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(40 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 2 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 2: Zeile 2:
=='''Latest Homework '''==
1. Read III 4  and listen to it while you read! (Don't watch it yet - just read + listen")
: Listen to minute 2:20  to  4:40 (III 4)
: {{#ev:youtube|WpEY3v5Pdxo}}
2. Now watch this scene again! Stop at 4:40!
:* What mood is created in this scene(esp. look at Old Capulet)?
:* How does Capulet's mood and plan appear to the audience?
:* What does it mean for Juliet?
3. Explain how dramatic irony is used here, and which sentences!
:* Find and mark 4 examples of dramatic irony in III 4 and explain what makes them ironic!
4. Watch the video until the end!
:* Does the language used by Romeo and Juliet sound natural or very theatrical/recited?
:* What is the relation between III 4  and the beginning of III 5?
5. Read pp. 125
: The passage contains some fine rhetorical elements! Look at ll. 6 - 11 and read the lines aloud ....! Show what rhetorical devices are used and what they underline!
6. Watch the following video up to minute 7:50  (that is III 5 from page 129 l. 82 on)!
: Describe how Juliet's situation develops!
='''Latest Homework '''=
: How does the actor express Capulet's changig feelings towards his daughter?
==Older Homework==
* Describe and analyze '''[http://media.caglecartoons.com/media/cartoons/6/2007/07/12/39909_600.jpg this cartoon]'''!
* Finish (or read - if you weren't there - Act III Scene 2! Then collect all the  the words or phrases that help to create an atmosphere of death and despair!
* Read pp. 111 and 113! Try to write a modern (I suppose shorter) version of ll. 15 - 53! Start e.g. like this:
: Friar: You are only banned from staying in Verona, but calm down, you can go to many other places!
: Romeo: But for me Verona is the only place in the world, anywhere else is .....
='''Recent Homework'''=
Read page 103!
* Answer question 1c on page 102!
* Pick 4 consecutive lines from page 103 that you like most for their imagery and/or sound ...! Can you explain why ...?
1. "Man is the measure of all things."
What is your opinion on this statement that Krauthammer bases his argument upon?
2. Protecting the environment while maximizing profits - an insolvable conflict?
'''If your first name begins with A -  K ==><BR>'''
The pell-mell pursuit of profits by businesses has long been a major source of pollution. But could such greed be used instead to help preserve the environment? A growing number of politicians and economists think so, and they have come up with the idea of allowing companies to buy and sell the "right" to pollute as part of a plan to encourage them to clean up their operations.
Ultimately, there could be a national or even global market that would treat pollution permits like stocks and bonds. The strategy is not so strange as it sounds; the Environmental Protection Agency used it in the 1970s to curb pollution in selected cities. President George Bush  made  trading pollution rights the centerpiece of his plan to combat acid rain across the U.S., with his proposal attracting an ideologically diverse band of supporters, from conservative economists, who despised standard types of Government regulations, to environment-minded legislators, who were ready for a fresh approach to pollution control.
* Read II.5!
'''If your first name begins with L - Z ==><BR>'''
: How is tension created between Juliet and the Nurse pn pp. 81 - 85 (Examples and explanation?)
: Eplain Juliet's reaction on page 85 l. 69-76? (Also look at what the nurse says on page 29 l. 96?
: How would you characterize the nurse's behavior in this scene II 5?
* Read II.6!
Under Bush's plan, the Government would set a national limit on emissions of sulfur dioxide, a prime cause of acid rain. But, instead of dictating how to meet the target, the Government would let the marketplace determine the cheapest, most efficient way to get the job done. Each company would be allotted an acceptable level of SO2 production, amounting to its fair share of the national limit. If a company managed to pollute less than its share, it could receive permits representing the shortfall, which it could sell to firms that could not meet their target. That is where the power of greed comes in: companies would have an enormous incentive to cut their emissions so they could profit from peddling their surplus permits.
: How responible or irresponsible do you judge Friar Lawrence's actions!
: Remember Romeo's and Juliet's age, the friar's plan/intention and his warnings and advice to them!
Even the most enthusiastic advocates admitted right from the start that a market in pollution rights presented an immense challenge, mainly due to the difficulty of  making sure companies had enough legal permits to cover all their pollution.
# Read Act II scene 2
# Choose your favourite four lines from II 2 and prepare to explain why you like them!
# Look at II 2 again! Write out / mark how (esp. what images are used)
:* Romeo adresses Juliet
