Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

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Men and Women - basically different


What women (in this English LK) think ...

What do men expect of women? - We should be…

  • beautiful and sexy
  • able to cook well
  • innocent
  • harmonious
  • exciting

What is typical of men?

  • They aren’t multitasking
  • They don’t understand what we say because they don’t listen
  • They are unreliable
  • They want to protect us
  • They think they are better car drivers
  • They are spontaneous because they don’t make plans
  • They always want to watch sports on TV
  • They love to drink (beer)
  • They hate to go shopping
  • They are not romantic
  • They are childish
  • They always think about sex

What men (in this English LK) think

Expectations women have: We should

  • be faithful,
  • be romantic
  • be creative, smart
  • be funny
  • be good lovers
  • earn much money
  • spend a lot of time with them
  • treat them well
  • make them compliments
  • be honest
  • support them in their plans and moods
  • listen to them
  • help them to fulfill their dreams

Typical of women

  • love to go shopping
  • buying shoes
  • talk badly about other women
  • are ambitious
  • cook , always clean flat/house
  • constantly criticize men
  • can`t handle a car
  • are too proud
  • always make men feel guilty
  • use sex strike … :( and tears as weapons
  • call their mothers if there are problems
  • spend a lot of time in the bathroom

A traditional - and new - thesis: Men and Woman are VERY different

  1. Read the short wikipedia article and describe the main ideas in your own words! (==> on your user page in this wiki)
  2. Explain the images/connotations Gray uses in his thesis "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

Articles/Videos supportig this theory:

How can the differences between men and women be explained?

  • different basic instincts because of evolution from stoneage: hunters and gatherers
  • education of boys and girls especially parents
  • society influences our behaviour
  • development in different countries
  • friends reaction to what you do
  • media e.g. reality TV,role models (stars,celebrities), music TV
  • school: different reactions to boys/girls behaviour; older pupils

What neuroscience has found out: different, but this needn't be a problem

  • men's brains are bigger ==> men are cleverer ??
  • men's brains contain more gray matter
  • men's part of the brain which controls sexual and social behaviour is bigger
  • men mainly use one side to complete tasks
  • women's brains work faster because they contain more white matter
  • white matter contains more neurons and connections
  • women use two halfs of their brain, which are better connected
  • women usually score better at language and communication tests

So women and men think differently, but often come to the same results

Reasons for differences:

  • evolution?
  • society influences boys' and girls' brains in different ways
  • attitudes are passed on e.g. from mothers to daughters
  • certain areas of the brain are neglected
  • for boys e.g. spacial perception is trained by playing football, baseball ...

==> brains are shaped by society and peergroup

Men and Women - born and to be seen as equal?

An answer many psychologists and feminists give: They are quite similar and to be seen as equal ....

Sex-Stereotypes and how they work .... how are we turned into "real" boys/men and girls/women?

Men and women ....
Girls are typically seen as ... Boys are typically seen as ...
* talk a lot * are quiet
* emotional * unemotional/don't show emotions
* illogical * logical
* passive * active/aggressive
* dependent * independent
* kind * brave
* cares for the family * family provider
* unassertive * striving
* weak * strong
* patient * impatient

How are we turned into real boys or girls? Who is responsible?

Influences/ways of influencing boys or girls:

Men and women ....
behaviour/attitude encouraged in girls behaviour/attitude encouraged in boys
a a
b b
c c
d d
e e
f f

Sexism in schools - how it used to work

Typical examples of different treatment of boys and girls and the effects

From sexism at school to sexism at work

Is our school sexist???

  • Look at This questionnaire used in America to decide if a school is sexist!
  • Print it out and answer it (make crosses) for your school life (Grundschule and Gym). Leave out questions 8 on page 1, 10, 13, 18 and 19 on page 2 and questions 9, 10, 11 on page 3.