Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

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Men and Women - basically different


What women (in this English LK) think ...

What do men expect of women? - We should be…

  • beautiful and sexy
  • able to cook well
  • innocent
  • harmonious
  • exciting

What is typical of men?

  • They aren’t multitasking
  • They don’t understand what we say because they don’t listen
  • They are unreliable
  • They want to protect us
  • They think they are better car drivers
  • They are spontaneous because they don’t make plans
  • They always want to watch sports on TV
  • They love to drink (beer)
  • They hate to go shopping
  • They are not romantic
  • They are childish
  • They always think about sex

What men (in this English LK) think

Expectations women have: We should

  • be faithful,
  • be romantic
  • be creative, smart
  • be funny
  • be good lovers
  • earn much money
  • spend a lot of time with them
  • treat them well
  • make them compliments
  • be honest
  • support them in their plans and moods
  • listen to them
  • help them to fulfill their dreams

Typical of women

  • love to go shopping
  • buying shoes
  • talk badly about other women
  • are ambitious
  • cook , always clean flat/house
  • constantly criticize men
  • can`t handle a car
  • are too proud
  • always make men feel guilty
  • use sex strike … :( and tears as weapons
  • call their mothers if there are problems
  • spend a lot of time in the bathroom

A traditional - and new - thesis: Men and Woman are VERY different

  1. Read the short wikipedia article and describe the main ideas in your own words! (==> on your user page in this wiki)
  2. Explain the images/connotations Gray uses in his thesis "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

Articles/Videos supportig this theory:

How can the differences between men and women be explained?

  • different basic instincts because of evolution from stoneage: hunters and gatherers
  • education of boys and girls especially parents
  • society influences our behaviour
  • development in different countries
  • friends reaction to what you do
  • media e.g. reality TV,role models (stars,celebrities), music TV
  • school: different reactions to boys/girls behaviour; older pupils

What neuroscience has found out: different, but this needn't be a problem

  • men's brains are bigger ==> men are cleverer ??
  • men's brains contain more gray matter
  • men's part of the brain which controls sexual and social behaviour is bigger
  • men mainly use one side to complete tasks
  • women's brains work faster because they contain more white matter
  • white matter contains more neurons and connections
  • women use two halfs of their brain, which are better connected
  • women usually score better at language and communication tests

So women and men think differently, but often come to the same results

Reasons for differences:

  • evolution?
  • society influences boys' and girls' brains in different ways
  • attitudes are passed on e.g. from mothers to daughters
  • certain areas of the brain are neglected
  • for boys e.g. spacial perception is trained by playing football, baseball ...

==> brains are shaped by society and peergroup

Men and Women - born and to be seen as equal?

An answer many psychologists and feminists give: They are quite similar and to be seen as equal ....

Sex-Stereotypes and how they work .... how are we turned into "real" boys/men and girls/women?

Men and women ....
Girls are typically seen as ... Boys are typically seen as ...
* talk a lot * are quiet
* emotional * unemotional/don't show emotions
* illogical * logical
* passive * active/aggressive
* dependent * independent
* kind * brave
* cares for the family * family provider
* unassertive * striving
* weak * strong
* patient * impatient
* creative, like beautiful things * men don't give a damn about beautiful things, exept women

How are we turned into real boys or girls? Who is responsible?

Ways of influencing boys or girls:

Men and women ....
behaviour/attitude encouraged in girls behaviour/attitude encouraged in boys
told to be careful taught to go out and explore the world
told to help their mothers told to help their fathers
told to ask for help solve the problem
behave like a lady behave like a gentleman
crying is ok/ feel better after it don't cry/ cry secretly
have to be home earlier/ stay nearby may roam freely
driven everywhere have to go alone

boys and girls learn by imitation, from the reactions of their surrounding, from explicit rules and from media and adverts

Sexism in schools - how it used to work

Typical examples of different treatment of boys and girls and the effects

From sexism at school to sexism at work

Is our school sexist???

  • Look at This questionnaire used in America to decide if a school is sexist!
  • Print it out and answer it (make crosses) for your school life (Grundschule and Gym). Leave out questions 8 on page 1, 10, 13, 18 and 19 on page 2 and questions 9, 10, 11 on page 3.