:* how he expresses his feelings
:* where he seems more realistic/mature  and where more  carried away/caught in poetical decoration and exaggeration
=== Read Act 1 of "Romeo and Juliet!"===
Look at the "left pages", too. They contain useful information!
The war in Iraq is the direct result of the work of US city-planners in the mid-1920s and it was inevitable - not because of weapons of mass destruction, as claimed by the political right, nor because of western imperialism, as claimed by the left. The undeniable cause of this war and  the ones to follow it, is America’s love affair with cars.
In the early 19th century buses replaced trams, and then cars replaced buses, while General Motors bought up the last tramways to close them down.
===Look at pp. 15  –  17, p. 23  and  pp. 41-45 l. 119  again===
Cars offered an escape from dirty, crowded cities to leafy garden-suburbs, with the freeways serving as escape routes. So America turned itself into a nation of home-owners living in vast suburbs spread so widely that servicing them economically with public transport has become impossible.
Today the US transportation sector is almost totally dependent on oil, and supplies are running out. America needs oil and Saddam Hussein has been sitting on it – the second largest supply in the world.
<small>Ian Roberts, The Guardian,  Saturday January 18, 2003 (adapted)</small>
# Take notes about what Romeo  says about love and the women he loves .... and how (language, images, rhyme, ... write out some quotes!) he says it. (Make a table with 2 columns.)
# How convincing/realistic is Romeo's being in love? (Notes/reasons)
# How does Benvolio react to Romeo's problem with being in love (p. 17 and 23)? (Niotes)
# Characterize Romeo as lover from what you have read about him! (Complete sentences!)
Zeile 94: Zeile 60:
Answer the following questions on "What Place for God in Europe?"
<span style="color: red">'''1. Write a recipe for a brilliant play about love! - What does it take ...?'''</span>
#Why has religion become a difficult topic in Europe according to the first section of the article? (Paris)
#Why does the question of the role of religion divide the USA and Europe according to part 2 (Enlightenment divergence) a nd 4 Philosophical Diffrences)?
'''Think of'''
#What is the author's position? How does this become clear?
*the most important characters (and their relations to each other)
*the development of the plot
*the conflicts
*typical ingredients that draw audiences
*a breath-taking ending!
<span style="color: red">'''2. Prologue (Romeo and Juliet)''' (spoken by one actor)</span>
<blockquote style="border: 1px solid blue; padding: 2em;">
Two households both alike in dignity,<br>
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,<br>
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,<br>
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.<br>
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes<br>
A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life;<br>
Whose misadventur’d piteous overthrows<br>
Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife.<br>
The fearful passage of their death-mark’d love<br>
And the continuance of their parents’ rage,<br>
Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove,<br>
Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage;<br>
The which, if you with patient ears attend,<br>
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.<br>
# '''What is the function of this prologue in "Romeo and Juliet"??'''
# '''Learn at least lines 1 - 8  by heart .....!'''
Zeile 132: Zeile 70:
'''If your first name begins with A -  K ==><BR>'''
* Read [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3658172.stm Religion and politics in America]!
* Write down 8 questions and formulate the 8 answers to be asked and answered from this article, that express the basics about religion an politics!
What is  the symbolic meaning of the hotel and its inhabitants?  Explain your views!
'''Some aspects:'''
* connotations of hotel  (in general and in this special situation)
* who do characters stand for? (in England/generally) ==> Look at names, behaviour, relations between characters and changes
Zeile 148: Zeile 80:
'''If your first name begins with L -  Z ==><BR>'''
# Read until page 56 of the drama!
* Read [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article5050685.ece Religion remains fundamental to US politics]!
# Look at the disagreement (p. 51, l. 30 to p. 56, l. 16) between the two friends (Mrs Jones and Mrs Smith).
* Write down 8 questions and formulate the 8 answers to be asked and answered from this article, that express the basics about religion an politics!
::How do the two women's attitudes to the situation and their relation to each other change?
::Is there a turning point? <br>Make a two-column-table (in Wiki or as .doc or .odt-document and give page/lines to support your points!)
Zeile 159: Zeile 90:
* Group 1: Letters on pp. 119-120  and pp. 122 (Hilary to Philip)
* Group 2: Letter(s) on pp. 120-122
* Group 3: Letter(s) on pp. 122-124
