gk 2008 10 Götzinger

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Hi all! So that everyone can participate (not only those with a RMGWiki-account) we're giong to decide on Monday!

Have a nice weekend!

B. Götzinger


Working with the speech by Severn Suzuki

  1. Highlight the main messages in the speech.
  2. How does Severn convince the adults to listen to her carefully although she is very young?
  3. Which rhetorical devices does she employ?

Songs to "A Friend of the Earth" by T.C. Boyle

Raps and songs done by the gk e1 to an excerpt of the novel "A Friend of the Earth" by T.C. Boyle

Earth Rap

Earth Rap als mp3

1st verse (by WÜ feat. Nachher)

Hey guys, listen, Earth's gotta tell ya something!

I'm in danger
It's your fault
I won't survive
If you don't change!

You know what?
I'm accusing you
You're killing me
With all your industry
- with all that noise
And you leave me no choice
I'm defending myself
With all that I got:

Earthquake, greenhouse
Monster waves
Droughts and ices
You see?
You're the ones to lose

I'm in danger
It's your fault
I won't survive
If you don't change!

So get a grip or die tryin'!

other verses to follow

Ecology Rocks - Economy Sucks

Ecology Rocks als mp3

I'm driving here in a cool old car
I wanna drive fast and I wanna drive far
I'd like to change my point of view
It's bad for the earth and it's bad for you

I'm flying in a plane to Singapur
It's a very expensive and polluting tour
The service is good and I am fast there
The woods will die but I don't care

And nothing ever happens...
And I wonder...

I wonder how, I wonder why,
yesterday you talked about a better sky
and all that we can do:
is just to change our point of view

I wonder how, I wonder why,
yesterday you talked about a better sky
and all that we can do:
is just to change our point of view

I can't see a reason for riding a bike
'cause I don't care of Carbondioxide
I should switch off my air condition
Tomorrow I'll do it, this is my mission

And nothin ever happens...
And I wonder...

I wonder how, I wonder why,
yesterday you talked about a better sky
and all that we can do:
is just to change our point of view

I wonder how, I wonder why,
yesterday you talked about a better sky
and all that we can do:
is just to change our point of view



Franconian Blessings

My Irish Blessing

I wish you sunshine,
Every day you open your eyes.
I wish you happiness
And that you can smile every time.
I wish you health,
So that you will get well soon.
Losing you would sadden the world.

May the power be with you to get self-confident and free

May the power be with you to get self-confident and free
May there be a rainbow for you -
for sparkling sunlight after dark showers
sunlight, which charms a warm smile on your face and on the faces of the people you'll met
May the hand of a true friend always be near you
May your life be a never-ending necklace with pearls of fantastic moments
and I wish you to conserve your big heart to keep such moments in memory

When life turns to pain

When life turns to pain,
And you are not strong enough to complain,
When torture starts to absorb the joy,
And optimism seems like a toy,
A light brighter than the sun,
A glow able to stun,
Should release you now and then,
From all the fear things could not move on again,
So I wish you no more or less,
Than the biggest thing you should not mess,
Something better than any dope,

There are times that make you cry

There are times that make you cry,
There are times you want to die,
There are times that you do not see any light,
But you must never give up and win the fight.

Trust in friends and trust in god,
Don’t let the good things fall apart,
‘cause all your strength comes from your heart.

in your sadness

in your sadness you see only the bad things which exist in the world
but you have to recognize all your friends and relatives who need you and do the best to help you
even though it is now a hard time and everything seems senseless
do not give up because when there are big black clouds in the sky
after the rain and the thunder the sun comes through and lightens the day up.
i know that you can be happy when there is a while left,
you only have to go through it but for all that it is nice to live.

May your life be touched by a bit of luck

May your life be touched by a bit of luck
and comply with the smiles of your friends.
May your heart be brightened by old memories
and warmed be the love of your beloved.
And when the time has come
may God have mercy on your soul,
that someday we meet again.

I Wish

I wish you will have time to forgive
I hope you can understand why it happens
I hope you will understand the reason
I hope you will have the power to handle the situation
so that you can live in freedom again...

