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(Translation: Changing Places)
(60 dazwischenliegende Versionen von einem Benutzer werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
== Music ==
"The next morning, the second and the third solos weren't bad, but the first had that first take magic...I didn't touch it" Dimebag Darrell
* Metal: 1349, Anorexia Nervosa, Behemoth, Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir, Gorgoroth, Immortal...
* Classic: Vivaldi, Paganini, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Liszt, Wagner...
"The next morning, the second and the third solos weren't bad, but the first had that first take magic...I didn't touch it" Dimebag Darrell<br>
== Received Pronunciation ==
== Received Pronunciation ==
Zeile 132: Zeile 125:
|what product?
|what product?
|The advert of Luxembourg Government illustrates the effects of prostitution.
|aim and target group?
|aim and target group?
|everyone, especially punters
|men, especially those who pay for sex
|elements (description, relation between them?)
|elements (description, relation between them?)
|Picture as main element.  
|Picture as main element.  
*background shows a metllic table
*background shows a metallic table
*naked woman as a packaged product
*woman compared with a product, which everyone can buy
|how is "customers'" attention attracted?
|how is "customers'" attention attracted?
|The image shows an attractive, young, naked woman, who looks desperate.
|The customers attention is attracted by an attractive, young, naked woman, who looks desperate.
Another eye-catching point is the white package on the dark background.  
|message (of text and image)?
|message (of text and image)?
Zeile 149: Zeile 144:
--> paying for sex = human trading
--> paying for sex = human trading
|how does the advert work, how are people influenced/conviced?
|how does the advert work, how are people influenced/convinced?
*advert appeals not to tolerate prostitution and be conscious about the effects
*advert appeals to the rationality and insight not to tolerate prostitution and to be conscious about the effects
*message is supported by a prostitute, who is trapped
*message is supported by a strange image and a slogan
*advert uses customers' wishes, fears, etc. to convince readers with their opinion
*advert uses customers' wishes, fears, etc. to convince readers with their opinion
*rhetorical and stylistic devices in language and imagery: comparison, statistics
*rhetorical and stylistic devices in language and imagery: comparison, statistics
*reader makes is reminded of buying meat?
*reader is reminded of buying meat
The advert’s product of Luxembourg Government are prostitutes and the target group are men, especially those who pay for sex.
It shows a naked woman as a packaged product on a metallic table. She is trapped in this package, which also has a bar code on the right bottom. It symbolizes that the woman is treated like a product though she is still a human being. In addtition she attracts the attention of the viewer with her beauty, nudity and desperate posture, which is similar to the image of jesus hanging on the cross.
Another eye-catching point is the white package on the dark, cold background. These contrary colours are used to illustrate the innocence of the woman and the shady side of the world, that women are seen as a product.
The message of text and image is that as the slogan says "If you pay a prostitute, you're financing human trading." That means paying for sex is compared with human trading. The advert appeals to the rationality and insight not to tolerate prostitution and to be conscious about the effects. This message is supported by a strange image and a slogan.
The rhetorical and stylistic devices,which are used  in language and imagery are a comparison between the woman and a product and statistics, written in a real small size on the left bottom of the ad.  The whole image reminds the viewer of buying a meat product in the supermarket without the knowledge about its origin.
= Changing Places - David Lodge =
Changing Places(1975) is first book in a trilogy of campus novels by the British author David Lodge (born 28 January 1935 at Brockley, London, England)
=== Two  main Characters: Personality, Family, Career===
{| width="99%"
| style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin: 0; margin-right:10px; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
==== Morris Zapp ====
* 40 years old
* professor of English Literature
* married to Désireé
* father of two children
* veteran of long distance flying
* smoker
* never left america so far
* long gorilla-like arms
* can't swim
* light-headed
* exaggerates
* ambitious (professional killer instinct)
| width="50%" style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin:0;  border:1px solid #dfdfdf; padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em;
background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
==== Philipp Swallow====
* 40 years old
* professor of English Literature
* married to Hilary Broome
* father of three children
* afraid of flying
* unaccustomed to traveling
* unconfident
* infinitely suggestable
* observes other people
* conservative/traditional
* good imagination
* excited about flying/travelling
* lack in will and ambition
* superlative examiner of undergraduates
* feels sensually underprivileged
===University Life and Academical System===
{| width="99%"
| style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin: 0; margin-right:10px; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