* Group 4: Letter(s) on pp. 124-128
* Group 5: Letter(s) on pp. 128-130
* Group 6: Letter(s) on pp. 131-133
Look at:
* Funny passages - How are they created by the narrator?
* Dramatic irony - Who knows what - who doesn't? Does reader feel pity or superiority?
* language that helps to characterize the writer?
* basic information in letter?
# What information about the hotel does Shirley give the newcomers (41 l. 21-31) and why does this arouse the curiosity of the audience? (also refer to her telephone call at the beginning! Explain the term "dramatic irony" and its use/effect in this passage!
# Explain Mrs Smith's remark "''After all we are in England''" (p. 45, l. 1) and Mrs Blake's reply "''I am deaf in one ear. I am blind in one eye. I see what I want to see. I hear what I want to hear''"!
England stands for being organized, tolerant, civilized, cultivated, helpful, polite, reliable, something like this doesn´t happen in England
Mrs Blake is ignorant, intolerant, self-centered, she knows sth. but doesn´t want to tell that, rude, impolite
Mrs Brown is professional,
# What are Mrs Blake's and Shirley's views of all Smiths  on p. 46 l.23 - p. 51, l. 12? (Use a two-column-table and give page/lines to support your points). '''It would be nice if someone put this table onto their Wiki page ...!'''
1. '''Groups 1, 2, 3: pp. 134-137:'''
::How do the Zapps (Desire and Morris) see Philip?
2. '''Groups 4, 5, 6: pp. 137-141:'''
::How do the Swallows (Philip and Hilary) see Morris?
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/drama/activities/characterisation/characterisation.shtml '''Video: Characterization in Romeo and Juliet!''']
Watch the scene from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (ActII, Scene 5) in the video clip!
# Note down how you would chracterize Juliet and her nurse! What dramatic techniques and conventions do the actors use?
# Now read the scene while you are listening (to the video) and add some more aspects to your characterizations of Juliet and her nurse! Also complete your analysis of ''' how''' the characterization is achieved!
Zeile 183: Zeile 117:
='''Questions on Changing Places (for Thursday - TODAY!)'''=
* Read fom page 210 on!
* Answer the questions in complete, written sentences!
* Finish these questions as our homework for Monday!
# pp. 210 - 211: What does Morris feel about Rummidge and university life there?
# pp. 211-212 Why does Morris love the paternoster elevator?
# pp. 214 ("Jane Austen mumbled ...") - 215 ("the internal telephone rang") What parts of Zapp's character as a teacher/academic become visible here?
# pp. 216 ("the telephone rang") - 218 ("God forbid") How does Zapp's relation with Hilary develop and what is his opinion of her wish to study again?
# pp. 220("Ah Zapp") -  223 ("The VC broke off")? Explain Zapp's arguments and motives for suppporting Philip's career!
# pp. 223 ("I'm sorry Vice Chncellor")  - 227 ("top of the shaft") Try to sum up this passage in about 5 - 7 sentences.
# pp. 227 ("Hilary wore a") - 230 ("Let's go upstairs") Why does Hilary react so strangely at first and why does she change her mind again ...?
# Finish this chapter and sum up the perspectives for Morris in England! Do you think he will stay?
Are we "clever enough" to avoid falling into "the sex trap" in advertising?
Use one of the following adverts and apply the full set of analytical tools to it! Write your findings into your user-page. To do that copy the "code" of the following table to your userpage.
*[http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/luxembourgmeat.jpg Against Prostitution]
*[http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/guinness-april-fool.jpg Guinness]
*[http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/original_p_manifestostamp.jpg Levis1]
*[http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/original_country_1440x900.jpg Levis 2]
*[http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/leroy_merlin_bitches_2?size=_original DIY Advert]
*[http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/deutsche_verkehrs_wacht_buckle_up?size=_original Buckle up ...]
*[http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/aigle_boots?size=_original Wellies]
*[http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/Reggaefest-Woman.jpg Reggaefest]
*[http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/jbs_mens_underwear_toilet Men's Underwear]
*[http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/SKINSHeary3.jpg Sportswear]
This is the (half empty) table that you should first copy to your user page. After that, work inside your user-page ('''not here!''').
{| class="prettytable sortable"
|+ The advert xy ...
|- style="background: #DDFFDD;"
! question
! answer
|what product?
|aim and target group?
|elements (description, relation between them?
|how is "customers'" attention attracted?
|message (of text and image)?
|how does the advert work, how are people influenced/conviced?
*advert appeals to ...
*message is supported by ...
*advert uses customers' wishes, fears, etc. to ...
