Thelenberg 2012 13

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If you had the money to buy a useful, efficient robot ...

  • what kind of robot would you buy?
  • what should it be able to do?
  • what would be its most important feature?

Explain your decision!

Recent homework

Basic Skills & Information

Brave New World

Brave New World is a separate page now! Open here!

US Foreign Policy and Relations to Europe

Typically American? A collection of Stereotypes?

Typical Americans are .... / Typically, in America you find ... / In America "they" believe in ...
  • celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving (huge turkey) in a big way
  • boys play basketball or football; girls are cheerleaders
  • eat tons of fast food ⇒ obese OR they are very sporty
  • love beauty contests ⇒ plastic surgery
  • all own a gun
  • streets are straight for miles
  • are either conservative and patriotic or crazy
  • lots of casinos and gambling
  • huge shopping malls and outlets
  • king size beds
  • big houses with big front-lawns
  • basketball-basket in every front-yard
  • newspaper boys throw papers in the garden
  • drive broken/huge cars
  • waste a lot of energy (big cars, air conditioning)
  • don`t protect nature/environment, e.g. use one-way plates and cuttlery
  • American Dream: from dishwasher to millionaire, you can do it if you really want
  • lots of poor/homeless people
  • many people are not properly insured/ no social security
  • often have to work two or more jobs to survive
  • love the Oktoberfest in Munich
  • always drink alcohol out of big mugs
  • go to church regularly
  • are not allowed to have sex before marriage
  • all wanna be famous
  • wear funny costumes at highschool graduation
  • live in big cities/skyscrapers
  • listen to hiphop or country music
  • feel like/would like to be/behave like cowboys in saloons/on prairie
  • gangs + much crime in big cities
  • Americans are only interested in America

Cartoons on US Cultural Hgemony / Americanization

Text on US Cultural Hegemony

1. What reasons for anti American feelings in Europe does the text give?

  • American culture ousts European culture
  • German or other European languages are being flooded with English terms and expressions
  • Sense of national identity severely disturbed
  • Europeans are afraid of loosing their cultural autonomy
  • European culture replaced by American culture
  • Vietnam-war
  • Guantanamo Bay and Abu-Ghraib
  • Americans ignore and don't know about European culture
  • American worldview is centered on America
  • Americans expect everyone to think and speak American
  • Americanization as cultural imperialism

2. Why has Germany been especially quick at embracing American culture?

  • America's help after WWII (→ Marshall Plan) ==> Germans felt grateful
  • German culture discredited by Nazis, German from "Dichter und Denker" to "Richter und Henker"
  • Germans looked for new cultural model → culture of the victoriuos, democratic and successful USA
  • Germans were not allowed to have and learned to feel ashamed of patriotic feelings → easy to take over Western/US mass culture
  • US culture meant luxury, affluence, freedom, individualism

The USA and Europe - increasingly difficult relations?

The results of your work on the two texts on the relations between the USA and Europe:




Text: Brand Aid

  • Cf. Greenline p. 60/61
  • Click several times to enlarge!


The Wars of the USA in the 20th and 21st century

  • Cf. worksheet on Wars
  • Your summaries of the wars:




The Home Front: Exorcising an old Demon

  • Cf. workshhet, or partly here (p. 267/268):
  • Comparison Vietnam War and Gulf War:


Science and Technology

Listening Test

Using Robots


Text: Programmed for Love

  • The original text can be read here!
  • Answers to questions 1 and 2:
