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Team Felix²
Laptops in school?!
- I would like to have a laptop for myself in class and @ home
- You can learn how to use the PC, this knowledge can help u to find a job
- You can learn with the computer - e.g. find information all over the internet; learn to type faster
- BUT you may sit in front of it the whole day , and stop doing sports, stop hanging out with your friends or trying to find a girlfriend and have sex to save the worldpopulation! So a laptop stops procreation by making us have no personal contact to each other :-P
- Pupils use it in every subject and for everything including homework and presentations
- you can find information faster and learn to decide which is more important
- problems could be technical mistakes or that pupils don't do what they should
- some of the pupils could try to hack the schoolnetwork, download porn or do other stupid things
- the system gets overloaded if a hundred pupils login at the same time e.g. in the morning at 8 a.m.
- the costs would be very high
- in the third world pupil will trade their laptops against food
- large studies show, that pupils, who learn with computers are better in some subjects for example maths
- most teachers are not able to use them; they have to learn how to handle them first
- the kids would use the laptop for gaming
- many will break and poor mr theli has to repair them
compared this we're for the laptops in schools, although we don't think that it would be much better for pupils learning or their motivation
Another school Netbook,47264.html