Benutzer:Müller Dominik: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(12 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 2 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 160: Zeile 160:
In the beginning Romeo is confused about the love to Rosaline. He speaks about that the love is making him sick and sad. But later he tells the audience, that there is only one love for him named Rosaline. " She is the all seing sun......" , which shows how deep he fell in love with her.
In the beginning Romeo is confused about the love to Rosaline. He speaks about that the love is making him sick and sad. But later he tells the audience, that there is only one love for him named Rosaline. " She is the all seing sun......" , which shows how deep he fell in love with her.
But later on in the 1 act his character changed. When first seeing Juliet he fell in love with her and it seems as he forgot Rosaline. He is so enthusiastic of Juliets beautiness and it seems as he never loved a girl before ( " Did I ever loved a girl?")
But later on in the 1 act his character changed. When first seeing Juliet he fell in love with her and it seems as he forgot Rosaline. He is so enthusiastic of Juliets beautiness and it seems as he never loved a girl before ( " Did I ever loved a girl?")
=New homework 21.06.2010 (feelings towars paris=
is not sure if its time to marry because its still on thursday and he wont argue against his dad, ( only marries because his dad want him to marry )  he is unsure of the wedding because he just said he is in love with her so that she won't cry any more because of Tybalt ( he's a "lügner")
notes for characterization: unsure, worried,
=Two  main Characters: Personality, Family, Career=
{| width="99%"
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<div style="margin: 0; margin-right:10px; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
== Morris Zapp ==
* 40 years old
* smoker
* he never left america so far
* long gorilla-like arms
* professor of English
* cannot swim
* light-headed
* veteran of long distance flying
* he exaggerates
* he's got a wife
| width="50%" style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin:0;  border:1px solid #dfdfdf; padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em;
background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
== Philipp Swallow==
* afraid of flying
* 40 years old
* unaccustomed to traveling
* unconfident
* infinitely suggestable
* observes other people
* conservative/traditional
* married too
* good imagination
* professor of English
* excited about flying/travelling
=University Life and Academical System=
{| width="99%"
| style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin: 0; margin-right:10px; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
== Euphoric State University ==
* teachers do not want to teach in GB
* have exchange programm with Rummidge
* major university
| width="50%" style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin:0;  border:1px solid #dfdfdf; padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em;
background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
== Rummidge ==
* industrial city
* university of middle size
* exchange with euphoric State University
=Life in the USA vs. Life in Britain=
{| width="99%"
| style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin: 0; margin-right:10px; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
== USA ==
* violent country
* life like in film: lots of alcohol, swimming pool, always sunny
| width="50%" style="vertical-align:top" |
<div style="margin:0;  border:1px solid #dfdfdf; padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em;
background-color:#F5F5F5; align:left;">
* talk in strange voice (high, twittering)
* rainy weather
* its difficult in school
=The Jedi religion also called Jediism=
The Jedi Church believes that there is one powerful force that binds all things in the universe together. The Jedi religion is something inside everyone of us. the Jedi Church believes that our sense of morality is innate. So quiet your mind and listen to the force within you!
I think that they must have lightsabers and robes in their religious equipment.
=The Church of Ed Wood – Woodism=
They are an internet church that practices Woodism. Woodism is a pop-culture-based religion created in 1996 by Reverend Steve Galindo. .they use films to inject spirituality into those who get little fulfillment from more mainstream religions like Christianity. By looking  films and his life, they learn to lead happy, positive lives. This religion is registered and official. Woodists at their gatherings always dress up as opposite genre and indulge their desires, because Ed Wood loved transvestites and engaged them in his movies. There is always a lot of alcohol at these gatherings and I suppose orgies until dawn
= Text =
What different ideas of God are described in the text? <br />
What effects do these concepts have on Amercans' private and political views? <br />
The Authoritative God: <br />
one engaged in history and meting out harsh punishment to those who do not follow him. About 28% of the nation shares this view,  <br />
The Benevolent God.  <br />
This God is engaged in our world and loves and supports us in caring for others, a vision shared by 22% of Americans <br />
The Critical God <br />
