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Version vom 29. November 2012, 12:39 Uhr von Theli34 (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Globalization - Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
opens up the world/new perspectives/new lifestyles everything is/looks/tastes/sonds the same everywhere ⇒ boring?
everyone has access to everything, all the time loss of own traditions/culture
interesting food, music etc. from other countries loss of regional, cultural differences ⇒ countries/people lose their identity
communication is easier when you have so many things in common
good for rich countries: cheap goods from other countries; workers in poor countries are exploited (long working hours, extremely low wages)
multinational corporations control world trade and offer jobs here as companies can produce more cheaply elsewhere ⇒ loss of jobs here ⇒ higher unemployment
with worldwide success/export, developing countries become independent in a globalized world national economies depend on each other vrey much ⇒ a crisis in one/a few states can have very dangerous effects on all other states
easy and cheap travel allows you to see the world, meet people and be mobile negative effects esp. on the environment and population in holiday-areas
if people know that in a globalized world we depend on each other, they will cooperate with and help each other better

Internet Lifestyle

How we use the internet.jpg
Dangers in the internet.jpg

Industrial Revolution

Main aspects of the Industrial Revolution in Britain from 1750 - 1850

Industr rev.png