Benutzer:Wagenhäuser Michael

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Battlefield 2


In Battlefield 2 you can choose between 7 classes which have all their ups and downs i will tell u about them later. You can decide where on the map you want to spawn(1) if your team has captured a flag near this point. That's what the game is about, to capture flags and kill the enemys who want to prevent you from doing this by killing or shooting you. In this game it's the old fight beteween the great USA and China or Iraq - Iran (in addons against several other special forces). After you spawned on the battlefield you can join a squat which is a new system in this game. A squat brings u the advantage that you can spawn at the position of your squatleader what makes him to a mobile spawn-point.

The Classes


The sniper is an excellent scout and has carries a powerfull Sniperrifle (e.g. M24) with him and is the only normal soldier who can shoot guys out of vehicles. His advantage is that he hase a high range and high hit rate his disadvantage is that he is very bad in the close combat.


The assault is the classical allarounder he is good at close combat and in long-range combat they carry strong assaultriffles with them ( like ak-47) and ar often used in the city-fight.


The medic is the most played class in the game he is in facts very simmliar with the assault but he has a medi pack with him which can heal friendly and enemy guys and a defribrilator which can revive dead people.


The supporter is the munition guy he carrys a lot of munition with him and a light gun too which makes him very good if u got a medic with you.


The pioneer is the classical tank-driver he has anti-tank mines with him, a repair kit, a shotgun and he repairs other vehicles if he sit in one automaticly.


The anti tank is self-explanatory because the name is all he can do he has a anti tank weopen with him and a short mg.


The guy who carrys c4 with him and can kill the arty of the enemy often they are used as c4-car-guys that sucks because its lame.


Wikipeadia Entry A german fansite with many mods and infos (1)to appear on the battlefield

Exceptions on Obama