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Typical mistakes

Zum Sichtbarmachen der Lösungen einfach die falschen Sätze bzw. den Absatz mit der Maus einmal bzw. mehrmals (vom Webbrowser abhängig) anklicken oder markieren.

Description of a picture

  1. At the right there is a tree. On the right there is ...
  2. There is a old man There is an old man.
  3. He wears a blue shirt. He is wearing ...
  4. His jeans is blue. He is buying a green trouser. His jeans are … He is buying green trousers.
  5. He is standing before a table with Tshirts. … in front of a table ...
  6. On the picture there is an woman. She ist hearing music. In the picture …. a woman. She is listening to ...
  7. She also wants buy a CD. But she only has a few money. … wants to buy a CD. … a little money.
  8. She asking the shop assistant a question. She is asking ….
  9. At the background I can see two childrens. In the background I ... two children.


  1. Who is your friend? - He is at school. Where is …? oder: My friend is a boy from ….
  2. Have you brothers or sisters? Have you got …? oder Do you have …?
  3. Want you help me with the dogs? Do you want to help me …?
  4. Where are you? - My name is Clara, I‘m in your class. Who are you? Oder: I‘m at home ...
  5. Why go we not shopping? Why don't we go shopping?
  6. How much is the Tshirt cost? How much is the Tshirt oder: How much does the Tshirt cost?
  7. Excuse me, but we haven‘t got the shirt in XL. Sorry/I‘m sorry, but ...
  8. Can I have these apples? - Yes, you are welcome! Can I …? - Here you are!
  9. What is your hobbies? What are your hobbies.
  10. How much cost the shows? How much are oder: How much do the shows cost?
  11. Oh, it‘s ok. You mustn‘t do any homework today. You neen‘t do any homework today.
  12. Ride my bike is my favourite hobby! Riding my bike …
  13. It is the bike of the boy. This is the boy‘s bike.
  14. There is a cow. She is really big. ... It is really big.
  15. Usually I get up at seven! I usually get up at seven!
  16. I often play football on Saturday. - Play you, too? ... - Do you play, too?


  • Look at p. 37 / exercise 12 in your book!
  • Look at p. 89 / exercise 5 in your book!

What do/can you see in the picture?

Is there a ...?   - There is a / There's a / There are …   -   I can see ….

Are there (any) ...?  -There are some/many/ …. houses/trees/people …

Where are they / Where is this? They are in / in front of ….  It

It is very sunny/cold/ …

The weather is very ….

The houses are …     -   The people are ...


On the right/left By the door In the centre on the chair
Near the window In the background at the bottom/top
in the left/right corner
under the table

Actions: What are they doing?/ What is happening? (Gerade, in diesem Moment - deswegen present progressive!)

The man / woman is reading. (progressive form!)

The sun is shining.



What is the man/woman wearing? -  She/He is wearing a …. and a green shirt and a red cap.



What can you see in this picture?

In this picture, there are two boys. They are wearing T-shirts and shorts. The weather is very good, because the sky is blue and the sun is shining.

The boys are running after a dog. I think they want to go swimming in the lake.


On the right side of the room, there is a small table. On top of the table, there are some books. Next to the table, there is a green lamp. The room has got two windows (simple present, weil das einen Eigenschaft ist - keinen gerade ablaufende Handlung!)


Answer questions about a picture or drawing.

What are these people doing?               I think they're having a picnic.

What is (that) (next to the tree)?            It looks like a cow./ I think that is a ….

Useful phrases


  • I want to/ don't want to ...
  • I would like to see the / go to ... (Ich würde gerne die ... sehen / in d den ... gehen ...)
  • Let's ...
  • I know/don't know ...

Useful Questions

  • Can I please ...?
  • Can you give me the ... / help me?
  • Where is/are ...?
  • Where are you from?
  • How old are you / is your ...  ?
  • When must you go / get up ...?
  • Do you like / want / do ...?
  • Have you got ...?
  • What about you?
  • Do you also go/have/like/want to ....?
  • Would you like to have lunch?

Useful Answers

  • Here you are!
  • Thank you!
  • Yes, of course.
  • No I don't / can't.
  • That is cool/great/terrible/very sad.
  • Oh, I'm sorry.
  • Yes, I also (have/must/go ....)

Being polite: Questions and answers

Excuse me, have you got a minute, please?
  can you help me?
  do you speak English?
  can you tell me where the …. is/are?
  can you show me the way to …?
  does this bus go to …?
  can you tell me the time, please?
  where is the …, please?
  can you please say this again? It was too fast for me.
  where can I find …
  (how) can I help you?
  do you need     help?
  where am I?
Thank you. - You're welcome
Excuse me …? No problem.
  That's easy, …

That's OK.

That sounds good.

I think I can help you.

Can you …? Yes, of course …
…? Sorry, but I can't …

Just a minute! I must …/ Let me …

…? Sorry, but I haven't got time …
…? Sorry, I don't know.
…? Sorry, I am not from here.
…? I'm afraid I can't help you


Themengebiete für Dialoge und Bildbeschreibung:

Die Mindmaps bitte jeweils mit "Rechtsklick ==> Grafik anzeigen" aufrufen und dann mit "Datei drucken" ausdrucken.

At school

  • Look at p. 32 - 33 and p. 38 / exercise 13 8in your book!


A typical day in my life

See book p. 62-63!

