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Team members Stefanie Hau and Claudia Kaffer

Thursday 7 th may 09

Questions on working with a laptop at school:

1.Laptops for every children in class and at home?

→ It's a bad idea, because..

  • children could be easily depend on the internet or the laptops
  • they can't really concentrate because they can surf on other pages while they are working in the internet
  • they only communicate with their friends via the internet

2. What's the best way to use it at school?- which subjects?

  • for english/french lessons to use a dictionary or english/french newspapers
  • mathematics to demonstrate something
  • economy to analyse some up to date statistics

3. Learning with laptops better/more effectively/faster?- how does this work?

→ No, because

  • children's attention is more diverted ...
  • you don't learn as intensively as without laptops because you aren't really concentrate when you are doing other things secondary.

→ in some ways yes, because

  • you can search for information faster
  • you know something more about some themes
  • you can contrast different opinions of other persons

Tuesday 12th May 2009

Questions on the videos:

1. Why one laptop per child?

→One laptop per child because they want to give every child a chance to learn something even if the children haven't got running water or electricity.

2. What are the basic ideas?

  1. kids keep laptops
  2. focus on early education
  3. no one gets left out
  4. connection to the internet
  5. free to grow and adapt

3. What do you think about the basic ideas/theses?

→the basic ideas they have are good because every child is equal to the other children and every child is allowed to get education. But the organisation had to transfer the basic ideas.