Englisch Klassen 6a und 6e

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Herzlich Willkommen auf Englisch-Seite der Klassen 6a und 6e


1. Schulaufgabe am 26.11.2018

  • Grammatik G1 - G 5
  • Texte bis p. 27
  • Vocab p. 195 - 207
  • Neue Infos und Beispiele zu Email und Questions on the text unter Revision !


For Tuesday, 20th November: Read p. 12 Come on, Em!

You are a German child and you were in the USA last week and went to a barrel race!

  • Tell your American cousin about it in an email.
  • Explain the race and what you did there (food, how was it, what happened in the race, how did you like it?)
  • Also tell your cousin one other thing that you liked in the USA (and why)
  • Connect the sentences (Do NOT only use "and"!)

For Thursday, 22nd Noveber: Questions on the text pp. 20/21 Regions of the US

  1. Why is the northeast of the USA called "New England"?
  2. When did the slaves in the US become free people?
  3. What reasons (reason=Grund)do people have to like Florida? (2 different reasons)
  4. Why does it take so long for all bats to leave the cave in Carlsbad Caverns National Park?
  5. In what part of the USA can you go skiing all year and where do you find the hugest trees?
  6. In what lines of the text can you see best how big the USA are?


Jahrgangsstufentest - Übung

  • Übungen zum Jahrgangsstufentest gibt es HIER!
Bitte immer bei "Aufgaben Jahrgangsstufe 6!" klicken ...!

  • Learn these irregular verb forms:
infinitive simple past past participle
to be was/were been
to bring brought brought
to buy bought bought
to come came come
to do did done
to eat ate eaten
to feel felt felt
to get got got
to go went gone
to have had had
to hear heard heard
to know knew known
to make made made
to pay paid paid
to read read read
to say said said
to see saw seen
to stand stood stood
to take took taken
to tell told told
to write wrote written





  • Form sentences in the "going-to-future"
  1. ... Amsterdam next week. (I, to fly to) I am going to fly to Amsterdam next week.
  2. ... basketball on Friday? (she/to play) Is she going to play basketball on Friday?
  3. ... their bikes at the weekend? (the boys/to ride) Are the boys going to ride their bikes at the weekend?
  4. ... his room today? (Paul, to clean) Is Paul going to clean his room today?
  5. ... you tomorrow morning! (I, to meet) I am going to meet you tomorrow morning?
  6. ... a new T-shirt on Saturday? (his mother/to buy) Is his mother going to buy a new T-shirt on Saturday?
  7. ... their friends at the station? (they/to meet) Are they going to meet their friends at the station?
  8. ... this terrible food! (I, not to eat) I am not going to eat this terrible food!
  9. ... her cat in the evening? (she/to feed) Is she going to feed her cat in the evening?
  10. ... your homework in the afternoon? (you/to do) Are you going to do your homework in the afternoon?
  11. ... a new boat in Scotland next year. (to buy, my parents) My parents are going to buy a new boat in Scotland next year.
  12. ... our parents? (they/to help) Are they going to help our parents?


Zum Sichtbarmachen der Lösungen einfach die Lücken im Text (...) bzw. den Absatz mit der Maus einmal bzw. mehrmals (vom Webbrowser abhängig) anklicken oder markieren.

Question tags

  • Form sentences with question tags
  1. He is Mara's brother ...? ...isn't he??
  2. We can't sleep at your house, ...? ... can we?
  3. You like this cheese, ...? ... don't you?
  4. Dad has got two brothers, ...? ... hasn't he?
  5. She's going to meet her friends in June, ...? ... isn't she?
  6. We play hockey after school, ...? ... don't we?'
  7. You aren't happy here, ...? ... are you?
  8. This isn't your bag, ...? ... is it?


Zum Sichtbarmachen der Lösungen einfach die Lücken im Text (...) bzw. den Absatz mit der Maus einmal bzw. mehrmals (vom Webbrowser abhängig) anklicken oder markieren.

Questions with prepositions

Deutsch: Auf wen wartest du? <= Präpostion am Satzanfang, nicht beim Verb!
Englisch: Who are you waiting for? <= Präposition am Ende, direkt nach dem Verb! Fragewort am Anfang!

Form questions:

  1. She was listening to the music. What was she ... listening to?
  2. We came back with a friend. Who ... did you come back with?
  3. She comes from South Africa. Where does she come from?
  4. I'm interested in computers. What are you interested in?
  5. He is talking about dogs. What is he talking about?
  6. They are good at mathematics. What are they good at?
  7. He was looking for a job. What was he looking for?
  8. She was sitting on a nice chair. What was she sitting on?
  9. They are going to laugh about me! Who are they going to laugh about?


Zum Sichtbarmachen der Lösungen einfach die Lücken im Text (...) bzw. den Absatz mit der Maus einmal bzw. mehrmals (vom Webbrowser abhängig) anklicken oder markieren.

Comparative and Superlative

Exercise: The Bragging Rapper (to brag=angeben)

  • Fill the gaps! The words in bold print and the adjectives in " " in the brackets can help you!
  • Write down the number in the bracket and the correct form!

You are big, but I'm so much ...... (1),
you think you're cooler than I,
but I am the ............. (2), digga
my car is ..........(3) than your car,
'cause you don't know what fast means
and I think you're not intelligent
and my dog's .............(4) than you seem!
I am as ......... (5) ..... (6) sweet coffee,
my rap is much ....... (7-form of "good") than yours
I drink Apfelsaftschorle
and that is ...... (8 - form of "nice") than Coors
I'm not as ............. (9) ... (10) a whale
But I got the ....................(11 - form of "fantastic") pool,
Hey kids, listen to my tale,
I am much ............. (12 - form of "impressive") than you.

You know you may be exciting whoa - but I
I'm in this world the ......... .............. (13) guy!

Yeah , there is nobody more exciting than me .... haha, ... nobody ...

More exercises

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