Class and Responsibility: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Collection of ideas)
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=Class in Britain=
== Vocabulary: Britain has become less class-bound ==
{| class="prettytable"
| l. 1
| toil - hard unpleasant work
| l. 3
| meritocratic - a ~ system is a social system where people get power / money on the basis of their ability
| l. 8
| to dilate - verb to become or to make sth larger, wider or more open
| l. 8
| predecessor – Vorgänger
| l. 10
| artificial – not natural (künstlich)
| l. 11
| albeit – although
| l. 12
| bundle - They bundled her into the back of a car.
| l.17
| reflection - your written or spoken thoughts about a particular subject or topic
| l.18
| to absorb - to interest sb very much so that they pay no attention to anything else
| l.22
| eminent- famous and respected, especially in a particular profession
| l.25
| distinctive = having a quality or characteristic that makes sth different and easily noticed
| l.26
| to acknowledge - to accept that sth is true
| l.28
| occupation - a job or profession
| l.28
| to observe <nowiki>= </nowiki>to see or notice something
| l.33
| triadic - divided in three parts
| l.34
| dichotomous - contrasting
| l.36
| pedantic - too worried about small details/things
| l.36
| nicety - precision
| l.38
| to apply in - to fit in
| l.39
| extending – cover area/time/distance
| l.40
| sharply aware – to exactly know sth (sich genau bewusst sein)
| l.42
| gentry – rich people owning land/upper class; burghers/citizen - middle class; toilers – workers, lower class
| l. 47
| to undermine = to make sth, especially sb’s confidence or authority, gradually weaker or less effective
| l. 48
| assertion = a statement saying that you strongly believe sth to be true
| l. 48
| hitherto = until now; until the particular time you are talking about
| l. 54
| to acquiesce = to accept sth without arguing, even if you do not really agree with it
| l. 60
| burgher = a citizen of a particular town
| l. 62
| wisdom = the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have
| l. 62
| virtue = behaviour or attitudes that show high moral standards
| l. 64
| crucial = extremely important, because it will affect other things
| l. 66
| consciousness <nowiki>= the state of being able to use your senses and mental powers to understand what is happening</nowiki>
| l. 69
| to obsess = to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a way that is not normal
| l. 71
| yokel = if you call a person a yokel, you say they do not have much education/ understanding of modern life, because they come from the countryside
| l. 76
| peculiarity <nowiki>= </nowiki>a feature that only belongs to one particular person, thing, place, etc
| l. 76
| significance = the importance of sth, especially when this has an effect on what happens in the future
| l. 77
| distinctions = a clear difference or contrast especially between people or things that are similar or related
| l. 79
| anachronistic = a person, a custom or an idea that seems old-fashioned and does not belong to the present
| l. 81
| endeavor = to try very hard to do
| l. 83
| hitherto = until now
| l. 89
| meritocracy = the group of people with power in a social system
| l. 90
| indication = SYN: remark, sign
| l. 92
| sham <nowiki>= </nowiki>SYN: false, pseudo
| l. 93
| heir = legal right to receive sb’s property, money etc.
| l. 93
| dukedom = Herzogtum
| l. 93
| audibly = hörbar
| l. 94
| agonizing = causing great pain
| l. 95
| striving = to try very hard to achieve
| l. 96
| to peter out&nbsp; = to gradually become smaller etc. and then end
| l. 96
| marsh = an area of low land that is always soft and wet
| l. 96
| amorphous <nowiki>= </nowiki>having no definite shape; shapeless
| l. 97
| vaguely = in a way that is not detailed or exact
| l. 97
| plebeian = uneducated, poor people
| l. 98
| avocation = SYN: hobby
| l. 101
| to desert = SYN: to sink
| l. 102
| clergyman <nowiki>= a male priest or minister in the Christian Church</nowiki>
==Summary of the 6 main passages of the text:==
# Former Prime Minister Tony Blair spoke of a growing middle class who sees themselves as working class but have more abilities, opportunities, tolerance and ambition than their ancestors. His predecessor , John Major imagined a classless society but did not succeed, because in a society there will always be differences e.g. in income, power, abilities, so you never achieve a completely classless society. Margaret Thatcher called class a Communist concept, as it only saw the opposition of two classes.
# It is an English obsession to divide the people in classes. As politicians and historians claim the English care much more about class division than other countries. But there will never be a classless society as long as there are differences between people, e.g. in education, personal abilities, salary, jobs etc.
# There are three different kinds of class-systems: hierarchical, triadic and dichotomous. The first one means that every person is part of a chain from highest to lowest and everyone knows exactly where they stand. The Triadic model is the division into three different parts: low, middle and upper class. The dichotomous system divides society in two completely opposed classes (e.g. rich/poor, capitalists – proletarian masses => Marx).
# History shows that classes didn't only have conflicts (Marx) but could also cooperate. Moreover, society has always only worked as the majority of the people have accept it – including the idea of social inequalities. In England, the majority of people who believe in the triadic concept see themselves as middle class and are proud of it: A nation of “burghers”, tradesmen, reasonable, educated middle-class citizens!
# During the industrialization, the system of class divisions changed from one defined by hierarchy to one defined by class which had a huge effect. It divided the people in working class and brought forth the upper-middle class of “gentlemen” Most important for ta gentleman: language => accent and pronunciation. In times before the Industrial Revolution people from poor to rich spoke the accent of their country/region, but then it became the accent of their class. So the upper-middle-class for example began to speak/speaks the “received” or “Oxford” accent, often learned at a “Public School”
=Social Exclusion=
=Social Exclusion=
See  [ David Batty. Social exclusion: the issue explained]
See  [ David Batty. Social exclusion: the issue explained]

