Benutzer:Rambacher Tobias

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English - LK 09/11

US politics


Terms/phrases about "US politics"

  1. president = Präsident
  2. running mate = Vizekandidat
  3. constitution = Verfassung
  4. law = Gesetz
  5. presidency = Präsidentschaft
  6. poverty = Macht
  7. party = Partei
  8. oath = Eid,Schwur
  9. "bully pulpit" = "Tyrannenkanzel"
  10. political acumen = politischer Scharfsinn
  11. social legislation = soziale Gesetzgebung
  12. economy = Wirtschaft
  13. charisma = Ausstrahlung
  14. equal rights = Gleichberechtigung
  15. human dignity = Menschenwürde


  1. List of challenges
  2. Promises, promises

German politics

  • The "Wahl-o-mat" proposed that I should elect the SPD or the FDP.
  • I expect the CDU/CSU to be being the party which will have the most voters.