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(APO 1960)
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[ "höheres gelaber"]
Hi and welcome to my page. My Name is Michael and I'm in the 12th grade of the Regiomontanus Gymnasium Haßfurt. My two Leistungs Kurse are English and History. Well have a nice stay.
Zu meiner Klasse gehts [[11c_2008_09|hier]]!
= Exceptions on Obama =
* [ Hopes]
===English Homework===<span style="color: red"></span>
* [,8599,1866682,00.html Greenhouse and Nature]
This cartoon painted by Cam shows President Bush wearing  a cowboy hat andy cowboy boots <span style="color: red">and</span> riding on a gigantic, very evil-looking creature which has "Iraq war" written on it. Mr. Bush holds his hat in the air as if he wants to say "yihhaa" and says "Four years already?! Boy, time goes by fast when you're havin' fun!",<span style="color: red">(hier fehlt was oder???) </span>the hands of the creature full of blood. With this cartoon the painter wants to show us that a terrible chapter of the history of the USA , the Iraq war, will hopefully end with Mr. Bush's career as president of the USA. He also wants to show that Bush enjoyed fightin against  terror or even enjoyed sending his troops somewhere to kill people, .... but didn't think about ...
<span style="color: red">Missing:</span>
[ Sound English]
* <span style="color: red">size of monster compared to that of small rider - he thinks he controls his mount ...</span>
* <span style="color: red">why is Bush shown as a cowboy? - Explain!</span>
* <span style="color: red">monster: skull as face .. how has it become so fat? <= has drunk a lot of blood ... si satisfied, smiles!
To see what I changed, klick on Versionen/Autoren at the top of this page. Then compare versions .... [[Benutzer:Theli34|Theli34]] 15:26, 16. Okt. 2008 (UTC)
=Love Symbols=
===English Homework #2 17.12.08===
*Rose = beautiful <-> can hurt
4. On argument for the statment that woman use there tears as weopons is, that even young girls who want to get something and dont start crying and in most of the cases after starting to cry get what they want. My little sister often wants to stay out of her bed as long as possible everytime my parents want her to go in bed she starts crying and makes them let her stay.
*fairytale = such unbelivable
*sleeping till 12 = recovering
*ocean = deep & beautiful
*fish = shining but not easy to hold, cold
*accident = happens without warning can leave wounds
*schoklate = sweet but makes fat
Another point which supports the these that woman use there tears was weopons is, that woman if someone breaks off with them start crying to convince  ( nein das soll jetz nicht negative sein oder wie auch immer man das verstehen kann x)) her (ex) boy/girl-friend not to break off with her. Most times the fell sorry and thinks one more time about what he / she's going to do or not to do.
=Brain Structure vs. Enviroment=
The education forms the brain because girls play with barbies & boys with trucks so the brain destroyes the unnecessary Parts.
== SMAUG ==
Structures of brains are innate. That's the reason why we dont have 10000000 einsteins. Brain differences can't be explained with social or environmental reasons.
    * colour: red-golden
    * very strong skin but one weak point at his chest
    * has an giantic treasure
    * hates the people of Laketown and dwarves
    * didn't know hobbits bevore
    * is very popular
    * really old  
{| class="prettytable sortable"
    * can smell and hear very well
|+ The advert Adidas [ Impossible is Nothing] in China ...
    * has never been robbed before
|- style="background: #DDFFDD;"
    * can fly
! question
    * can speak
! answer
    * is funny and collects stamps
    * can spit fire
|what product?
    * likes riddles
|support of Chinese athlets at olympics
    * intelligent and insidious
    * dangerous and cruel
|aim and target group?
    * leaves the mountain rarely
|chinese people ( normal people )
    * wants revenge for being robed
    * the last of the great dragons
|elements (description, relation between them?
    * calls himself the true king under the mountain
|captain of the soccer national team of china who is supported / heald up by the Chinese people while doing a crowd dive by trying to get the ball
    * attacked important cities like Haßfurt, Reyneys House and Thal
by Eddie, Max und Michi und Stephan
|how is "customers'" attention attracted?
|player is in colores while people are black and white and with him trying to head the ball somewhere
|message (of text and image)?
|text => to remind when to support ;image => who to support
|how does the advert work, how are people influenced/conviced?
*advert appeals to the customers patriotism
*message is supported by the heavy contrast between the grey people and the colord player
*advert uses customers' wish to have national success
*rhetorical and stylistic devices in language and imagery: "impossible is nothing" => pretty bad starting position of the Chinese soccer team can have success if they are supported -> douple negative
Advertising works pretty easy, in the following I will show you how.