==== Euphoric State University ====
* placed in one of the most agreeable environments in the world
* built itself up into one of America's major universities
* difficult in persuading members to go to Rummidge
* not difficult to obtain a bachelor's degree
| width="50%" style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin:0;  border:1px solid #dfdfdf; padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em;
background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
==== Rummidge ====
* placed in a large, graceless industrial city
* never been an institution of more than middling size and reputation
* established an unchallenged supremacy: domestic appliance technology,...
* competed for the honour to represent Rummidge in Euphoric State
* competition begins and ends much earlier
===Life in the USA vs. Life in Britain===
{| width="99%"
| style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin: 0; margin-right:10px; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
==== USA ====
* exciting lifestyle
* sunny weather
| width="50%" style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin:0;  border:1px solid #dfdfdf; padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em;
background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
* boring lifestyle
* rains all day
= Translation: Changing Places =
Lodge wählte bedacht zwei Hauptfiguren um das zu verkörperlichen, was wir teils richtig teils falsch als nationale Charakterzüge des typischen Englischen und Amerikanischen Mannes annehmen. Philip Swallow ist ein vornehmer, sanfter, schüchterner Kerl, der uns als Musterbeispiel eines zuverlässigen Familienvaters, treu zu seiner Frau Hilary und seinen zwei jungen Kindern vorgestellt wird. Als Professor der Literatur ist er eintönig und langweilig; er schlägt sich an Rummidge mit der Zeit in einem ausweglosen Lehrberuf mit wenig Hoffnung auf Beförderung herum, ein Mann, der sich gelangweilt und unvollkommen fühlt als er für seine neuen Abenteuer nach Amerika aufbricht.
Morris Zapp ist dagegen ein dreister, arroganter, lustiger, lüsterner Akademiker, der einen weltweiten Ruf als führender Experte in ausgerechnet den vornehmen Schriften der Jane Austen genießt. Durch einen eleganten kleinen Schubs in die Heuchelei der Literatur zeigt Lodge uns die Tatsache, dass Zapp fünf wissenschaftliche Bücher über Austen geschrieben hat, obwohl er ihre Werke persönlich für langweilig hält. Stinkend nach akademischer Selbstüberschätzung und das Dasein als solch ein unermüdlicher Aufreißer scheint die einzige Möglichkeit für seine unverblümt redende feministische Frau, Désirée, sich von ihm scheiden zu lassen.
Während große Freude darüber genommen wird, die direkte, schonungslose amerikanische Art des hervorragenden und rauen Zapps mit der vornehmen, eher indirekten englischen Art des schüchternen und zurückhaltenden Swallows entgegenzusetzen, scheint Lodge seinen Lesern zu erzählen, dass die englischen Akademien ein paar mehr von freilaufenden Morris Zapp Typen gebrauchen könnten. Tatsächlich sagte Lodge 1985 in einem Interview als er Charakter  Zapp kommentierte „Ich denke es gibt ein klein wenig von Morris Zapp in mir und Ich spreche auf den launigen, aggressiven, energischen Judentypus des amerikanischen Akademikers an. Ich habe immer das Gefühl, dass das Leben doppelt so schnell zu vergehen scheint wenn man in ihrer Begleitung ist.“
= Translation: Changing Places =
Karten des 13. Jahrhunderts zeigten deutlich den Weg zum Paradies, eine Insel östlich von Indien, die so unerreichbar war, dass keiner beweisen konnte, dass es sich um einen Mythos handelt. Die von mittelalterliche Gelehrte durch ''Mappa Mundi'' beschrifteten Ziele erscheinen den heutigen Reisenden lächerlich schlicht. Dennoch setzen wir mehr denn je die leichtgläubige Suche nach unseren idealen verlorenen Paradies fort.
Heute feiert die Rucksackbibel ''Lonely Planet'' ihren 30. Geburtstag, die Suche nach Abenteuer war noch nie soweit verbreitet. Exotische Ziele, unzulänglich für gewöhnliche Familien der 70er sind nun einfach zu erreichen. Ursprünglich war der Wegweiser ein Steuermann für mittellose und kühne Kinder – ein Gegensatz zu dem Luxus des mehr konservativen Urlaubs. Trotzdem wies der bekannte Reiseführer ''Lonely Planet'' durch das Eröffnen solch ferner Ziele die Richtung zum Massenmarkt. Die Verfasser hatten das Glück der Eingebung von Inspiration zu einer Zeit als sich der Markt für Urlaub dramatisch änderte.
'''unsophisticated''' (adjective)
1 not having or showing much experience of the world and social situations<br />
''unsophisticated tastes''<br />
2 simple and basic; not complicated<br />
'''Synonym'''<br />
Crude<br />
''unsophisticated equipment''<br />
'''Helmsman''' (Noun)
a person who steers a boat or ship
'''to alter''' (Verb)
1 [intransitive, transitive] <br />
to become different; to make somebody/something different<br />
''Prices did not alter significantly during 2007.<br />
He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him.''<br />
'''alter somebody/something''' ''It doesn't alter the way I feel.''<br />
''Nothing can ''alter the fact that'' we are to blame.''<br />
''The landscape has been radically altered, severely damaging wildlife.''<br />
''This incident altered the whole course of events.''<br />
2 [transitive] '''alter something''' <br />
to make changes to a piece of clothing so that it will fit you better<br />
''We can have the dress altered to fit you.''

