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Zeile 99: Zeile 99:
They have no water and food, then came the stream that they must cross. After crossing bombur fall into the water and sleeps and into the bargain they must carry him (and he is very heavy). They have no arrows because they tried to hunt something but they dont shot something.  
They have no water and food, then came the stream that they must cross. After crossing bombur fall into the water and sleeps and into the bargain they must carry him (and he is very heavy). They have no arrows because they tried to hunt something but they dont shot something.  
He has the best eyes of them so he can see the boat, and he climbes the tree. And so the do more to come forward as anyboday of the other ones, because without him they weren´t be able to cross the river.   
He has the best eyes of them so he can see the boat, and he climbes the tree. And so the do more to come forward as anyboday of the other ones, because without him they weren´t be able to cross the river. Bilbo is the only one who remeber the words of gandalf and beorn that they have to stay on the way, when the dwarves see the lights in the forest. And he is the one who was not catch by the spiders and so he fight (the first time in his life i think). And with his clverness and the ring the can cheat the spiders and rescue his friends. So in this chapter he is first time really a hero.   
Bombur is a very flat character because he is helpful in anyway and is only "fat" and so a bit differen than the other dwarves. And in chapter 8 he is only a burden because he fall in the river and sleeps.
Bombur is a very flat character because he is helpful in anyway and is only "fat" and so a bit differen than the other dwarves. And in chapter 8 he is only a burden because he fall in the river and sleeps.
Zeile 105: Zeile 105:
Thorin is a round Character he has famous forefathers and knows a lot of things and is the leader of the party.  
Thorin is a round Character he has famous forefathers and knows a lot of things and is the leader of the party.  
In the end of chapter 8 Bilbo is the hero because he safe his friends from the spiders.
In the end of chapter 9 Bilbo is the hero because he safe his friends from the elves (with a very clever plan)
The end of Chapter 10 is a bit different because bilbo playes only a little role, but Thorin is the maincharacter and the hero of the chapter althought he hadn´t have done anything, only of his aim to kill the dragon.
''' Chapter 8,9 and 10 (endings '''
''' Chapter 11 + 12 '''
Zeile 135: Zeile 135:
* Destroy most of the houses
* Destroy most of the houses
* Bard kills Smaug with the Black Arrow
* Bard kills Smaug with the Black Arrow
Smaug its the Boss-enemey in the book and the cruelest and dangerous danger of all danger. He seems insuperable and the Dwarves and Bilbo have no kind of plan to kill him.
''' Chapter 13 '''
* Bowman
* clever, smart
* fair
* Kills Smaug
* Brave Warrior
* Leader skills
* His forefathers are the kings of Thal
* Has some talents of the old Kings -> can understand birds
* Rebuild the Lake-Town with the Gold from Smaug
All of this attributes are heroic
''' Chapter 14 '''
The reaction from Thorin to Bards request is very unfair and selfish and for a neutral person irreproducible because Bard a right to get something from the treasure because he has killed the Dragon and he wants to rebuild the Lake-Town with the Gold (Smaug has destroy it because he think Bilbo is from the Lake-Town so the Dwarves are guilty Smaug fights the Town)
The only good Argument from Thorin is that he doesn´t want to give something to the elven king, and thats comprehensible because he hold the Dwarves captive althoug they doesn`t really do something wrong.
''' Chapter 16 '''
Modern everyman anti-heroic:
* Burgular
* Small Hobbit without supernatural things
* Dislikes to fight
* betrays his friends and king
* He`s very clumsy
* doesn`t want the treasure
* no royal forefathers
* he`s no real leader of men
* Don´t want to save a Woman (and is not in love)
* have no really aim for the journey
* try to avoid every kind of trouble
Typical Heroic:
* rescues his friends severel times
* he fights if he has to
* travels to the very end of the earth
* he`s a very important\famous guy in the end
* wants to save others from terrible battle
* has a magical ring/sword
* important deal with the king
* evidences Moral\Fairness

Version vom 31. März 2009, 21:50 Uhr


  • Hobbit
  • loves to eat
  • likes to relaxe
  • friendly, nice
  • loves his life without any troubles
  • smokes tobacco
  • likes it comfortable
  • is a proper person


  • wizard
  • likes adventures
  • mighty, powerful
  • magic skills
  • smokes tobacco
  • clever, smart
  • skillful

In the beginning of the story Bilbo didn´t know Gandalf, only from storys. That is is a great wizard and adventurer, who his very powerful und have magic skills and can make greats fireworks. Gandalf doenn´t know Bilbo too, only his grandfather. And for undefinable reasons he choose him as burglar for adventure.

If I hadn´t read the book before I think I would expect a journey to the mountain there the gold is, in which the hobbit is only a burden for the dwarves because is not born to an adventurer and its absolutly not his strengh.

In the end of chapter two i think bilbo and the dwarves are loosers because if Gandalf wouldn´t help them they were dead after one night and trolls are not the cleverst enmemys...

Chapter 3:

1) "They came on unexpected valleys [...]" page 56 "Bilbo was astonished" page 56

Its very detailed narreted. So can have a very good picture of the world of "the Hobbit".

2) Elves are a funny, nice, lovly, mysterious, creatures. They sing songs and laugh about the dwarves (-> funny, they enjoy life) You not often see the elves you only hear them (-> mysterious). They gave the dwarves new clothes and food for their journey (-> nice, lovely). You can see that elves and dwarves not really like each other. But they not really enemys. So the role of the elves is net clear if they would go against oder with the dwarves or if they even would play any role in this story. But bacause of Gandalf you would expect that the elves would helps the dwarves if they needed their help.