In the ad of adidas for the olympic games in 2008 shows a soccer player with a red trikot who's trying to do a header with a red ball carried by a grey crowd of chinese people. Beside the player is a text in chinese and english it sais:"2008;Impossible is Nothing". In the right upper corner there are two symbols, one for the Olympic games in Pejing and one for Adidas. The first thing a viewer notice is the Captain of the National soccer team of China Zhen Zi. He's noticed firsted because of the heavy contrast between him being red and the people holding him up being grey. Secondly the viewer notices the text "2008; Impossible is Nothing" which should make the Chines people support their athelts at the olypmic games, becaus the soccer team isn't really the best in the world but with the support of the people it can even beat other teams who acctualy are better than it. After reading the text you notice the crowd supporting Zhen-Zi. It stands for the whole Chinese people who should support their athlets. If you look at the ad a little longer not just by going by you can notice the little Bejing 2008 and Adidas symbol which should tell the viewer what this ad is about and who it did.
==Romeo & Juliet==
seems like old capulet wants to finish this fast as possible
his mood and plan appears pretty unplaned & sponanious
that she has to get away from her parents or marrie the noble man
-> juliet not there -> marrie this guy <-> married with romeo
seems like romeos uses very teatralic etc language but juliet speak - imo - pretty normal
Gebildete Menschen haben angefangen Shakespeare als einen "Mann des Theaters, der Stücke eher als Auftritte als für Universitäts Studien schreibt, behandeln.
The woman #5 is very good looking but seems to be very alone close-lipped she seems to be very shy
she's got long brown hair & a pigtail. She looks very sad - maybe because she's lonely.
=Changing Places Pres=
The novel Changing Places was written by David Lodge in 1975. It tells the story of 2 academics from GB and the USA who change their places for 6 months. They are both at the age of 40 but dont got anything else smilare but get along with their new situation well and both have affairs with the others wife the book ends with the both couples meeting in a hotel telling each other the truth.
=Two  main Characters: Personality, Family, Career=
{| width="99%"
| style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin: 0; margin-right:10px; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
== Morris Zapp ==
* 40 years old
* smoker
* he never left america so far
* long gorilla-like arms
* professor of English
* cannot swim
* light-headed
* veteran of long distance flying
* he exaggerates
* he's got a wife
| width="50%" style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin:0;  border:1px solid #dfdfdf; padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em;
background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
== Philipp Swallow==
* afraid of flying
* 40 years old
* unaccustomed to traveling
* unconfident
* infinitely suggestable
* observes other people
* conservative/traditional
* married too
* good imagination
* professor of English
* excited about flying/travelling
=University Life and Academical System=
{| width="99%"
| style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin: 0; margin-right:10px; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
== Euphoric State University ==
* profs get paid pretty good
* Exchange programm with Rummidge
* one of America's major universities
| width="50%" style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin:0;  border:1px solid #dfdfdf; padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em;
background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
== Rummidge ==
* industrial city in the English Midlands
* exchange programm with Euphoric State University
* profs get paid bad
=Life in the USA vs. Life in Britain=
{| width="99%"
| style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin: 0; margin-right:10px; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
== USA ==
* easier school system even german "hauptschüler" do something thats called study too
* violent country
* revolts on the universitie
| width="50%" style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin:0;  border:1px solid #dfdfdf; padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em;
background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
* hard school system
* weather sucks
* high language
Die zwei Hauptpersonen sind von Lodge schlau herangezogen um zu personifizieren was wir als, ob das richtig oder falsch ist, national Charaktereigencchaften eines typischen Engländers oder Amerikaners erachten. Philip Swallow ist ein höflicher, mild-gesitteter, zaghafter Gefährte, der uns als ein Paradebeispiel des festen Familienmannes, der sich seiner Frau Hilary und ihren zwei kleinen Kindern widmet, vorgestellt wird. Als ein Professor der Literatur ist sein leben grau
und nicht aufregend; er hat seine Zeit in Rummidge in einem Job der sich als Sackgasse herausstellte verbracht, mit nur wenig Hoffnung auf Beförderung, ein Mann, der sich langweilig und unerfüllt fühlt, als er auf seine neuen Abenteuern nach Amerika aufbricht.
=AußerParlamentarische Opposition=
[ APO #1]
[ APO#2]
==Allgemeine Informationen==
*keine Vertretung im Parlament (ob gewollt oder ungewollt)
*keine Parteizugehörigkeit
*Äußerung in Kunst & Musik
*Legitimation durch Versammlungsfreiheit
==APO 1960==
*Wichtigste APO: 68er-Bewegung
*Mitglieder überwiegend "junge" Menschen (Studenten)
*Entwicklung auf Grund von "Notstandsgesetzgebung" ==> Begünstigung der APO
*Kritik an Verdrängung der Nazi-Verbrechen
*Protest gegen Atomare Aufrüstung und Vietnamkrieg
*Ausweitung der Kritik auf Gesellschaftssystem
*2.Juni 1967 zunehmende militantisierung der APO
*1969 kaum mehr nennenswerte Rolle