Aktuelle Version vom 21. Februar 2011, 11:42 Uhr

"The next morning, the second and the third solos weren't bad, but the first had that first take magic...I didn't touch it" Dimebag Darrell


Received Pronunciation

  • Also called: Queen's (or King's) English, BBC English
  • Accent of standard english
  • 2% of Britons speak with the RP accent in its purest form
  • 3 different forms of RP:
 Conservative RP: Traditional accent (older speakers with certain social backgrounds)
 General RP: Neutral regarding age, occupation, or lifestyle of the speaker
 Advanced RP: Speech of a younger generation of British speakers

The changes and influence on Englisch

Many people complain that English spoken in Britain changes. In the following the influences and changes shall be discussed: First of all TV has a lot of influence on people. So as the English spoken on TV has changed the language of the people watching TV has changed too. This might be because especially young kids try to adopt their idols' way of talking. A second aspect is that even dictionaries now include the latest slang words. Thirdly Estuary English is slowly replacing RP. Besides people nowadays care less about the way other people speak. Language is fluid, so changes come and go.


Once the professor of physics and scientist Robert H. Goddard said "It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow". He meant if you have a dream and work hard enough for it, you can turn it into reality. You also shouldn't loose your dream in front of your eyes instead keep on working on it that maybe someday you can live your dream.

Volbeat - I only wanna be with you (Dusty Springfield cover)

I don't know what it is that makes me love you so
I only know I never wanna let you go
'cause you started something can't you see
And ever since we met you had a hold on me
It happens to be true
I only wanna be with you

It doesn't really matter what you say or do
I wanna spend each moment of the day with you
Look what has happened with just one kiss
I never knew that I could be in love like this
It's crazy but it's true
I only wanna be with you

I don't know what it is that makes me love you so
I only know I never wanna let you go
'cause you started something can't you see
And ever since we met you had a hold on me
it happens to be true
I only wanna be with you

You stopped and smiled at me
And asked if I'd care to dance
I fell into your open arms and I didn't stand a chance

(Now listen honey) I just wanna be beside you everywhere
As long as we're together honey I don't care
But you started something can't you see
And ever since we met you had a hold on me
It happens to be true
I only wanna be with you
No matter what you do
I only wanna be with you

Analysis of "I only wanna be with you"

Released by British singer Dusty Springfield in 1963
It has since been recorded by many artists and has charted several times
Also by the danish metal band Volbeat in 2005

Formed in Copenhagen in 2001

  • Michael Poulsen - vocals, guitar
  • Thomas Bredahl - guitar
  • Anders Kjølholm - bass
  • Jon Larsen - drums

About a girl, who just met a boy and fell in love with him.
Statement to this person:
The girl wants the boy to know that she loves him although she doesn't know why and she wants to be with him.

