasons he choose him as burglar for adventure.
If I hadn´t read the book before I think I would expect a journey to the mountain there the gold is, in which the hobbit is only a burden for the dwarves because is not born to an adventurer and its absolutly not his strengh.
In the end of chapter two i think bilbo and the dwarves are loosers because if Gandalf wouldn´t help them they were dead after one night and trolls are not the cleverst enmemys...