Thelenberg 2012 13

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For Tuesday

  1. Read ch. 14
  2. How would John OR Lenina have wished the scene in chapter 13 to be?
Write an outline + a short dialogue [part of your reading diary]

  • Read chapters 12+13 for next Friday!
  • Sketch Bernhard's development in these two chaptes (notes + pages!) [part of your reading diary]

  • Read chapter 11
  • Write a diary entry for John's diary in which he notes down all the things he doesn't understand or like about the new world! - Use these notes as a starting point, but refer to the book!
  • Tuesday October 2nd: read ch. 8 and 9
Chapter 8 (p. 118-120)
- How similar are Bernhard and John really?
- What do you think of Bernhard's scepticism in the last sentence of ch. 8?

  • Friday 28th: read chapters 6 + 7 , Compare Bernhard and John in their way of seeing things and in terms of their position in society. What do you think about Bernhard's behavior and his motives?
  • Worksheet: Narrators and points of view
  • Friday: narrator + point of view in 3 texts on worksheet, too, how is style (formal/informal) linked to narrator/point of view mark relevant passages
  • Tuesday: read ch 4 + 5 , find good examples of narrator + pov

Brave New World

Reading over the holidays - BRAVE NEW WORLD

Answer the questions in correct language and in a written form (except where only “notes” are asked)

Keep a simple log-/scrapbook (WIKI?) while reading the novel!

Stop from time (at least after each chapter) to time to think about what you have read!

Take simple but readable notes (in the WIKI?)

  • Is there anything that puzzles you? Note down your questions or striking quotations!
  • Do you find yourself liking or disliking a character? What is it about them that makes you feel so?
  • Make notes (incl. page, perhaps short quotations?) that you can add to (e.g. use one page per character)!

The scrap book is part of the coursework (==>marked!)

Read chapter I, II and III of the novel over the summer holidays! While you are doing so,

  • Characterize two characters – one male, one female (round or flat, relation to each other?) ==>Notes!
  • Collect information on what life was like "before Ford" – that is before this "Brave New World" ==>Notes!
  • What are the principles/aims of this new society/world?

Talks on "Brave New World"

15 Talks on chapters 5-18

Each talk includes

  • 2 striking/typical/characteristic quotations + your explanation: what do they tell the reader about the characters involved, the society
  • 1 conflict between characters/their views or between a character and the principles of the Fordian Society
  • what image/notion/idea and expectation do readers have/get at the end of the chapter and how (quotes) are they led to think so?
  • find + explain one passage that either is a good example of direct or indirect characterization or typical of the narrative perspective and point of view.

Here you find the Text of the book

  • Chapter 5: Hein Di 25.9.
  • Chapter 6: Müller Fr 28.9.
  • Chapter 7: Kuhn Fr 28.9.
  • Chapter 8: Wudy Di 2.10.
  • Chapter 9: Zdzieblo Di 2.10.
  • Chapter 10: Herold Fr 5.10.
  • Chapter 11: Albert Fr 5.10.
  • Chapter 12: Scholl Fr 12.10.
  • Chapter 13: Höchner Fr 12.10.
  • Chapter 14: Ott Di 16.10.
  • Chapter 15: Wagenhäuser Fr.19.10.
  • Chapter 16: Morgan Fr. 19.10.
  • Chapter 17: Rossmanith J.
  • Chapter 18: Hückmann