5 stanzas:
First 3 stanzas: 6 lines
The 4. stanza: 3 lines
Last stanza: 8 lines
Rhyme scheme: aabbcc -->Couplet
Written in a simple language --> singer want the listener to understand the feelings and the statement

Stylistic Devices:
Repetition: „ I only wanna be with you“ in the end of each stanza except the 4.
--> emphasizes the intention of the singer

Metaphors and Symbols

You are the light that shines in my heart.
My love burns like fire in my heart.
Life is a struggle.
Time is a thief.
Jesus said: "I am the bread of life."

Symbols - expresses
(Red) Rose Love, pain(thorns) Snow white-->Innocence, purity Fire Heat, danger, light


The advert Against Prostitution
question answer
what product? prostitute
aim and target group? men, especially those who pay for sex
elements (description, relation between them?) Picture as main element.
  • background shows a metallic table
  • naked woman as a packaged product
  • woman compared with a product, which everyone can buy
how is "customers'" attention attracted? The customers attention is attracted by an attractive, young, naked woman, who looks desperate.

Another eye-catching point is the white package on the dark background.

message (of text and image)? The slogan says "If you pay a prostitute, you're financing human trading."

--> paying for sex = human trading

how does the advert work, how are people influenced/convinced?
  • advert appeals to the rationality and insight not to tolerate prostitution and to be conscious about the effects
  • message is supported by a strange image and a slogan
  • advert uses customers' wishes, fears, etc. to convince readers with their opinion
  • rhetorical and stylistic devices in language and imagery: comparison, statistics
  • reader is reminded of buying meat


The advert’s product of Luxembourg Government are prostitutes and the target group are men, especially those who pay for sex. It shows a naked woman as a packaged product on a metallic table. She is trapped in this package, which also has a bar code on the right bottom. It symbolizes that the woman is treated like a product though she is still a human being. In addtition she attracts the attention of the viewer with her beauty, nudity and desperate posture, which is similar to the image of jesus hanging on the cross. Another eye-catching point is the white package on the dark, cold background. These contrary colours are used to illustrate the innocence of the woman and the shady side of the world, that women are seen as a product. The message of text and image is that as the slogan says "If you pay a prostitute, you're financing human trading." That means paying for sex is compared with human trading. The advert appeals to the rationality and insight not to tolerate prostitution and to be conscious about the effects. This message is supported by a strange image and a slogan. The rhetorical and stylistic devices,which are used in language and imagery are a comparison between the woman and a product and statistics, written in a real small size on the left bottom of the ad. The whole image reminds the viewer of buying a meat product in the supermarket without the knowledge about its origin.

Changing Places - David Lodge

Changing Places(1975) is first book in a trilogy of campus novels by the British author David Lodge (born 28 January 1935 at Brockley, London, England)

Two main Characters: Personality, Family, Career

Morris Zapp

  • 40 years old
  • professor of English Literature
  • married to Désireé
  • father of two children
  • veteran of long distance flying
  • smoker
  • never left america so far
  • long gorilla-like arms
  • can't swim
  • light-headed
  • exaggerates
  • ambitious (professional killer instinct)

Philipp Swallow

  • 40 years old
  • professor of English Literature
  • married to Hilary Broome
  • father of three children
  • afraid of flying
  • unaccustomed to traveling
  • unconfident
  • infinitely suggestable
  • observes other people
  • conservative/traditional
  • good imagination
  • excited about flying/travelling
  • lack in will and ambition
  • superlative examiner of undergraduates
  • feels sensually underprivileged

University Life and Academical System

Euphoric State University

  • placed in one of the most agreeable environments in the world
  • built itself up into one of America's major universities
  • difficult in persuading members to go to Rummidge
  • not difficult to obtain a bachelor's degree


  • placed in a large, graceless industrial city
  • never been an institution of more than middling size and reputation
  • established an unchallenged supremacy: domestic appliance technology,...
  • competed for the honour to represent Rummidge in Euphoric State
  • competition begins and ends much earlier