The poor, the suffering and the exploited in this world often believe in a Critical God who keeps an eye on this world but delivers justice in the next. <br />
More working-class people! <br />
The Distant God <br />
Though about 5% of Americans are atheists or agnostics, Baylor found that nearly one in four (24%) see a Distant God that booted up the universe, then left humanity alone. <br />
This doesn't mean that such people have no religion. It's the dominant view of Jews and other followers of world religions and philosophies such as Buddhism or Hinduism. <br />
They identify more with the spiritual and speak of the unknowable God. <br />
<br />
Morality. People with an Authoritative God are about three times more likely to say homosexuality is a choice, not an inborn trait, than those who see a Distant God — affecting their views on gay rights, particularly on marriage and adoption. <br />
<br />
Science. Those who see God as engaged in daily life (authoritative or benevolent) are nearly twice as likely as those whose God is critical or distant to say that God often performs miracles that defy the laws of nature. <br />
<br />
Money. "We are all values and pocketbook voters now," the Baylor sociologists write. "In general, your values reflect your God and your God reflects your pocketbook." <br />
=An old plan...=
Nach Bushs Plan würde die Regierung eine nationale Grenze der Emissionen von Schwefeldioxid setzen, was eine Hauptursache des sauren Regens ist. Aber anstatt vorzuschreiben, wie das Ziel zu erreichen ist, würde die Regierung den Markt ermitteln lassen, welcher der günstigste und effizienteste Weg ist , um die Arbeit zu erledigen. Jedem Unternehmen würde ein akzeptables Niveau der SO2-Produktion zugeteilt werden ,  bezüglich/in Höhe seines fairen Anteils an der nationalen Grenze. Wenn ein Unternehmen es schafft, weniger als ihren Anteil zu verschmutzen, könnte es Zertifikate erhalten, die diesen Rückstand/Defizit darstellen, welche man an Firmen verkaufen könnte, die ihr Ziel nicht erreichen konnten. Das ist, wo die Macht der Gier ins Spiel kommt: Unternehmen hätten so einen enormen Anreiz, ihre Emissionen zu senken, sodass sie vom hausieren ihrer überschüssigen Zertifikate profitieren.
Selbst die passioniertesten Anwälte die von Anfang an anerkannten, dass ein Markt, der unter den Verschmutzungsrechten steht, eine immense Herausforderung darbietet, vor allem wegen der Schwierigkeit sicher zu gehen, dass Unternehmen ausreichend legale Zertifikate haben, um ihre Verschmutzung abzudecken.
=Man is the measure of all things=
A lot of people in todays society believe, that men are the measure of all things.
They think that men can handle things better than woman and that only men can reach things like having a good job or earn a lot of money. In most opinions woman are only on earth to be a good wife or a good mother and keep the household clean.
The idea of man, being better than wife is  reality,  but only if we are in 1920. There has been a development in being a woman since the late 1960’s. To that time company’s give woman the opportunity to get a better job, not only to work on the machine even to have a better job like to be a sectretary in an office.
The best example that not only man are the measure of all things is in Germany. The first time in History of Germany a woman ist he chancelor. Angela Merkel has been elected in 2005 with 397 out of 611 voices. Nobody thought that a woman could be Germany’s next Chancelor.
Another example is the fact, that in the last years more and more men help their woman in their household or to  look after the children if their wife wants to go out. Even after a pregnancy men stay at home and take the  parental leave so that the woman can go to their job in office for example.
All in all you can say that men are not the measure of all things. There has been a development and woman are treated better in society than 50 years ago. They are treated with more respect and in their Jobs they are seen as the men. In some jobs the woman do their work better than their opponents, for example as a secretary, because woman know how to talk in a telephone call to convince a possible client/consumer
=Questions on the text=
How does Krauthammer structure the text …?
1. First he explains the difference between necessities with a nice example,
2. Then he introduces a sense of fear to the readers. To create such an atmosphere he gives an example of what will happen  in the ecosystem, if the crises of the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion goes on. (line25-29)
3. Then he tries to make the people think about the war in the Middle West by mentioning  that drilling for oil in Alaska could disturb the caribou breeding grounds.
4. In the end he tries to convince the audience that a human conflict can only end by sacrificing the live of an animal. ( line, 84)
5. Then he is saying that the nature is only there fort he man , for nothing else what means, that there should be noch chance for animals to live there. (line,92)
What devices and strategies are used to convince the reader ?
The strategie of Krauthammer is, to make the people think about what they have done/ will do relative to the environment.
In my opinion he is not trying to convince the people, the problem ist hat he thinks that every person in the world is thinking as he do.