*rhetorical and stylistic devices in language and imagery:
*reader makes associations with/is reminded of ...?
Zeile 241: Zeile 140:
'''Read the article and '''write''' a paragraph by paragraph summary of how this works!
'''  Remember [http://www.reslife.net/assets/docs/Reading_and_Marking.doc this method]!
* [http://www.parade.com/news/2009/01/how-subliminal-advertising-works.html How subliminal advertising works]
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NationalStereotypes National stereotypes] See those on Britain and the USA.
* [http://www.tobsy.de/?p=30 10 Stereotypes about Americans]
* [http://enduringamericajr.blogspot.com/2008/12/stereotyped-america.html Stereotyped America] See original article!
There is a Garden in her Face:
There is a garden in her face
'''Prepare a short presentation (about 5 minutes) of one of these novels!'''
Where roses and white lilies grow;
A heav'nly paradise is that place
Wherein all pleasant fruits do flow.
There cherries grow which none may buy,
Till "Cherry ripe" themselves do cry.<br>
Those cherries fairly do enclose
Of orient pearl a double row,
Which when her lovely laughter shows,
They look like rose-buds fill'd with snow;
Yet them nor peer nor prince can buy,
Till "Cherry ripe" themselves do cry.<br>
Her eyes like angels watch them still,
Her brows like bended bows do stand,
Threat'ning with piercing frowns to kill
All that attempt with eye or hand
Those sacred cherries to come nigh,
Till "Cherry ripe" themselves do cry.
# What is the rhyme scheme?
# What parts of the poem are there?
# Who is the speaker talking about and what is his “message”?
# What images are used and what do they imply?
Essay Writing:
# Write out the introduction for one of the quotes on your worksheet! Define, rephrase etc. the quote ...!
Write down notes for your essay ==> arguments (min. 4) + supporting points + examples
* Answer (write it down, preferably into your wiki page) questions two and three on the worksheet on Madonna's "American Life"
* It may help to listen to the song ...
:{{#ev:youtube |ADMwMYc8D64|180}}
* Download  [[Media:american dream.mm| this mindmap]]!
* Read page 2 of your worksheet on "The American Dream" and try to do question 2 ==> include your findings into the mindmap. To do so (open the mindmap) you need to download [http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/freemind/FreeMind-Windows-Installer-0.8.1-max.exe?download "Fremind" here!] and install it.
* In case you can't install freemind - just make a neat list of all your findings!
* Finish (if necessary) and prepare to present your team's definition of and presentation of "Received Pronunciation"  or "Estuary English"
Learn the summary and look at the vocabulary ....!
* [[LK Englisch/Thelenberg 2009 11/Class and Responsibility| Vocabulary and Summary for text from Monday, 23rd November]]
* Finish analysis of 4 introductions: type of introduction, elements (question, ...), structure, What mistakes ???
* Write introduction to Essay! ==> Essay Topic: Every child growing up in poverty is a ticking social timebomb!
* Write out 1st argument of essay
'''Essay Topic: Every child growing up in poverty is a ticking social timebomb!'''
'''Translate''' [http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obamas-nobel-peace-prize-high-honor-heavy-burden/story?id=8798679 Surprise Peace Prize Award Sets a Higher Bar for the President] until "''made the clear the prize was intended to encourage Obama to greatness rather than celebrate any achievement''."!
'''Translate''' the paragraph from "The United States Court of Appeals"  to "is not an individual right." from [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/18/opinion/18tue2.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=editorial+and+guns&st=nyt this article]! (It's the third paragraph!)
:Angela's Ashes
:The Catcher in the Rye
:Nineteen Eighty-Four
:Brave New World
:Changing Places
:The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
:About a Boy
:Fight Club
:The Virgin Suicides
'''Create a short entry  in your own user page in this wiki. Use the following  formats/forms'''
* bold and italic text
* green or red text
* a short numbered  list of your thoughts on the election in Germany this weekend
* at least 4 headlines
Finally find at least 2 good English articles/webpages on '''what the Americans expected/hoped for from Obama''' and if (they think) he fulfills these hopes and expectations.
* title, author, year of publication
* theme/basic plot, narrator/point of view
* personal judgement (should we read it or not?)
Create a numbered and annotated link collection like this for these two (or more) articles you have found.
="Old" Homework 2009/2010=
It could look like this (if the topic was "bananas"):
:# [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana Banana] Wikipedia entry on bananas, good basic information and nice pictures
[[LK Englisch/Thelenberg 2009 11/homework_k12| Homework K12]]
:# [http://www.bananas.org/ http://www.bananas.org/] Everything about sorts of, growing, cooking with and selling bananas. Good forums.