Life in the USA vs. Life in Britain


  • exciting lifestyle
  • sunny weather


  • boring lifestyle
  • rains all day

Translation: Changing Places

Lodge wählte bedacht zwei Hauptfiguren um das zu verkörperlichen, was wir teils richtig teils falsch als nationale Charakterzüge des typischen Englischen und Amerikanischen Mannes annehmen. Philip Swallow ist ein vornehmer, sanfter, schüchterner Kerl, der uns als Musterbeispiel eines zuverlässigen Familienvaters, treu zu seiner Frau Hilary und seinen zwei jungen Kindern vorgestellt wird. Als Professor der Literatur ist er eintönig und langweilig; er schlägt sich an Rummidge mit der Zeit in einem ausweglosen Lehrberuf mit wenig Hoffnung auf Beförderung herum, ein Mann, der sich gelangweilt und unvollkommen fühlt als er für seine neuen Abenteuer nach Amerika aufbricht.

Morris Zapp ist dagegen ein dreister, arroganter, lustiger, lüsterner Akademiker, der einen weltweiten Ruf als führender Experte in ausgerechnet den vornehmen Schriften der Jane Austen genießt. Durch einen eleganten kleinen Schubs in die Heuchelei der Literatur zeigt Lodge uns die Tatsache, dass Zapp fünf wissenschaftliche Bücher über Austen geschrieben hat, obwohl er ihre Werke persönlich für langweilig hält. Stinkend nach akademischer Selbstüberschätzung und das Dasein als solch ein unermüdlicher Aufreißer scheint die einzige Möglichkeit für seine unverblümt redende feministische Frau, Désirée, sich von ihm scheiden zu lassen.

Während große Freude darüber genommen wird, die direkte, schonungslose amerikanische Art des hervorragenden und rauen Zapps mit der vornehmen, eher indirekten englischen Art des schüchternen und zurückhaltenden Swallows entgegenzusetzen, scheint Lodge seinen Lesern zu erzählen, dass die englischen Akademien ein paar mehr von freilaufenden Morris Zapp Typen gebrauchen könnten. Tatsächlich sagte Lodge 1985 in einem Interview als er Charakter Zapp kommentierte „Ich denke es gibt ein klein wenig von Morris Zapp in mir und Ich spreche auf den launigen, aggressiven, energischen Judentypus des amerikanischen Akademikers an. Ich habe immer das Gefühl, dass das Leben doppelt so schnell zu vergehen scheint wenn man in ihrer Begleitung ist.“

Translation: Changing Places

Karten des 13. Jahrhunderts zeigten deutlich den Weg zum Paradies, eine Insel östlich von Indien, die so unerreichbar war, dass keiner beweisen konnte, dass es sich um einen Mythos handelt. Die von mittelalterliche Gelehrte durch Mappa Mundi beschrifteten Ziele erscheinen den heutigen Reisenden lächerlich schlicht. Dennoch setzen wir mehr denn je die leichtgläubige Suche nach unseren idealen verlorenen Paradies fort. Heute feiert die Rucksackbibel Lonely Planet ihren 30. Geburtstag, die Suche nach Abenteuer war noch nie soweit verbreitet. Exotische Ziele, unzulänglich für gewöhnliche Familien der 70er sind nun einfach zu erreichen. Ursprünglich war der Wegweiser ein Steuermann für mittellose und kühne Kinder – ein Gegensatz zu dem Luxus des mehr konservativen Urlaubs. Trotzdem wies der bekannte Reiseführer Lonely Planet durch das Eröffnen solch ferner Ziele die Richtung zum Massenmarkt. Die Verfasser hatten das Glück der Eingebung von Inspiration zu einer Zeit als sich der Markt für Urlaub dramatisch änderte.


unsophisticated (adjective)

1 not having or showing much experience of the world and social situations
unsophisticated tastes
2 simple and basic; not complicated
unsophisticated equipment

Helmsman (Noun)

a person who steers a boat or ship

to alter (Verb)

1 [intransitive, transitive]
to become different; to make somebody/something different
Prices did not alter significantly during 2007.
He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him.
alter somebody/something It doesn't alter the way I feel.
Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame.
The landscape has been radically altered, severely damaging wildlife.
This incident altered the whole course of events.
2 [transitive] alter something
to make changes to a piece of clothing so that it will fit you better
We can have the dress altered to fit you.