Version vom 23. November 2009, 18:01 Uhr


Class in Britain

Vocabulary: Britain has become less class-bound

l. 1 toil - hard unpleasant work
l. 3 meritocratic - a ~ system is a social system where people get power / money on the basis of their ability
l. 8 to dilate - verb to become or to make sth larger, wider or more open
l. 8 predecessor – Vorgänger
l. 10 artificial – not natural (künstlich)
l. 11 albeit – although
l. 12 bundle - They bundled her into the back of a car.
l.17 reflection - your written or spoken thoughts about a particular subject or topic
l.18 to absorb - to interest sb very much so that they pay no attention to anything else
l.22 eminent- famous and respected, especially in a particular profession
l.25 distinctive = having a quality or characteristic that makes sth different and easily noticed
l.26 to acknowledge - to accept that sth is true
l.28 occupation - a job or profession
l.28 to observe = to see or notice something
l.33 triadic - divided in three parts
l.34 dichotomous - contrasting
l.36 pedantic - too worried about small details/things
l.36 nicety - precision
l.38 to apply in - to fit in
l.39 extending – cover area/time/distance
l.40 sharply aware – to exactly know sth (sich genau bewusst sein)
l.42 gentry – rich people owning land/upper class; burghers/citizen - middle class; toilers – workers, lower class
l. 47 to undermine = to make sth, especially sb’s confidence or authority, gradually weaker or less effective
l. 48 assertion = a statement saying that you strongly believe sth to be true
l. 48 hitherto = until now; until the particular time you are talking about
l. 54 to acquiesce = to accept sth without arguing, even if you do not really agree with it
l. 60 burgher = a citizen of a particular town
l. 62 wisdom = the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have
l. 62 virtue = behaviour or attitudes that show high moral standards
l. 64 crucial = extremely important, because it will affect other things
l. 66 consciousness = the state of being able to use your senses and mental powers to understand what is happening
l. 69 to obsess = to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a way that is not normal
l. 71 yokel = if you call a person a yokel, you say they do not have much education/ understanding of modern life, because they come from the countryside
l. 76 peculiarity = a feature that only belongs to one particular person, thing, place, etc
l. 76 significance = the importance of sth, especially when this has an effect on what happens in the future
l. 77 distinctions = a clear difference or contrast especially between people or things that are similar or related
l. 79 anachronistic = a person, a custom or an idea that seems old-fashioned and does not belong to the present
l. 81 endeavor = to try very hard to do
l. 83 hitherto = until now
l. 89 meritocracy = the group of people with power in a social system
l. 90 indication = SYN: remark, sign
l. 92 sham = SYN: false, pseudo
l. 93 heir = legal right to receive sb’s property, money etc.
l. 93 dukedom = Herzogtum
l. 93 audibly = hörbar
l. 94 agonizing = causing great pain
l. 95 striving = to try very hard to achieve
l. 96 to peter out  = to gradually become smaller etc. and then end
l. 96 marsh = an area of low land that is always soft and wet
l. 96 amorphous = having no definite shape; shapeless
l. 97 vaguely = in a way that is not detailed or exact
l. 97 plebeian = uneducated, poor people
l. 98 avocation = SYN: hobby
l. 101 to desert = SYN: to sink
l. 102 clergyman = a male priest or minister in the Christian Church