Aktuelle Version vom 14. März 2011, 16:06 Uhr


Latest Homework

Recent Homework

1. "Man is the measure of all things."

What is your opinion on this statement that Krauthammer bases his argument upon?

2. Protecting the environment while maximizing profits - an insolvable conflict?

If your first name begins with A - K ==>

The pell-mell pursuit of profits by businesses has long been a major source of pollution. But could such greed be used instead to help preserve the environment? A growing number of politicians and economists think so, and they have come up with the idea of allowing companies to buy and sell the "right" to pollute as part of a plan to encourage them to clean up their operations.

Ultimately, there could be a national or even global market that would treat pollution permits like stocks and bonds. The strategy is not so strange as it sounds; the Environmental Protection Agency used it in the 1970s to curb pollution in selected cities. President George Bush made trading pollution rights the centerpiece of his plan to combat acid rain across the U.S., with his proposal attracting an ideologically diverse band of supporters, from conservative economists, who despised standard types of Government regulations, to environment-minded legislators, who were ready for a fresh approach to pollution control.

If your first name begins with L - Z ==>

Under Bush's plan, the Government would set a national limit on emissions of sulfur dioxide, a prime cause of acid rain. But, instead of dictating how to meet the target, the Government would let the marketplace determine the cheapest, most efficient way to get the job done. Each company would be allotted an acceptable level of SO2 production, amounting to its fair share of the national limit. If a company managed to pollute less than its share, it could receive permits representing the shortfall, which it could sell to firms that could not meet their target. That is where the power of greed comes in: companies would have an enormous incentive to cut their emissions so they could profit from peddling their surplus permits.