Aktuelle Version vom 9. Februar 2011, 09:11 Uhr

Hi and welcome to my page. My Name is Michael and I'm in the 12th grade of the Regiomontanus Gymnasium Haßfurt. My two Leistungs Kurse are English and History. Well have a nice stay.


Exceptions on Obama

Sound English


Love Symbols

  • Rose = beautiful <-> can hurt
  • fairytale = such unbelivable
  • sleeping till 12 = recovering
  • ocean = deep & beautiful
  • fish = shining but not easy to hold, cold
  • accident = happens without warning can leave wounds
  • schoklate = sweet but makes fat

Brain Structure vs. Enviroment

The education forms the brain because girls play with barbies & boys with trucks so the brain destroyes the unnecessary Parts.

Structures of brains are innate. That's the reason why we dont have 10000000 einsteins. Brain differences can't be explained with social or environmental reasons.




The advert Adidas Impossible is Nothing in China ...
question answer
what product? support of Chinese athlets at olympics
aim and target group? chinese people ( normal people )
elements (description, relation between them? captain of the soccer national team of china who is supported / heald up by the Chinese people while doing a crowd dive by trying to get the ball
how is "customers'" attention attracted? player is in colores while people are black and white and with him trying to head the ball somewhere
message (of text and image)? text => to remind when to support ;image => who to support
how does the advert work, how are people influenced/conviced?
  • advert appeals to the customers patriotism
  • message is supported by the heavy contrast between the grey people and the colord player
  • advert uses customers' wish to have national success
  • rhetorical and stylistic devices in language and imagery: "impossible is nothing" => pretty bad starting position of the Chinese soccer team can have success if they are supported -> douple negative


Advertising works pretty easy, in the following I will show you how.

In the ad of adidas for the olympic games in 2008 shows a soccer player with a red trikot who's trying to do a header with a red ball carried by a grey crowd of chinese people. Beside the player is a text in chinese and english it sais:"2008;Impossible is Nothing". In the right upper corner there are two symbols, one for the Olympic games in Pejing and one for Adidas. The first thing a viewer notice is the Captain of the National soccer team of China Zhen Zi. He's noticed firsted because of the heavy contrast between him being red and the people holding him up being grey. Secondly the viewer notices the text "2008; Impossible is Nothing" which should make the Chines people support their athelts at the olypmic games, becaus the soccer team isn't really the best in the world but with the support of the people it can even beat other teams who acctualy are better than it. After reading the text you notice the crowd supporting Zhen-Zi. It stands for the whole Chinese people who should support their athlets. If you look at the ad a little longer not just by going by you can notice the little Bejing 2008 and Adidas symbol which should tell the viewer what this ad is about and who it did.