What you can ask and answer (... just some examples):

  • When do you usually get up? - I usually get up at 7 o' clock.
  • Which school do you go to? - I go to Regiomontanus-Gymnasium in Haßfurt.
  • Where do go shopping? - I often go to the shopping centre in ...
  • How do you get to school? - I always walk to school / I sometimes go to school by bus.
  • Can you go to school by bus? - Yes/No, I can always / often / never go to school by bus.
  • What do you usually do on the weekends? - On the weekends we sometimes go ...
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • Have you got any hobbies? - Yes, my hobbies are ...
  • Have you got time to play (computer)games on the weekend? - Yes, I have / No, I haven't.
  • When must you go to bed? I must always go to bed at ...
  • Are you often alone at home? - No, I am never alone at home!
  • What do you do in the evenings? - I sometimes watch TV, but usually I ...

Typical day.jpg


indoor outdoor
to go dancing

to jump in the pool

to play volleyball

to play table tennis/football

to visit your grandparents

to go shopping

to go to a museum

to play boardgames

to play handball

to meet with friends

to go to the cinema

to play billard

to read

to play computer games

to watch TV / a film / a DVD

to listen to music

to draw

to go surfing

to go hiking

to ride your bike/go cycling

to play football

to go horseriding

to go swimming

to walk/go walking

to jump and run

to go mountainbiking

to go on a waterslide

to build a camp

to go camping

to go canoeing or kayaking

to build a snowman

to go fishing

to go (ice)skating

to play (ice) hockey

to go skiing

At the shops/At the flea market

What shop assistants say or ask

  • Good morning.
  • Can I help you?
  • What would you like to buy?
  • What is your favourite colour?
  • How much do you want to spend?
  • Just a minute, please.
  • The ... are on this shelf.
  • The ... are (over) there.
  • Sorry, we don't have this / .... in your size.
  • Yes, you can try them/it on.
  • The price is 2.99 pounds./ The shirts are 17.99.
  • It's a special offer. The price/ it is only xy pounds.
  • What size do you need?
  • You can try it/them on over there.
  • Anything else? - (Yes, I need ... / No, thank you, that's all.)
  • Here you are! - Thank you.
  • Good bye.

What customers say or ask

  • Hello
  • Hello, I would like to buy / have .....
  • Can you help me, please?
  • I need a souvenir/present (pair of jeans .... for my aunt/a friend/myself/ ...
  • Do you have ....? / Have you got ....?
  • Hello, can I find sweets/jeans/...?
  • Thanks, Good bye
  • How much is the / How much are the ...?
  • How much is that? How much are these ...?
  • Oh, that is too much! Have you got other ...?
  • I need size L.
  • Have you got this ... in size S?
  • These .... are beautiful/brilliant/perfect.
  • You have got very nice ...
  • Is this ... / Are the ... good quality?
  • No, I don't want that. I don't like the colour/ It is too expensive. I want a ....
  • Can I have a bag, please?
  • Good bye!

At the flea market - What sellers say

  • Can I help you?
  • What are you looking for?
  • This is a fantastic ...! You can .... with it!
  • It is a great present for ...
  • It is really old, but ... / cool/ high quality!
  • I am selling it because ...
  • You can have it for ... / For you it's only ... pounds!
  • It is worth .... pounds!

At the flea market - What buyers say

  • I'm looking for ...
  • Have you got a / any ...?
  • How much is / are this / these ...? What do you want for this ...?
  • Hey, is this really a ...?
  • What is this for?
  • Mmmh - I'm not sure ...
  • I like it - it's really ...
  • Hey, I can use this for ...
  • Does it work?
  • Mmm - that is too much for me. What about ... pounds?
  • OK, I take it for .... pounds!

Birthday party

  • Read the texts on p. 104 - 106 in your book!

When it's your birthday party, you say to your guests:

… when they arrive at your house:

  • Hello, how are you
  • Oh hi, there you are
  • Nice to see you,
  • Come in, please
  • The others are already here
  • You are my first guest

... when you show your guests into the house:

  • Right, here are the others
  • This is Peter, a friend from school
  • Do you want something to drink?
  • Here's all the food: there are hamburgers, sausages, there is cake, ....

When they come, your guests can say:

  • Hi, here I am
  • Am I too early?
  • Are the others already here?

You can also say,

  • Mmh, the food looks good / yummy!
  • Can I please have some ….. lemonade/a muffin/…. please?
  • ….

Talk about presents:

  • What is it …? - Well, open it.
  • Hey, that is brilliant …
  • Let's try it!

Talk about food (see breakfast!), music, games:

At the end of party

  • Good Bye!
  • Thank you for coming/for being here!
  • Say how you liked it: Your present/the party/ .... was cool/fantastic/really nice ...
  • Now I must clean up ....

Birthday mindmap.jpg

Buying and talking about food

What you can say ...

  • What do you want to buy / eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
  • What is this? It looks interesting/good!
  • Do you like curry / hot dogs?
  • Why don't we buy a pizza/ready meal?
  • OK, I must buy apples, honey, toast and milk.
  • Mmmmh - that is sooo good/yummy!
  • Ohhh - this curry is really too hot (=scharf!)
  • This / the cake looks good/strange/ ...
  • I really love this! / Sorry, I don't like this so much ...
  • This is my favourite!
  • Can I try the pie/pasta/curry, please?
  • This is a nice snack!
  • How much is a piece of pie/ a bottle of orange juice?
  • In Germany we eat ..., too (- but it is different!)
  • At home I often have xy for breakfast/lunch/dinner.
  • In Germany xy is very popular!

Food Mindmap