3) Many danger, a lot auf adventures, wild creatures, unexpectet friends, difficult times without food, difficult way through moutains or woods.

Chapter 4:

He discribes all very detailed and coulorful, says his own meaning to some things, he looks in the future but don´t say exactly things only for example page 66 "He knew somthing unexpected might happen.",

Goblins are defently the one of the bad guys in the story, they like the dark, they like the fire, they are fast, they are evil, they don´t like elves, they eating everything, they creat not beautiful but useful and bad things, they dislike everybody,

Chapter 5


  • like riddles
  • are small
  • are alone (in this szene) * Gollum likes to eat every kind of meat
  • don´t like hobbits
  • have the same forefathers


  • Gollum can see in the dark (Bilbo can´t)
  • Gollum is cruel (Bilbo isn´t)
  • Gollum has no friends
  • Gollum has no friends

Bilbo has developed a bit. He is a bit braver when in the beginning of the story because is alone and nobody can help him so he search a exit and want to use his sword if its necessary. But he don´t really have a plan to go outside. And without the ring he had be killed by Gollum, because he don´t fight him but ran away so he is still the small Hobbit from Hobbingen.

Chapter 7


  • very huge
  • black beard an hair
  • very Strong
  • dr doolittle
  • he is a skinchanger
  • save house
  • not much friends
  • don´t like most people
  • hates wolves and goblins
  • but loves bees
  • can talk to animals

its a bleack mood without any beatiful things. No bird is singing. The landscape gets more gloomy. And the party gets sad and started to getting hopeless.

Chapter 8

They have no water and food, then came the stream that they must cross. After crossing bombur fall into the water and sleeps and into the bargain they must carry him (and he is very heavy). They have no arrows because they tried to hunt something but they dont shot something.

He has the best eyes of them so he can see the boat, and he climbes the tree. And so the do more to come forward as anyboday of the other ones, because without him they weren´t be able to cross the river. Bilbo is the only one who remeber the words of gandalf and beorn that they have to stay on the way, when the dwarves see the lights in the forest. And he is the one who was not catch by the spiders and so he fight (the first time in his life i think). And with his clverness and the ring the can cheat the spiders and rescue his friends. So in this chapter he is first time really a hero.

Bombur is a very flat character because he is helpful in anyway and is only "fat" and so a bit differen than the other dwarves. And in chapter 8 he is only a burden because he fall in the river and sleeps. Kili\Fili (you could see them as the same person because they do alltogether) a bit rounder when bombur because they do some helpful thing for their journey. Thorin is a round Character he has famous forefathers and knows a lot of things and is the leader of the party.

In the end of chapter 8 Bilbo is the hero because he safe his friends from the spiders. In the end of chapter 9 Bilbo is the hero because he safe his friends from the elves (with a very clever plan) The end of Chapter 10 is a bit different because bilbo playes only a little role, but Thorin is the maincharacter and the hero of the chapter althought he hadn´t have done anything, only of his aim to kill the dragon.

Chapter 11 + 12


  • is a dragon
  • golden, red
  • very big
  • can spiet fire
  • can fly
  • like a reptile
  • has a cuirass of the gold and the jewels
  • vulnerable at one point at his front
  • likes silver, gold and jewels
  • can speak
  • „The dragon bears as name – a pseudonym – the past tense of the primitive Germanic verb Smugan, to squeeze through a hole: a low philological jest.“
  • intelligent and artful
  • doesn´t like dwarves
  • strong
  • mighty
  • smoke comes from his nose
  • lives alone in the Lonly Mountain
  • is evil
  • guard the treasure, which he has stolen from the dwarves
  • attacks the Lake Town
  • Destroy most of the houses
  • Bard kills Smaug with the Black Arrow

Smaug its the Boss-enemey in the book and the cruelest and dangerous danger of all danger. He seems insuperable and the Dwarves and Bilbo have no kind of plan to kill him.

Chapter 13


  • Bowman
  • clever, smart
  • fair
  • Kills Smaug
  • Brave Warrior
  • Leader skills
  • His forefathers are the kings of Thal
  • Has some talents of the old Kings -> can understand birds
  • Rebuild the Lake-Town with the Gold from Smaug

All of this attributes are heroic

Chapter 14

The reaction from Thorin to Bards request is very unfair and selfish and for a neutral person irreproducible because Bard a right to get something from the treasure because he has killed the Dragon and he wants to rebuild the Lake-Town with the Gold (Smaug has destroy it because he think Bilbo is from the Lake-Town so the Dwarves are guilty Smaug fights the Town) The only good Argument from Thorin is that he doesn´t want to give something to the elven king, and thats comprehensible because he hold the Dwarves captive althoug they doesn`t really do something wrong.

Chapter 16

Modern everyman anti-heroic:

  • Burgular
  • Small Hobbit without supernatural things
  • Dislikes to fight
  • betrays his friends and king
  • He`s very clumsy
  • doesn`t want the treasure
  • no royal forefathers
  • he`s no real leader of men
  • Don´t want to save a Woman (and is not in love)
  • have no really aim for the journey
  • try to avoid every kind of trouble

Typical Heroic:

  • rescues his friends severel times
  • he fights if he has to
  • travels to the very end of the earth
  • he`s a very important\famous guy in the end
  • wants to save others from terrible battle
  • has a magical ring/sword
  • important deal with the king
  • evidences Moral\Fairness