Even the most enthusiastic advocates admitted right from the start that a market in pollution rights presented an immense challenge, mainly due to the difficulty of making sure companies had enough legal permits to cover all their pollution.



The war in Iraq is the direct result of the work of US city-planners in the mid-1920s and it was inevitable - not because of weapons of mass destruction, as claimed by the political right, nor because of western imperialism, as claimed by the left. The undeniable cause of this war and the ones to follow it, is America’s love affair with cars.

In the early 19th century buses replaced trams, and then cars replaced buses, while General Motors bought up the last tramways to close them down.

Cars offered an escape from dirty, crowded cities to leafy garden-suburbs, with the freeways serving as escape routes. So America turned itself into a nation of home-owners living in vast suburbs spread so widely that servicing them economically with public transport has become impossible.

Today the US transportation sector is almost totally dependent on oil, and supplies are running out. America needs oil and Saddam Hussein has been sitting on it – the second largest supply in the world.

Ian Roberts, The Guardian, Saturday January 18, 2003 (adapted)

Answer the following questions on "What Place for God in Europe?"

  1. Why has religion become a difficult topic in Europe according to the first section of the article? (Paris)
  2. Why does the question of the role of religion divide the USA and Europe according to part 2 (Enlightenment divergence) a nd 4 Philosophical Diffrences)?
  3. What is the author's position? How does this become clear?

If your first name begins with A - K ==>

  • Write down 8 questions and formulate the 8 answers to be asked and answered from this article, that express the basics about religion an politics!

If your first name begins with L - Z ==>

  • Group 1: Letters on pp. 119-120 and pp. 122 (Hilary to Philip)
  • Group 2: Letter(s) on pp. 120-122
  • Group 3: Letter(s) on pp. 122-124
  • Group 4: Letter(s) on pp. 124-128
  • Group 5: Letter(s) on pp. 128-130
  • Group 6: Letter(s) on pp. 131-133

Look at:

  • Funny passages - How are they created by the narrator?
  • Dramatic irony - Who knows what - who doesn't? Does reader feel pity or superiority?
  • language that helps to characterize the writer?
  • basic information in letter?


1. Groups 1, 2, 3: pp. 134-137:

How do the Zapps (Desire and Morris) see Philip?

2. Groups 4, 5, 6: pp. 137-141:

How do the Swallows (Philip and Hilary) see Morris?

Questions on Changing Places (for Thursday - TODAY!)

  • Read fom page 210 on!
  • Answer the questions in complete, written sentences!
  • Finish these questions as our homework for Monday!
  1. pp. 210 - 211: What does Morris feel about Rummidge and university life there?
  2. pp. 211-212 Why does Morris love the paternoster elevator?
  3. pp. 214 ("Jane Austen mumbled ...") - 215 ("the internal telephone rang") What parts of Zapp's character as a teacher/academic become visible here?
  4. pp. 216 ("the telephone rang") - 218 ("God forbid") How does Zapp's relation with Hilary develop and what is his opinion of her wish to study again?
  5. pp. 220("Ah Zapp") - 223 ("The VC broke off")? Explain Zapp's arguments and motives for suppporting Philip's career!
  6. pp. 223 ("I'm sorry Vice Chncellor") - 227 ("top of the shaft") Try to sum up this passage in about 5 - 7 sentences.
  7. pp. 227 ("Hilary wore a") - 230 ("Let's go upstairs") Why does Hilary react so strangely at first and why does she change her mind again ...?
  8. Finish this chapter and sum up the perspectives for Morris in England! Do you think he will stay?

Prepare a short presentation (about 5 minutes) of one of these novels!

Angela's Ashes
The Catcher in the Rye
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Brave New World
Changing Places
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
About a Boy
Fight Club
The Virgin Suicides


  • title, author, year of publication
  • theme/basic plot, narrator/point of view
  • personal judgement (should we read it or not?)

"Old" Homework 2009/2010

Homework K12