5f 2012 13
Englisch Schulaufgabe Friday, January 25, 2013: LISTENING, GRAMMAR (have got/has got, present progressive, pronouns, genitive, plurals), TEXT PRODUCTION (writing a text) Unter "Text Production" findet Ihr ein Beiepiel einer Geschichte zu dem Bild aus dem Unterricht. Unter "Unit 2" findet Ihr neue Übungen GRAMMARLet's Start
Unit 1Wenn Ihr möchtet, könnt Ihr im WORKBOOK die noch nicht gemachten Übungen von S.3- S.27 machen! NEW exercises Definite and indefinite article
Unit 2Present Progressive Negative Sentences
TEXT PRODUCTIONExample: It's Friday and the children are in their classroom. There are posters on the blue wall but the teacher isn't there. There are six children: three boys and three girls. One boy, Patrick, is looking at the window and he is seeing a funny snowman. Patrick: "Wow, there is a snowman. Let's go outside and play with him." Jenny: "We must do our Maths homework, Patrick because our teacher is here now." The kids are not happy but they can go and play with the snowman after (nach) school.