Summary of the 6 main passages of the text:

  1. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair spoke of a growing middle class who sees themselves as working class but have more abilities, opportunities, tolerance and ambition than their ancestors. His predecessor , John Major imagined a classless society but did not succeed, because in a society there will always be differences e.g. in income, power, abilities, so you never achieve a completely classless society. Margaret Thatcher called class a Communist concept, as it only saw the opposition of two classes.
  2. It is an English obsession to divide the people in classes. As politicians and historians claim the English care much more about class division than other countries. But there will never be a classless society as long as there are differences between people, e.g. in education, personal abilities, salary, jobs etc.
  3. There are three different kinds of class-systems: hierarchical, triadic and dichotomous. The first one means that every person is part of a chain from highest to lowest and everyone knows exactly where they stand. The Triadic model is the division into three different parts: low, middle and upper class. The dichotomous system divides society in two completely opposed classes (e.g. rich/poor, capitalists – proletarian masses => Marx).
  4. History shows that classes didn't only have conflicts (Marx) but could also cooperate. Moreover, society has always only worked as the majority of the people have accept it – including the idea of social inequalities. In England, the majority of people who believe in the triadic concept see themselves as middle class and are proud of it: A nation of “burghers”, tradesmen, reasonable, educated middle-class citizens!
  5. During the industrialization, the system of class divisions changed from one defined by hierarchy to one defined by class which had a huge effect. It divided the people in working class and brought forth the upper-middle class of “gentlemen” Most important for ta gentleman: language => accent and pronunciation. In times before the Industrial Revolution people from poor to rich spoke the accent of their country/region, but then it became the accent of their class. So the upper-middle-class for example began to speak/speaks the “received” or “Oxford” accent, often learned at a “Public School”

Social Exclusion

See David Batty. Social exclusion: the issue explained

Signs of/factors leading to social exclusion:

  • unemployment, poor skills ==> low incomes
  • poor housing
  • high crime
  • bad health, drug addiction
  • lack of medical care in deprived areas
  • family breakdown
  • high teenage pregnancy rate
  • homelessness
  • high number of young people not in education/training or employment and truancy/school exclusion

Solutions: Government tries to establish institutions that

  • analyse the causes and publish the results in reports.
  • critically evaluate local governments' work to improve efforts to help socially excluded groups
  • help to improve cooperation of departments / institutions to solve the multi-faceted problem
  • initiate programmes to improve health of children, reduce teenage pregnancy and school exclusion and to counsel young people about education and employment
  • coordinate efforts to encourage private investment in deprived communities.

Essay - Every child growing up in poverty is a ticking social timebomb

Collection of ideas

These children will often ...

Thesis Statement Supporting Points (more general/abstract) Examples (specific, images)
  • become criminals
don't have money to buy special things -> steal girls steal e.g. a Prada handbag
  • turn to violence
can't express themselves, envy, surroundings are bad -> learn solving conflicts by violence, aggression as a way of getting money throwing stones at expensive cars/ scratching with keys
  • have no positive idols
unemployed parents -> missing successful role models/ belief in working your way up girl sees her mother prostituting herself -> role model for her later life
  • have no motivation
children think they don't have a chance to get out of poverty/bad money situation parents don't give their children any hopes (no disappointing later)

parents can't afford university -> tell them that from the start

  • be in danger of becoming depressive
can't afford, what makes your dreams come true; work hard -> nearly no result; often have been rejected s.o. wants to found a company but he doesn't even get the money from the bank
  • have no education → find no jobs
no money/supporting background
  • elect extremists
believing in wrong promises, no achievement of big parties for poor people total equality (left party), electing the right party against foreigners taking their jobs
  • develop anger and hatred
-> see violence
  • make money with prostitution
only way of getting money very fast, no need of qualification
  • face teenage pregnancy/parenthood
girls want something that loves them, role models -> seeing it as normal

Writing an introduction

Check if the introduction ...

  • introduces the topic (+)
  • gives readers an idea of what dirction the essay will take (+)
  • provides an overview of the structure/line of argument (+)
  • implies/poses a question and creates an expactation/interetst in the readers (+)
  • states general truths/defines what needs no definition (-)
  • asks questions/announces answers but does not give them (-)

Possible Introductions

  • Question:
  • Basic thesis/contrast ==> Definition:
  • Surprising fact / statistic:
  • Quotation:

Class: Two Language Samples

  • RP Received Pronunciation, University education
  • EstEngl Estuary English