Aktuelle Version vom 10. Februar 2011, 00:05 Uhr


Table of contence

About me

My name is Domink Müller and I live in Eltmann. I would like it best to go to school 12 hours a day, 7 days a week;) My favourite teacher: Of course the funny Mr.Thelenberg ( Wurzelimperium and so on)

Obama ( what people think what will happen at the end of obama's period as president)) ( what the world expect from obama)

Elections in Germany

I think it was a good choice to vote for the Union in coalition with the FDP

Here you can see some information about the Bundestagswahl 2009

See You

Homework 26th november

Estuary English


Standard English spoken with the accent of the southeast of England. The name comes from the area around the Thames Estuary. Especially young people speak it. Many people consider it as the working class accent.


Estuary English is characterised by the following features:

  • Non-rhoticity
  • Use of intrusive R.
  • A broad A (ɑː) in words such as bath, grass, laugh, etc.

Listening Example estuary English

How has the attitude to using and broadcasting non RP-varities of English developed?

A few years ago, when they introduce a new word, those words were seen as dumb or as ugly. For example they spoke in an upper-class accent but now they use new words, which seemed to be fantastic creations.No theres no more problem if a radio speaker or a Tv moderator speaks a accent.

Razorlight wire to wire

Razorlight Wire toWire

What is love but the strangest of feelings? A sin you swallow for the rest of your life? You've been looking for someone to believe in To love you, until your eyes run dry

She lives on disillusion road We go where the wild blood flows On our bodies we share the same scar Love me, wherever you are

How do you love with a fate full of rust? How do you turn what the savage take? You've been looking for someone you can trust To love you, again and again

How do you love in a house without feelings? How do you turn what that savage take? I've been looking for someone to believe in Love me, again and again

She lives by disillusions glow We go where the wild blood flows On our bodies, we share the same scar

How do you love on a night without feelings? She says "love, I hear sound, I see fury" She says "love's not a hostile condition" Love me, wherever you are

Love me, wherever you are Love me, wherever you are Wherever you are

Maybe about a girl and a boy who live in a world full of hatred and darkness (We go where the wild blood flows). They had often disillusions with girlfriends/boyfriends, because love doesn´t count much for the other people in that world. And now the girl and the boy meet each other and discover that they are the only two people in that fucking world who can really love deeply (How do you love on a night without feelings?). The girl seems to be more optimistic as the boy (How do you love on a night without feelings? She says �love, I hear sound, I see fury� She says �love�s not a hostile condition�) but then he falls in love, too (Love me, wherever you are) Maybe that questions implies that they haven´t found each other yet, don´t know...

Love Symbols

  • Your eyes are blue like the sky.

good weather makes me happy, beauty of blue sky

  • If you smile, it`s like the sun goes up.

great feeling to se the sun go up,

  • Spending time with you is like to be on cloud 7.

being on cloud 7 is unimaginable to have such a girl

  • As God made the stars he put one in your eyes.

shining of the stars, she has something supernatural,she is the only shining thing in darkness

  • Did it hurt as you fell from heaven?

she is like an angel but has no more wings since being on earth, seems to be perfect

Question 4: Which of her claims/theses do you find unconvincing or even wrong ?

In my eyes not every claim of the author is convincing. For example the thesis that boys would take the "sudden death" exams. It`s true that there are boys who take risks but there are also boys who can also work constantly as girls do. I think it's a lie that more and more boys give up school because of their macho behaviour, because I think that it depends on what the boy is willing to learn and not how he behave.

The advert xy ...
question answer
what product? JBS underwear for men
aim and target group? Target group: for men

aim: to make the men buy their product

elements (description, relation between them? sexy woman sitting on the toilet, nearly naked just wearing a men`s underwear,hands a sport magazine, looking at the viewer if this advert, in the left corner:men don`t want to look at naked men,breasts are hidden from their long hairs, in the right corner the logo of the advert (jbs underwear)
how is "customers'" attention attracted? with a sexy young woman
message (of text and image)? Men don`t want to look at naked men.