The sun will shine on your path

The sun will shine on your path,
Rain clouds will avoid your head
And every cloud has a silver lining,
So sit down and be happy,
It could have come even worse.

If I Only Could

If I only could turn back time
To prevent all the sadness
If I only could dry your tears
To make you a happier person
If I only could solve your problems
To fulfill your dreams of a enjoyable life
If I only could give you the love you need
To stay strong and to survive

…..then I would…..

May love and laughter light your days

May love and laughter light your days,
may safety be your home.
May friends be with you here and there
Wherever you may roam.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

If You're Sad

If you're sad, I'd say:
May you get wealthy. But what does this help if you get ill...
So I'd say:
May you get healthy. But what does this help if you get unhappy...
So I'd say:
May you ever be statisfied with your life.
As satisfaction is the most important thing in the world!


Although you have a painful time,
Someday again the sun will shine!
You lost your laughs, your smiling face,
But hope can everywhere find its place!
The rainy days will clear away,
I’m here for you every single day!

The Day

The day of the leave was one of your darkest days this year,
but what still stays are the precious memories of a wonderful common time.
Don’t let them be the motive of your pain, but take them as a present.
Think of a year full of fun, sunshine, adventures, challenges
and above all think of a year, in which a deep friendship has grown,
that stretches also over the distance of half the world.
May the pictures always stay alive in your heart,
may the impressions calendar you
and may the hope for a reunion always whip a smile on your face.

Thank You

God, thank you for all what you've done and will do,
I hope that everybody's well
and will always be,
I hope that wars won't exist any longer
and that the whole population will be happy
for now and forever.

UN Addresses

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman
Nowadays CO2-Pollution is a growing thread for our world.
Everyone of us pollutes the environment with more Carbon-dioxide than a few years ago. We have to provide a clean and fresh air for our children and their children.
If we pollute the world like we are doing now, no one will be able to live on our earth in a few hundred years. To solve this problem we invented a plan which includes everyone of us. We tried to make the plan so simple, that it gets in everyone's mind. The plan is, to make a CO2-Account for every human being.
They get a fix amount of CO2-points. Everything they do will cost Carbon-dioxide. The industry has to mark their products with the quantity of CO2 they needed to produce it. So the consumer always knows how much CO2 is left on his account. They always have to think about what they consume and think about our earth.
It's THE way to control the huge pollution we produce. With this account we can provide a healthy and clean world or our children.
And everyone in our generation will thank us for our brilliant invention.
Thank you

Dear peoples of the world,
Today this is about a conflict nearly as old as our civilisation. A conflict all about a displaced people driven out of their country by inimical forces. A people claiming rights for a piece of land they vacated now almost 2000 years ago.
In 1948 the British decided to make the Israeli people settle on Palestinian grounds - reconquering their old home. A new old country was founded and the conflicts began.
Since then there were wrong wars and Israel invaded neighbouring states claiming to defend themselves. But by acting as though they alone had the right to settle in the Middle East they planted hatred and resistance in the hearts of the original peoples.
But nevertheless, now that they are there, they own the right to stay. So it is grave injustice to ignite bombs and blow up busses, killing innocent people, passers-by, chrildren. There is no right to justify this kind of violence with being themselves suppressed by others, with Isreali counter-strikes against members of Hamas and Fatah, also killing innocent, children.
You see to what this leads them, us? A cycle of violence. A never-ending cycle of violence. Soon, we have reached the point of no return - but to stop this development, all of us, no matter if Isreali, Palestinian or foreigner, have to unite. Have to help to assemble all those concerned parties around one table talking to each other, recognizing how deeply wrong they both did, stepping back from their falsely superior position.
We, all the peoples of the UN have to ensure that there is peace in both an Israeli and in a Palestinian state.
Thank you.