Romeo & Juliet

seems like old capulet wants to finish this fast as possible his mood and plan appears pretty unplaned & sponanious that she has to get away from her parents or marrie the noble man

-> juliet not there -> marrie this guy <-> married with romeo

seems like romeos uses very teatralic etc language but juliet speak - imo - pretty normal


Gebildete Menschen haben angefangen Shakespeare als einen "Mann des Theaters, der Stücke eher als Auftritte als für Universitäts Studien schreibt, behandeln.


The woman #5 is very good looking but seems to be very alone close-lipped she seems to be very shy she's got long brown hair & a pigtail. She looks very sad - maybe because she's lonely.

Changing Places Pres

The novel Changing Places was written by David Lodge in 1975. It tells the story of 2 academics from GB and the USA who change their places for 6 months. They are both at the age of 40 but dont got anything else smilare but get along with their new situation well and both have affairs with the others wife the book ends with the both couples meeting in a hotel telling each other the truth.

Two main Characters: Personality, Family, Career

Morris Zapp

  • 40 years old
  • smoker
  • he never left america so far
  • long gorilla-like arms
  • professor of English
  • cannot swim
  • light-headed
  • veteran of long distance flying
  • he exaggerates
  • he's got a wife

Philipp Swallow

  • afraid of flying
  • 40 years old
  • unaccustomed to traveling
  • unconfident
  • infinitely suggestable
  • observes other people
  • conservative/traditional
  • married too
  • good imagination
  • professor of English
  • excited about flying/travelling

University Life and Academical System

Euphoric State University

  • profs get paid pretty good
  • Exchange programm with Rummidge
  • one of America's major universities


  • industrial city in the English Midlands
  • exchange programm with Euphoric State University
  • profs get paid bad

Life in the USA vs. Life in Britain


  • easier school system even german "hauptschüler" do something thats called study too
  • violent country
  • revolts on the universitie


  • hard school system
  • weather sucks
  • high language


Die zwei Hauptpersonen sind von Lodge schlau herangezogen um zu personifizieren was wir als, ob das richtig oder falsch ist, national Charaktereigencchaften eines typischen Engländers oder Amerikaners erachten. Philip Swallow ist ein höflicher, mild-gesitteter, zaghafter Gefährte, der uns als ein Paradebeispiel des festen Familienmannes, der sich seiner Frau Hilary und ihren zwei kleinen Kindern widmet, vorgestellt wird. Als ein Professor der Literatur ist sein leben grau

und nicht aufregend; er hat seine Zeit in Rummidge in einem Job der sich als Sackgasse herausstellte verbracht, mit nur wenig Hoffnung auf Beförderung, ein Mann, der sich langweilig und unerfüllt fühlt, als er auf seine neuen Abenteuern nach Amerika aufbricht.

AußerParlamentarische Opposition

APO #1 APO#2

Allgemeine Informationen

  • keine Vertretung im Parlament (ob gewollt oder ungewollt)
  • keine Parteizugehörigkeit
  • Äußerung in Kunst & Musik
  • Legitimation durch Versammlungsfreiheit

APO 1960

  • Wichtigste APO: 68er-Bewegung
  • Mitglieder überwiegend "junge" Menschen (Studenten)
  • Entwicklung auf Grund von "Notstandsgesetzgebung" ==> Begünstigung der APO
  • Kritik an Verdrängung der Nazi-Verbrechen
  • Protest gegen Atomare Aufrüstung und Vietnamkrieg
  • Ausweitung der Kritik auf Gesellschaftssystem
  • 2.Juni 1967 zunehmende militantisierung der APO
  • 1969 kaum mehr nennenswerte Rolle