Men think girls would be more interested in them if they wear those underwear,

how does the advert work, how are people influenced/conviced?
  • advert appeals to men
  • message is supported by showing the viewer a naked woman
  • advert uses customers' wishes, fears, etc. to get such a woman
  • rhetorical and stylistic devices in language and imagery: with the phrase
  • reader makes associations with/is reminded of Jbs underwear


The advert from JBS underwear attracts the attention of men, because with this advert they want the man to buy their underwear.There is a young, sexy girl sitting on a toilet seat,almost naked just wearing a JBS pants which is hanging between their thin legs.Her boobs are only hidden by their long brown hairs.In her hands she has got a sports magazine and she is looking very sexy to the viewer of this advert, with a open mouth ( a bit) and she is looking directly to the viewer. In the left corner there is a little sentence: "Men don't want to look at naked men".This sentence will get more attention by men as by women because it's a fact that boys don't want to look at other naked boys (only if they are gay). Perhaps men think, if they would buy such a short girls like her would find them more attractive. As a result you can say that this advert succeeds and if it gets enough attention especially men will buy JBS underwear.



  • Tone : to adapt the sound of your voice according to the play
  • Volume : to speak clear that everyone can understand what you say
  • Pitch : describes how high or low your voice sounds
  • Pace : speaking in the right speed
  • Clarity : speaking clear

Spoken language:

  • Language registers : formal and informal language
  • Verse : special kind of construction of a drama
  • Shakespearean language : reflect shakespearean times
  • Slang : use the right language of the time the drama plays in

Characerization of Romeo

Romeo shows two diferent characters in the 1 Act. In the beginning Romeo is confused about the love to Rosaline. He speaks about that the love is making him sick and sad. But later he tells the audience, that there is only one love for him named Rosaline. " She is the all seing sun......" , which shows how deep he fell in love with her. But later on in the 1 act his character changed. When first seeing Juliet he fell in love with her and it seems as he forgot Rosaline. He is so enthusiastic of Juliets beautiness and it seems as he never loved a girl before ( " Did I ever loved a girl?")

New homework 21.06.2010 (feelings towars paris

is not sure if its time to marry because its still on thursday and he wont argue against his dad, ( only marries because his dad want him to marry ) he is unsure of the wedding because he just said he is in love with her so that she won't cry any more because of Tybalt ( he's a "lügner") notes for characterization: unsure, worried,

Two main Characters: Personality, Family, Career

Morris Zapp

  • 40 years old
  • smoker
  • he never left america so far
  • long gorilla-like arms
  • professor of English
  • cannot swim
  • light-headed
  • veteran of long distance flying
  • he exaggerates
  • he's got a wife

Philipp Swallow

  • afraid of flying
  • 40 years old
  • unaccustomed to traveling
  • unconfident
  • infinitely suggestable
  • observes other people
  • conservative/traditional
  • married too
  • good imagination
  • professor of English
  • excited about flying/travelling

University Life and Academical System

Euphoric State University

  • teachers do not want to teach in GB
  • have exchange programm with Rummidge
  • major university


  • industrial city
  • university of middle size
  • exchange with euphoric State University

Life in the USA vs. Life in Britain


  • violent country
  • life like in film: lots of alcohol, swimming pool, always sunny


  • talk in strange voice (high, twittering)
  • rainy weather
  • its difficult in school

The Jedi religion also called Jediism

The Jedi Church believes that there is one powerful force that binds all things in the universe together. The Jedi religion is something inside everyone of us. the Jedi Church believes that our sense of morality is innate. So quiet your mind and listen to the force within you!

I think that they must have lightsabers and robes in their religious equipment.

The Church of Ed Wood – Woodism

They are an internet church that practices Woodism. Woodism is a pop-culture-based religion created in 1996 by Reverend Steve Galindo. .they use films to inject spirituality into those who get little fulfillment from more mainstream religions like Christianity. By looking films and his life, they learn to lead happy, positive lives. This religion is registered and official. Woodists at their gatherings always dress up as opposite genre and indulge their desires, because Ed Wood loved transvestites and engaged them in his movies. There is always a lot of alcohol at these gatherings and I suppose orgies until dawn


What different ideas of God are described in the text?
What effects do these concepts have on Amercans' private and political views?
The Authoritative God:
one engaged in history and meting out harsh punishment to those who do not follow him. About 28% of the nation shares this view,
The Benevolent God.
This God is engaged in our world and loves and supports us in caring for others, a vision shared by 22% of Americans
The Critical God
The poor, the suffering and the exploited in this world often believe in a Critical God who keeps an eye on this world but delivers justice in the next.
More working-class people!
The Distant God
Though about 5% of Americans are atheists or agnostics, Baylor found that nearly one in four (24%) see a Distant God that booted up the universe, then left humanity alone.
This doesn't mean that such people have no religion. It's the dominant view of Jews and other followers of world religions and philosophies such as Buddhism or Hinduism.
They identify more with the spiritual and speak of the unknowable God.

