Old Reading Tasks

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Reading Task 3 - chapter 5

Read chapter 5!

  • What are the similarities and differences between Bilbo and Gollum? (NOTES, ideally a simple table ….)
  • How has Bilbo developed in ch. 4+5

Reading Task 4 - chapters 7 and 8

Read chapter 7 for Monday 2nd March 2009

  • characterize Beorn … (NOTES)
  • how does the mood / atmosphere develop from page 158 – 162 … How is this effect achieved? (NOTES)

Read Chapter 8 for Monday 2nd March 2009

  • What are the problems and steps in the development of the catastrophe from page 161-180? (Just give page and mark passage in book!)
  • Show and explain, that this chapter reveals Bilbo's heroic qualities (give lines) (NOTES)
  • Compare the different dwarves' (Bombur - Thorin - Kili&Fili) and Bilbo's roles/function in the story in chapter 8! Who are the flat and who the round characters? (NOTES)

Read chapter XII

Work in pairs! Collect all your information on Smaug from chapter XI and XII in a characterization of Smaug on the appropriate sub-page of the Wiki: Your user page (To get there, click on your user-name at the top of the page)! ==> Electronic NOTES in one of your Wiki pages!

Cf. Dragon as a Symbol (don't waste time on second part of page: "Dragon Traditions of Myth")

  • What is the function of the dragon (as a character and as a symbol) in the Hobbit? (Paper-)NOTES! ...