S Müller 2015 16
== GUN VIOLENCE in the USA ==
South Park Trapped in the Closest Please watch in ENGLISH: Below the screen there is an icon which lets you choose between ENGLISH and GERMAN!
John Oliver on "Televangelists"
== ORALS 2019 ==
QUIZLET to revise topics and information for orals
- Einstimmung Kandidat A auf Cartoon: 1.30 Min.
- Beschreibung und Interpretation des Cartoons: 3 Min.
- Einstimmung Kandidat B auf Cartoon: 1.30 Min.
- Beschreibung und Interpretation des Cartoons: 3 Min.
- Einstimmungszeit: 2 Min.
- Gesprächszeit: 5 Min.
In this cartoon by Dave Granlund you can see a huge billboard on which there is the picture of Martin Luther King. King was an African- American Baptist preacher from the Deep South of the United States who became active in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. After Rosa Parks had refused to give up her seat for a white man on a segregated bus in Montgomery/Alabama in 1955, King helped to organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott which resulted in a verdict by the Supreme Court which ruled segregation on buses to be unconstitutional.
This success led the Civil Rights Movement planning other forms of non-violent protest, such as sit-ins an rallies.
One of the most famous rallies took place in August of 1963 when people from all walks of life marched on Washington to hear leaders of the movement speak. On that day King delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial his famous speech: “I have a dream”, in which he dreams of a world in which all Americans, no matter their ethnic or social background, can live together peacefully and equally.
Granlund refers to this speech in his cartoon by writing the title on the billboard although a lonely ladder and a pot of colour show that the painter hasn’t finished yet.
This unfinished state of the billboard should represent that King’s dream is indeed not finished yet- in other words, it hasn’t been achieved yet. People from minorities, including African-Americans, Hispanics, Muslims etc. still have to fight for equal opportunities in the United States. And almost every day people are faced with discrimination and racism which seems to be on the rise since President Trump’s sometimes intolerant remarks give people the impression that they can show intolerance towards other people without any serious repercussions.
The cartoonist wants to remind people that King’s dream is something they should aim for, so that black and white children can finally sit peacefully together at the table of brotherhood.
You could add information about
- American dream
- Declaration of Independence which King refers to in his speech
- Barack Obama as first African American president seemed to be the wish-come-true for the Civil Rights Movement etc.
== ESSAY ==
The United States needs a wall on its border to Mexico. Discuss.
If you want to visit the Smithsonian Museums in Washington D.C. right now, or you are a government employee and you are waiting for your cheque , you will be disappointed. Since December 2018 the US government has been suffering from a shutdown whose consequence is that no federal money is finding its way to its recipients. The reason for this standstill is that the Republican president Donald Trump wants $ 5.7 billion to build a wall on the southern border of the United States. The Democrats, who have the majority in the House, won't agree to a federal budget which allots this kind of money to building this wall.
President Trump, however, thinks that the wall on the border to Mexico is a necessity to keep Americans safe from the immigrants and drugs that flood into the country. According to him, these immigrants are criminals, drug dealers and rapists who pose a threat to every American. A report from the DEA has indeed found out that the amount of heroin which has been smuggled into the US has increased in the last couple of years. So it is only logical that these drugs and those dangerous people must be kept from entering the country which would be achieved with a wall.
The Democrats argue though that most immigrants and drugs find their way into the United States by plane. People can just enter the United States on a visitor visa which is valid for three months. Then they just remain in the country because nobody will check whether they have left the United States after the visa has expired. By the time the Department for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has these illegals on their radar, the people have already gone undercover. That's why a wall won't help to stop immigration from Central and South America.
Only time will tell if the wall will be indeed built and be efficient. History has shown us though that walls can be torn down when people feel that their human rights are violated. Wouldn't it be sensible to listen to what history has to teach us?
== SUMMARY for TEST ==
== ''The Great Gatsby'' ==
Cartoons for analysis (January 10, 2019)
In the centre of the cartoon by Weyant you can see the Statue of Liberty which can be found in the harbor of New York City. There she has been a symbol of the American Dream for many immigrants who arrived from Europe in the 19th century by boat. A plaque with a poem on her pedestal underlines this idea by saying that this "new colossus" welcomes everybody who is looking for a better life. Exactly this plaque has been covered by a poster which says "Whites Only". The man who has hammered this poster over the poem is supposed to be Donald Trump, the current president of the United States of America.
Ever since his presidential campaign Mr Trump has voiced an intolerant attitude towards women, minorities and especially towards immigrants from South America. His voters share his fear that these immigrants take away Americans' jobs, bring drugs and crime into the country and are, in general, a burden on the US economy. These mainly white Protestant voters might feel threatened by people from other ethnic groups after being the ruling class in the United States since its establishment in the 18th century, so they use stereotypes to taint their reputation.
The cartoonist criticizes this and wants to remind Americans of the welcoming nature of the United States. This positive attitude was probably the reason why their ancestors immigrated to the United States which has from its beginning been a country for and of immigrants.
Analyse the folling cartoon. Just KEYWORDS!
== Immigration ==
Answer to question on text
Describe the USA‘s policy towards illegal immigrants in 2010 and explain why this hasn’t worked so far.
In 2010 the United States of America's (complete name at first- later you can replace it with a personal pronoun) policy towards illegal immigrants was based on having more police and border patrol to keep illegal aliens (avoid repetitions) from entering the country (use synonym instead of repeating "the USA"). That policy, however (don't start a sentences with "but" in written English), was not as successful as the government had hoped because most people had already immigrated before 2000 on legal visitor visas, which they simply overstayed. Because of them already living within the USA, strengthening the border protection in 2010 did not make a dent in the high number of undocumented immigrants.
USA Landeskunde quizzes
== HOW TO ==
May 13, 2019: Julian S.
May 20, 2019: Alban B.
May 27, 2019: Lukas S.
June 3, 2019: Christina K.
June 24, 2019: Lucina
News presentation gives information on THREE important news items from the English speaking world. If the news is of global relevance you may include it in your presentation. The presentation should be no longer than 5-8 minutes and include pictures. DO NOT read out information!!!
You might find these websites useful for your research.
Great Britain
Grammar Exercises
Simple Past vs. Present Perfect
Things to keep in mind when answering questions
- ONLY information from the text
- Use the question to start out with your answer
- Go from general statements to more specific information
- Explain the links (DO NOT just list aspects)
- Pay attention to sentence cohesion (link the text logically, use connectives)
Here you can find list of connectives
List without German translation
- When you quote, use "...." and give the line where to find the quotation in the text
OTHER Useful Stuff
Here you can find some useful information on writing a comment [1]
You can find additional information in your book on pages 268/269
Useful transitions between the different parts of your comments [2]
The website ego4u [3] provides ample possibilities for you to practise your English (grammar, vocabulary etc.)
Useful phrases for different occasions English conversation phrases
Voice opinions Agreeing and disagreeing
Sentence Cohesion Linking ideas and arguments
Sentence Cohesion Conjunctions and fill words