Morality. People with an Authoritative God are about three times more likely to say homosexuality is a choice, not an inborn trait, than those who see a Distant God — affecting their views on gay rights, particularly on marriage and adoption.

Science. Those who see God as engaged in daily life (authoritative or benevolent) are nearly twice as likely as those whose God is critical or distant to say that God often performs miracles that defy the laws of nature.

Money. "We are all values and pocketbook voters now," the Baylor sociologists write. "In general, your values reflect your God and your God reflects your pocketbook."

An old plan...

Nach Bushs Plan würde die Regierung eine nationale Grenze der Emissionen von Schwefeldioxid setzen, was eine Hauptursache des sauren Regens ist. Aber anstatt vorzuschreiben, wie das Ziel zu erreichen ist, würde die Regierung den Markt ermitteln lassen, welcher der günstigste und effizienteste Weg ist , um die Arbeit zu erledigen. Jedem Unternehmen würde ein akzeptables Niveau der SO2-Produktion zugeteilt werden , bezüglich/in Höhe seines fairen Anteils an der nationalen Grenze. Wenn ein Unternehmen es schafft, weniger als ihren Anteil zu verschmutzen, könnte es Zertifikate erhalten, die diesen Rückstand/Defizit darstellen, welche man an Firmen verkaufen könnte, die ihr Ziel nicht erreichen konnten. Das ist, wo die Macht der Gier ins Spiel kommt: Unternehmen hätten so einen enormen Anreiz, ihre Emissionen zu senken, sodass sie vom hausieren ihrer überschüssigen Zertifikate profitieren. Selbst die passioniertesten Anwälte die von Anfang an anerkannten, dass ein Markt, der unter den Verschmutzungsrechten steht, eine immense Herausforderung darbietet, vor allem wegen der Schwierigkeit sicher zu gehen, dass Unternehmen ausreichend legale Zertifikate haben, um ihre Verschmutzung abzudecken.

Man is the measure of all things

A lot of people in todays society believe, that men are the measure of all things. They think that men can handle things better than woman and that only men can reach things like having a good job or earn a lot of money. In most opinions woman are only on earth to be a good wife or a good mother and keep the household clean. The idea of man, being better than wife is reality, but only if we are in 1920. There has been a development in being a woman since the late 1960’s. To that time company’s give woman the opportunity to get a better job, not only to work on the machine even to have a better job like to be a sectretary in an office. The best example that not only man are the measure of all things is in Germany. The first time in History of Germany a woman ist he chancelor. Angela Merkel has been elected in 2005 with 397 out of 611 voices. Nobody thought that a woman could be Germany’s next Chancelor. Another example is the fact, that in the last years more and more men help their woman in their household or to look after the children if their wife wants to go out. Even after a pregnancy men stay at home and take the parental leave so that the woman can go to their job in office for example. All in all you can say that men are not the measure of all things. There has been a development and woman are treated better in society than 50 years ago. They are treated with more respect and in their Jobs they are seen as the men. In some jobs the woman do their work better than their opponents, for example as a secretary, because woman know how to talk in a telephone call to convince a possible client/consumer

Questions on the text

How does Krauthammer structure the text …?

1. First he explains the difference between necessities with a nice example, 2. Then he introduces a sense of fear to the readers. To create such an atmosphere he gives an example of what will happen in the ecosystem, if the crises of the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion goes on. (line25-29) 3. Then he tries to make the people think about the war in the Middle West by mentioning that drilling for oil in Alaska could disturb the caribou breeding grounds. 4. In the end he tries to convince the audience that a human conflict can only end by sacrificing the live of an animal. ( line, 84) 5. Then he is saying that the nature is only there fort he man , for nothing else what means, that there should be noch chance for animals to live there. (line,92)

What devices and strategies are used to convince the reader ?

The strategie of Krauthammer is, to make the people think about what they have done/ will do relative to the environment. In my opinion he is not trying to convince the people, the problem ist hat he thinks that every person in the world is thinking as he do.