Improved version

Dear peoples of the world, Today this is about a conflict nearly as old as our civilisation. A conflict all about a displaced people driven out of their home by inimical forces. A people claiming rights for a piece of land they vacated now almost 2000 years ago. In 1948 the British decided to make the Israeli people settle on Palestinian grounds - reconquering their old home. A new old country was founded and the conflicts began: Those superfluous and wrong wars in which Israel – claiming to defend themselves – invaded neighbouring states. But by acting as though they alone had the right to settle in the Middle East they planted hatred and resistance in the hearts of the original peoples. But nevertheless, now that they are there, most of them willing to live a decent every day life, unharmed and themselves peaceful towards their immediate neighbours, they own the right to stay. So it is grave injustice to ignite bombs and blow up buses, killing those innocent, defenceless people, passers-by, children. There is no way to justify this kind of violence with being themselves suppressed by others, with Israeli counter-strikes against members of Hamas and Fatah, also killing innocent, defenceless people, passers-by, children. You see to what this leads them, us? A cycle of violence. A never-ending cycle of violence. Soon, we have reached the point of no return - but to stop this development, all of us, no matter if Israeli, Palestinian, Australian, Pole, Brazilian, Indonesian, Dane or any other peaceloving foreigner, have to unite. Have to help to assemble all those concerned parties around one table in order to talk to each other, to recognize how deeply wrong they both did, to step back from their falsely superior position. We, all the peoples of the UN, have to ensure that there is peace in both an Israeli and in a future and required Palestinian state. Thank you.

Dear representatives of the member states,
if we have a look at our world today, and if we compare it to the past, we see a lot of difference we have passed through. We have new great technologies our forefathers never would have dreamed of. But recent happenings reminded me that this circumstance does not only provide to make our life better, but it can also make it worse.
A few weeks ago, North Korea has started his nuclear weapon program. It fired atomic weapons in a deserted area of the country to test the degree of destruction committed by it. They ignored every warning and made these tests to show the power they have and threaten the world with it. This circumstance can not be tolerated. The power of atomic weapons is unbelievable and terrible, it destroys not only whole landscapes and contaminates them for decades, but also the people are harmed with the deadly and cruel followings. It is out of every charge what can happen if this power is in wrong hands. For this reason we have to advice North Korea to stop their program at once.
We have to convince them that there is no need at all for weapons of mass destruction in the world. We have to get in serious dialogue and make them clear what consequences this will have, to the world itself as to the relationship to the other nations in the world. For this, we need the help of the rest of the world, because if this does not stop, there will be no world any more.
Thank you

(improved version)

Dear representatives of the member states,
if we have a look at our world today - compared to the past - we see a lot of difference we have passed through. We have new great technologies our forefathers never would have dreamed of. But recent happenings reminded me that this circumstance does not only make our life better, it can also make it worse.
A few weeks ago, North Korea has started his nuclear weapon program. It fired atomic weapons in a deserted area of the country to test the degree of destruction committed by it. It ignored every warning and made these tests to show the power it has and threaten the world with it. This circumstance can not be tolerated. The power of atomic weapons is unbelievable and terrible, it destroys not only whole landscapes and contaminates them for decades, but also the people are harmed with the deadly and cruel followings. It is out of every charge what can happen if this power is in wrong hands. For this reason we have to advice North Korea to stop its program at once.
We have to convince it that there is no need at all for weapons of mass destruction in the world. We have to get in serious dialogue and make clear what consequences this will have, to the world itself as to the relationship to the other nations in the world. Therefore, we have to get the help of the rest of the world, because if this does not stop, there will be no world any more.
Thank you

(Wacker 'N' Waldi)

Extinction, war and pain all over the world are consequences of one single serious problem - Global Warming! And that's not only propaganda, it's reality based on facts, proved by statistics. A rise of water temperature of only one degree makes coral riffs being destructed and fishes being really confused. This of course could lead to a complete extinction of an extraordinary eco-system without a possibility to be brought back. Global Warming causes the melting of the glaciers and as a consequence of that a higher sea level. So isles would just vanish like many coast areas. Waves of environmental refugees would overcome the world. This mass of emigrating people searching for new homes brings up conflicts. The loss of natural variety, an ecological chaos, victims of taifuns, tornados or just getting homeless through the consequences of climate change are problems which have to be solved and which we already are faced with. So I hope you understand that we all have to work together in order to find solutions and try to save our planet. ACT NOW!!!